Thursday, February 4, 2021


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Beowulf. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Beowulf paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Beowulf, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Beowulf paper at affordable prices!

Throughout the story of Beowulf, Beowulf must endure many battles against monsters who terrorize different kingdoms. The first monster he fights is Grendel, a monster from hell who is terrorizing the kingdom of his neighboring country, Denmark. Next, he fights Grendel's mother who is the same type of hell demon who is mad because he kills her son. Finally, he has to slay a dragon that is wreaking havoc throughout his own kingdom. With each of these battles he seems to take something away, not a physical boon, but something more important. With each battle Beowulf fights, he achieves a clearer understanding of himself as a warrior, and his role in the rest of society.

In the beginning of the story, Beowulf is in Geatland and goes to fight Grendel in Denmark when he learns that he has been destroying their kingdom for twelve years. While it might at first seem that Beowulf's motives for helping Denmark are altruistic, he goes to fulfill the need to prove himself. Beowulf has always been thought of as the least tough warrior and he needs to improve his status. He fights Grendel wanting to prove himself and is successful. After he kills Grendel, there is a great feast for him where he greatly rewarded and praised. He succeeds in his quest for status and feels he has completed his mission. However, after the battle he does recog

Later, Beowulf's feelings towards his success change to more of a sense of duty and he gains a better understanding of…. One of the many things Beowulf was honored with a special chamber to sleep in set apart from the rest of his men. In the night, Grendel's mother comes and attacks the kingdom, but at first Beowulf does not come to their aid because he was secluded from the rest of the kingdom. He feels guilty that he let his guard down and also feels like he is partly responsible for this attack because he wasn't there to stop it. The sense of duty he gains comes from this guilt. Beowulf acts on new understanding of his said responsibilities when he goes to fight Grendel's mom. This time he is not so arrogant and wants to kill Grendel's mom because he feels it is his duty. This is exemplified in the epic poem when Beowulf says he must fight Grendel's mom on his own. While this might seem more arrogant he does this because he does not want to put his men in danger a second time. Another way Beowulf matures while preparing to battle Grendel's mom is when he talks about the possibility he might die. This shows how he has humbled because he is even considering the possibility that he might not succeed.

After Beowulf goes back to Geatland, there are more examples of change in Beowulf. Beowulf is already humble, but there is another example of him not being so egotistical. King Hygelac dies, and Beowulf is offered the throne by the widowed Hygd, even though her son would be the ruler according to the order of succession. Beowulf declines the offer and chooses to be the guardian of Hygelacs son until he dies in battle. Then Beowulf became king. Fifty years pass while Beowulf is king, and it is not until then when there is a major change. Beowulf is now very old and not as confident anymore. The need to prove himself arises again as he becomes more insecure in his old age. Another opportunity for a battle turns up. A dragon was awakened by a tomb raider and starts terrorizing Beowulfs kingdom

Please note that this sample paper on Beowulf is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Beowulf, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Beowulf will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

International Marketing

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on International Marketing. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality International Marketing paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in International Marketing, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your International Marketing paper at affordable prices!

International marketing is very important these days; it expands a firm's market, makes production and distribution economies feasible, and allows companies to explore growth opportunities in other nations and makes them less dependent on the economy in their home base. For our company EDI we choose Europe more precisely European Union countries (England, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, and Finland), as a target market. The main objective of international marketing in our case is to increase market share in Europe.

Successful businesses have extensive knowledge about their customers and their competitors. Acquiring accurate and specific information about our customers and competitors is a critical first step in market investigation and development of a marketing plan. The market impacts and direct all aspects of the company's activities and ultimately will lead to success or failure of the business. In developing a market plan, our primary functions are to understand the needs and desires of our potential customers, selection and development of a product that will meet customer needs, development of promotional material that will make the customer aware and ensure of product delivery.

The goal of a market analysis is to determine the attractiveness of a market and to understand its evolving opportunities and threats as they relate to the strengths and weaknesses of the firm. There are few main points why our company is attracted to the EU countries as a target market for foreign marketers.

1. Demography & Geography

- European countries have relative large population,

- High market growth rate

- Urban/rural distribution

- Climate/weather patterns (5 market regions where we want to introduce our product have similar weather patterns, example Latin region Spain, Italy, Portugal-have warm weather all year long)

- Shipping distance/cost, (1 countries are divided into a 5 regions where our bottling company TAUT would be located cutting shipping and distribution costs)

. Political environment

- Similar system of government (in Europe Code Law)

- All of the EU countries are politically stable

- Governmental role in business

- Similar regulations on foreign companies

. Economy

- Overall level of development

- High economic growth

- Currency (same in all 1 countries-Euro Dollar, therefore minimized inflation rate)

- High per capita income & purchasing power

- Involved in foreign trade already

- Balance of trade

4. Society/culture

- Relatively low/same literacy rate

- Very similar education level

- Different languages but all EU countries accepted English as a business language

- Similar business culture

5. Market Access

- Limitation on trade/trade barriers

- Local standards (that is one of the reasons why we divided countries in 5 similar to each other regions)

- Intellectual property protection laws

- Legal issues

6. Product Potential

- Future world wide market size

- Large market for potential growth

- Local production, producers, prices, terms of sales

- Europe has a very competitive environment

Please note that this sample paper on International Marketing is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on International Marketing, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on International Marketing will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Network. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Network paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Network, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Network paper at affordable prices!

What is LAN or Local Area Network?

In simple terms, a LAN is basically a bunch of computers networked together in close proximity to each other. A LAN has many uses, only some of which are gaming related. As we detailed above, playing games over a LAN has some great benefits, most prominently the lack of latency, or ping.

Over a LAN, you can also share files and printer access, which comes in handy if you have multiple computers at home or want to snag something from a friends computer

What is Ethernet?

Custom writing service can write essays on Network

Ethernet is the IEEE 80. series standard, based on the CSMA/CD access method that provides two or more stations to share a common cabling system. This access method, Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection, is the basis for Ethernet systems which range from speeds of 1 Mb/s through 1000 Mb/s.

The design goals for Ethernet were to create a simply defined topology that made efficient use of shared resources, was easy to reconfigure and maintain, provided compatibility across many manufacturers and systems, while keeping the cost low.

Ethernet is easily the simplest and cheapest option. It runs at 10 Megabits per second (Mbps), or roughly 1. Megabytes per second, which is more than sufficient for a small LAN.

What is Gateway?

A gateway, by definition is A connection or interchange point that connects two networks that would be otherwise incompatible. A local Area Network (LAN) might need a gateway to access a Wide Area Network (WAN) or the Internet.

In other words, your ICS host machine is going to be the gateway for your clients to access the Internet. Along those lines, you will want to open the TCP/IP properties for the network card on all of your clients, and enter the Hosts IP address ( as the gateway. Once you have the Gateway setup. You can check to see if it is working by first rebooting the client machine, then using the Ping command from the DOS prompt to Ping an internet destination. Ask a friend to give you their IP address to try this out If you are able to get a ping response, then the gateway is working correctly. Now we need to setup the ability for the computer to resolve URLs so you can surf the Internet.

Please note that this sample paper on Network is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Network, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on Network will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Essay Draft Cloudstreet

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Essay Draft Cloudstreet. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Essay Draft Cloudstreet paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Essay Draft Cloudstreet, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Essay Draft Cloudstreet paper at affordable prices!

Tim Winston has a love of writing stories. This is evident in his novel Cloudstreet where he cleverly writes many short stories which contribute to the plot development of a saga about two families. Another way that Winton's love of story telling appears in the novel is through his use of descriptive language and vivid detail in many of his scenes. He also, through his characters in the novel, gives a message to the readers, which displays his love of telling stories.

Winton's plot development in the novel portrays the love he has for telling a story. He writes many short stories which contribute to the novel in many ways. This style of plot development is called a saga or epic. One of these stories involves Fish, who is brain damaged due to nearly drowning, after being caught in a fishing net. Quick, and Fish rowed down the river on a boat that the 'old man' just bought. All of theses types of stories that Winston writes about just shows how much he wants to write stories. He wants to bring thoughts and messages to the reader. He loves writing stories. Evidence of that is in the vivid details of the stories that are in Cloudstreet.

"He felt the blood running in him. He was scared. Packin em, pooping himself nearly, with all that fat, green, dredged water and the walls the wharf and tankers made high above." (Page 110)

It is clear, by this section of the novel that Winston himself, was writing like he was in the shoes of the characters. He writes like he is in the story himself. To be this involved in his writing it is obvious that he wants to, and loves to do it.

Order Custom Essay Draft Cloudstreet paper

Also Winton's use of language in the novel and descriptions vividly express his love for story telling. Using words that are almost lyrical, he has a poetic style to his writing.

Winton's detailed descriptions also helps us realize how much he loves story writing. Throughout the book, he uses vivid descriptions of scenery, the house where the characters live, the river and the bushland that make up the environment in the novel. These descriptions give the reader detailed images of the situations and the scenery which give the reader a full sense of being part of the story.

For example, when the Pickleses move into their house on Cloud street, it reads,

'The door opened. A dozen cramped smells blew in their faces lilac water, rot, things they didn't recognize. … they stepped inside to the grind and protest of the floorboards." page 8.

In this quote, Winton uses personification in his vivid description giving even floorboards a human quality. It also is an example of using not just imagery but also other senses such as smell and sound to describe the setting. This is an example of the way Winton brings alive the picture and situation to the reader.

Winton's use of vivid descriptions show that he is fully involved himself in the picture he is painting in the story. This gives the reader the distinct impressions that he as the author is communicating a story he is fully engrossed in.

Winton's love of story telling is also evident in his characterisations. In the saga, the relationships between generations of people that make up the families in the story are an important part of the characters he presents. This leaves the reader with a good understanding about the characters and how they relate to the story he tells.

For example, when Rose is introduced into the story on page 8 it reads

"Rose was a slender, brown girl with dark, straight hair, cut hard across her forehead. She was a pretty kid, but not as pretty as her mother. Well, that's what everyone told her."

Here, not only do we find out about Rose but something of what she felt and how that may affect her relationship with her mother. Character is also revealed through the way people appear, their speech and actions. In another example, Sam's mother is introduced in this way.

'Sam's mother slept in the narrow child's bed in the next room. She was a simple, clean, gloomy woman, much younger than her husband. Even as boy, he barely thought about her. She was good to him, but she suffered for her lifelong inability to be a man.' Page 11

Here, we find out about Sam's mother that she felt restricted and yet through her role as

a mother provided for her son.

Put in here more examples of how Winton uses speech and actions to characterize.

Winton uses these types of characterizations to get the reader fully involved in the lives of the people in his novel and so brings alive the story of Cloud street. This shows Winton's love of storytelling.

This essay has identified three ways that Winton's love of story telling is expressed in his novel Cloudstreet - plot development, language and vivid descriptions, and characterisation. First, there is the plot development where he brings in many little stories into the larger plot of the entire novel. This shows his love for always telling a story. Cloudstreet is actually many stories rolled into one. In his use of language and vivid desrcpiton Wintons brings the reader right into the story that he telling and this shows how much he himself is involved in the stories he is writing. Finally, the characterizations of people in Cloudstreet brings across a real sense of knowing the feelings of the characters and this too highlights Winton's love of story telling in that he gets the reader fully involved in the story of Cloudstreet.

Please note that this sample paper on Essay Draft Cloudstreet is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Essay Draft Cloudstreet, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on Essay Draft Cloudstreet will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, February 1, 2021

Conjoined Twins

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Conjoined Twins. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Conjoined Twins paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Conjoined Twins, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Conjoined Twins paper at affordable prices!

For many parents around the globe, having children is the most exciting and happy time in their lives. The anticipation, preparation, and anxiety over having a child, however, can be overbearing. Every ultrasound and test they run sends parents into panic attacks. What if your baby has Down syndrome? What about crippledness, undeveloped fetus's or spina bifida? A whole slew of other worries can pop up when an ultrasound reveals you are having twins. Underdevelopment, miscarriages, and a large pregnancy are the most common occurrences during a twin birth. However in the back of all parents mind is that scary thought, What if my children are crippled, or even worse, conjoined? When parents fear this they don't even scratch the surface of what conjoined twins are really about. At first I hardly knew anything about them either. I, like everyone else judged him or her at face value. I knew that they were simply twins that were attached to each other at some point of the body. I knew from reading articles in the past that they were considered freaks and traveled in circuses. I knew that most of all the live conjoined twins did not live long lives, nor happy ones. I always assumed that they were almost impossible to separate, and that they were always of the same sex. Also, from a young age like my friends I believed most if not all conjoined twins were joined at the hip, though I now know better. As you can see, going into this topic I knew next to nothing and coming out, I know that I have learned so much and know the full extent as to the who, what, where, when, and how of conjoined twins. Coming into this paper, I had so many questions that I wanted to be answered. I wanted to find out and share with others the common types of conjoined twins, and how many classifications there are. I wanted to discover how the term Siamese twins came about, and if it was named after a certain famous set of conjoined twins. I wanted to acquire not just that set of twins, but all other famous conjoined twins in history. I was interested in the advances we've made in separation of twins, what it's all about, how far we can trace it back, and the ethical issues surrounding separation. I was also very interested in the history of conjoinment. This includes a large range of questions including; their age expectancy, what type of jobs they could achieve, their social status, and what other options were open to them. I wanted to take a glimpse into the future and see what kind of medical break-throughs doctors are planning for preventing conjoined twins, and for separation. My brain was bursting of questions that I was more excited about answering as time went on. Iset out to gain my new knowledge.

In this day and age there are so many ways to get information on any given topic. The Internet is loaded with facts and knowledge about anything imaginable. For my search, I set out in the library for printed materials. Though I only found only one book, it was loaded with material. However, where I really lucked out was the Internet. There was website upon website bursting at the seams with information. I also caught a documentary on 0/0 about a family birthing conjoined twins, and then having them separated. I took all three of my sources and laid them out in separate piles of what relates to what. With all my information out and ready, I only then started to delve into the mountain of information I had collected.

I was excited to find that mostly all the questions I had set out to answer were answered. The first thing I set out to learn was the history behind the term Siamese twins. I found out that the term came about from the conjoined twins in Siam, now Thailand, who was very successful and lived to an old age. Chang and Eng Bunker were just one of the famous sets I found. The others I uncovered are as follows

ɨ Radica and Doodica ~ These were the twin girl born in India joined at the chest. Their town thought them an evil omen from the gods and locked the whole family in jail until they came to their senses. The girls were later separated due to disease yet they both died within two years of that.

Order College Papers on Conjoined Twins

ɨ Violet and Daisy Hilton ~ These two unfortunate girls were raised by a cruel midwife and forced to perform at a young age. At age they gained their independence, though continued performing, even starring in two movies.

ɨ Francis and Jacques ~ These were a rare case of parasitic twins. This is a term used when one of the conjoined fetuses develops, but the other doesn't. This leaves the grown twin with an unformed fetus attached to it.

Though these are only a few cases I came across in my research, others including the Biddendid maids and Lori and Dori Schaller. I think each case represents many others and what happened to them. Another question answered was the common joining points. Contrary to what I believed, only about 5% are joined at the hip, like people assume they are. There are dozens more that can be funneled down into seven main types. As you can see, each term ands with the suffix "pagus" which means the point at which it is fixed. Twins are defined by the point at which they are joined.

ɨ Cephalopagus this is a very rare and sad case when the twins share a head and sometimes a torso. There is only one brain and a face on either side of the head. They also may share a heart. Obviously these twins can not be separated and do not live very long.

ɨ Parapagus this is the term used for when the bodies are one up until the chest area where it branches of into two separate heads. They usually each have their own spinal cord. This accounts for 5% of all conjoined twins.

ɨ Thoracopagusthis is the most common form of conjoined twins whish accounts for 5% total. This is when a thick band of cartilage at the chest combines the twins.

ɨ Pygopagus this accounts for 1% of all conjoined twins. This case involves attachment at the rump, sometimes fusing the two twins' lower spines.

ɨ Omphalopagus 0% of all twins. This occurs when the twins' torsos are combined; yet they each have there own two legs.

ɨ Ischopagus This is a sad case where the twins are attached at the groin, or lower half of the torso, with their legs sticking out to the side. Accounts for 5% of all twins.

ɨ Craniopagus this occurs when the twins are fused at the back of the head. This does not involve the brain, though the skulls are usually fused. This accounts for % of all conjoined twins.

In the past, conjoined twins were considered freaks and evil spirits. They could only get jobs at the circus as a freak, or performing musically. A person actually thought that they symbolized the end of the world was near. They were usually isolated to themselves, though nothing prevents them from getting married. In fact Chang and Eng Bunker, each married and between them had children. However being attached to one person at all times can be trying. Almost all conjoined twins need psychiatric help. Sometimes their hate for each other grows so strong they say they'd rather die in operation than live with their twin. They usually develop drinking problems, and depression. However, some twins follow the opposite route. They actually demand not to be separated because their bond is so intense. However you can not just separate twins voluntarily. If they share a heart, brain, spine, large intestine, or pelvic bone, they can not be separated. It is also hard to separate twins with conjoined nervous systems. They eat sleep and get sick at the same time and would be paralyzed if separated. There are many ethical issues surrounding separation. However, both the twins and doctors feel is equal if not less to how the parents feel. Some parents refuse t separate for many reasons. One is that you usually sacrifice one for the other during surgery, and the parents consider that murder. However, if it is best for the family and children, a judge will step in and order separation, which reminds me of Jehovah's witnesses, who refuse to do some things even if it benefits the children. However there have been some very modern surgeries, led mainly by Dr. Ben Carson. One of which was performed in Germany on twin girls fused at the head. The Doctor drained the blood from both bodies and basically stopped their life and separated them, then pumping the blood back in. Luckily, there have been no found cases of conjoined triplets, or higher multiple births.

However what people don't understand is that even though they are attached, their personalities, academics, athletic ability, and talents are entirely unique. Nevertheless all these facts about conjoined twins do not apply to the ones who don't make it. Conjoined twins occur once in every 00,000 live births. However of this number, 75% are either stillborn or die within 4 hours. Out of this small percentage, about 1 or % actually make it past their 10th birthday still conjoined. Usually the sad part of being attached is if one twin is sick or hurt, you share their pain. If one dies, the other will follow usually within the next 7 hours if they are conjoined. These twins are always the same sex, race, and obviously age. At this point and time, I could find nothing on future breakthroughs in separations or prevention. However all my other questions were fully answered.

A baby, no matter what size, shape, or color is a gift. I hope that through this paper people will no longer judge Siamese twins for their face value, but look inside to find out how they feel. This paper has brought me a lot of new knowledge, which I need and enjoy due to my desire to be a pediatrician, and perhaps major in maternity and become an O.B.G.Y.N. Also, this paper has really opened my eyes for the fact that someone in my neighborhood when I was five thought she was pregnant with conjoined twins. (I later learned it was a false alarm) When I learned this I ran screaming, afraid of the "freaky babies". Though my mother tried to explain to me, I had never learned anything about this condition, and so I judged this lady based on outward appearance and the stereotypical "Siamese twins". I hope this paper is a real eye opener to all that don't know about this subject and would like to. So whether someone' s babies come together or separate, they are each still their own special person.

Please note that this sample paper on Conjoined Twins is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Conjoined Twins, we are here to assist you. Your essay on Conjoined Twins will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, January 28, 2021

How Important A Part Did Florence Nightingale Play In Improving The Training Of Nurses In The 19th Century?

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on How Important A Part Did Florence Nightingale Play In Improving The Training Of Nurses In The 19th Century?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality How Important A Part Did Florence Nightingale Play In Improving The Training Of Nurses In The 19th Century? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in How Important A Part Did Florence Nightingale Play In Improving The Training Of Nurses In The 19th Century?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your How Important A Part Did Florence Nightingale Play In Improving The Training Of Nurses In The 19th Century? paper at affordable prices!

Just 150 years ago nursing was not regarded as a profession. Stories about nurses in the early 1th century suggest that they often did little to help their patients recover. Most nurses were untrained and were paid less than factory workers. They slept in wards and part of their wages was gin. One of the women who changed that image of nursing was Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale was born in Italy on 1 May 180 and was named Florence after her birthplace. She came from a Middle-class family and her parents were appalled by her intentions to go into nursing.

Although she was conscious of her calling at an early age, she found it difficult to break from her social circle and pursue a nursing career. Born to William Edward and Frances Nightingale (in Florence, Italy, hence her name) she was expected to fulfil the usual role of a wealthy young woman, making a good marriage and living a conventional life. But Florence had other ideas as a child she enjoyed learning and developed an interest in social issues, visiting her local hospital and the homes of the sick.

Florence Nightingale brought a new sense of discipline and professionalism to a job that had very bad reputation at the time. She became a nurse despite the opposition of her family, and studied in Europe from 184 and in Alexandria in 1850. In 185 she was appointed the Superintendent at the Institution for the Care of Sick Gentlewomen. At this stage she was already interested in the training of nurses. The Crimean War broke out in March 1854. The use of telegraphic communications by war correspondents to get stories home fast encouraged people to have opinions and comment.

Sidney Herbert, who was both the Secretary of War and a friend of the Nightingale family, requested that Florence went to Scutari to sort out the nursing care in the hospital. Despite opposition from the military, Florence took 8 handpicked nurses in the autumn of 1854 and created a legend to rival the Charge of the Light Brigade. She became known as the "Lady with the lamp" because she always looking after the patients, whatever time it was. When Nightingale took control of one of the hospitals she cleaned up the wards, the filth was removed, air was allowed to circulate. More reliable evidence of her success was the death rate in the hospital 4% before she arrived, but % in 1856. Thus proving that Florence Nightingale was an important part in improving the training of nurses in the 1th Century.

Buy How Important A Part Did Florence Nightingale Play In Improving The Training Of Nurses In The 19th Century? term paper

Florence Nightingale used her fame to help her change the face of nursing forever. Her book, "Notes on Nursing", explained her methods the standard textbook for generations. £44,000 was raised to help her train nurses, and she set up the Nightingale School of Nursing in St. Thomas's Hospital, London. Discipline and attention to detail were important. Therefore proving that Florence Nightingale played an important role in improving the training of nurses in the 1th Century.

Florence wanted nurses to remain single so they wouldn't have divided loyalties. She'd turned down offers of marriage when she wanted to start her career in 1844. Of the 8 nurses she took to the Crimea, 4 were nuns. Although partly due to the poor standard of training outside the convents, this also suggests that she thought nursing like a religious vocation. Thus proving that Florence Nightingale was an important part in improving the training of nurses in the 1th Century.

Although Florence Nightingale was a important part in improving the training of nurses, she was backward looking and believed in the Miasma (bad air) theory of disease. She also did not consider that official government recognition of nursing qualifications were necessary. She was more of an expert in organising than in medical theories.

Although Florence Nightingale was bedridden due to illness contracted in the Crimea for many years, she campaigned tirelessly to improve health standards, publishing 00 books, reports and pamphlets.

In recognition of her hard work Queen Victoria awarded Miss Nightingale the Royal Red Cross in 188. In her old age she received many honours, including the Order of Merit (107), becoming the first woman to receive it.

Florence Nightingale is often portrayed as a romantic figure walking the wards of Scutari. In fact she was very determined and faced opposition from her own family and male prejudice. Her farsighted reforms have influenced the nature of modern health care and her writings continue to be a resource for nurses, health managers and planners. In my opinion Florence Nightingale played a very important role in the improvement of the training of nurses in the 1th Century.

Please note that this sample paper on How Important A Part Did Florence Nightingale Play In Improving The Training Of Nurses In The 19th Century? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on How Important A Part Did Florence Nightingale Play In Improving The Training Of Nurses In The 19th Century?, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on How Important A Part Did Florence Nightingale Play In Improving The Training Of Nurses In The 19th Century? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

River Of Iron

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Today, the desire for solitude and wilderness draws people from all over the world to the Grand Canyon -- and yet just 100 years ago, some people thought it was the perfect place to build a railroad. In 188, railroad engineer Robert Brewster Stanton became the second explorer to navigate successfully the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. He and his intrepid crew set out to survey the area where they planned to build a railroad along the banks of the river, from Grand Junction, Colorado, winding through the massive canyon to the sea.

In RIVER OF IRON -- DREAMS OF A GRAND CANYON RAILROAD, a group of modern-day adventurers retrace the steps of Stanton and his crew deep into the heart of the Grand Canyon. Pulitzer prize-winning author N. Scott Momaday narrates.

The contemporary river rafters follow Stantons trials and travails with the help of Ted Melis, physical science program manager with the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center. Melis and the group take viewers along the same path and to the exact locations -- including the bedrock walls that bear the inscription of memorials to two of Stantons crew who lost their lives -- and share stories from Stantons diaries, filled with tales of treacherous, unforgiving rapids, frustrating setbacks and tragic loss of life.

Accompanying Stantons diaries are more than ,000 photographs taken during his journey. The photos he took of the proposed railway route were critical to the success of his mission, and getting them proved to be a difficult task. Stanton and his crew faced the rapids of the Colorado River with the flimsy boats of the day. And a serious injury to the expeditions sole photographer forced Stanton, who had never before taken a picture, to take over photographic duties for the remainder of the trip.

Custom writing service can write essays on River Of Iron

In the end, the Grand Canyon made a profound and unexpected change on Stantons outlook. The thousands of photographs he took helped him to complete the journey with a greater appreciation for the magnificent site. Setting aside his engineering sensibilities, he ultimately realized it was a place to be admired rather than developed..

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