Friday, November 8, 2019


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Da der Leser nun mit der Geschichte (Nord-) Irlands vertraut ist und die Zusammenhänge in ,,Cal besser verstehen kann, wende ich mich dem Roman zu. Im Zentrum der Handlung steht ein katholischer Junge, der gegen seinen Willen in den Strudel der Gewalt in Nordirland hineingezogen wird und untergeht. Der 1-jährige, arbeitslose Cal Mc Cluskey und sein Vater Shamie leben als letzte verbliebene Katholiken in einem typisch protestantischen, ziemlich trostlosen Viertel. Einziger größerer Arbeitgeber ist ein Schlachthof, bei dem fast alle Männer - so auch Shamie - arbeiten. Cal hat den Job nach wenigen Tagen zur großen Enttäuschung seines Vaters aufgegeben, weil er den Gestank und die Gewalt im Schlachthaus nicht ertragen konnte. Nun schlägt er alleine seine Zeit tot, da er als Katholik in einem protestantischen Umfeld weder Aussichten auf eine andere Anstellung noch Freunde hat. Der einzige Gleichaltrige, zu dem Cal Kontakt hat, ist sein ehemaliger Schulfreund Crilly, der Mitglied in einer republikanischen paramilitärischen Organisation ist. Kopf dieser Terrorgruppe ist Skeffington, ein fanatischer Nationalist , der für seine Ziele über Leichen geht. Wahrscheinlich auf sein Geheiß hin wurde von Crilly Robert Morton, ein Mitglied der Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), der nordirischen (antikatholischen) Polizei, ermordet. Auch Cal war als Fahrer des Fluchtautos in den Mord verwickelt. Der Gedanke an die Bluttat und seine Schuld quält und verfolgt ihn bis in seine Träume.

Als in der Bücherei, die Cal aus Langeweile öfter besucht, eine neue Bibliothekarin arbeitet und sich herausstellt, dass diese die Witwe des erschossenen Polizisten ist, fühlt Cal sich zu der um Jahre älteren Frau, ihr Name ist Marcella, hingezogen; zunächst nur von Schuldgefühlen getrieben, beginnt er, sie zu beobachten, sucht ihre Nähe. So entsteht ein loser Kontakt zwischen den beiden, der sich vertieft, als Cal auf dem Bauernhof ihrer Schwiegereltern, wo auch Marcella lebt, Arbeit findet.

Als radikale Protestanten das Haus der Mc Cluskeys niederbrennen, zieht Cal heimlich in die verfallene Hütte auf dem Morton-Gelände. Nicht einmal seinem Vater Shamie vertraut er seinen Aufenthaltsort an und lässt den durch den Verlust des Hauses gebrochenen Mann allein zurück. Cal hofft, durch sein spurloses Verschwinden vor den Nachstellungen Crillys und Skeffingtons sicher zu sein, die ihn zu einem Verbleib in der Terrorgruppe und zu weiteren ,,Aktionen zwingen wollen.

Als Cals Versteck von den Mortons entdeckt wird, hat er Glück, denn Marcella hat Mitleid mit dem ausgebrannten jungen Mann und überredet ihre Schwiegermutter, ihn in der Hütte wohnen zu lassen. Die beiden sehen sich oft und werden immer vertrauter, da die Witwe Cal beim Einrichten seiner neuen Bleibe behilflich ist.

Allerdings entsteht damit auch ein Problem für Cal. Denn je näher sich Cal und die Witwe kommen, je stärker seine Gefühle für die ahnungslose Frau werden, desto schlimmer quält ihn seine Schuld. Als Mrs Morton ihren Mann, der bei dem Überfall damals schwer verletzt wurde, für einige Tage ins Krankenhaus begleitet und Cal und Marcella so allein auf dem Hof zurück bleiben, werden die beiden nach anfänglichem Zögern Marcellas ein heimliches Liebespaar.

Doch das Glück währt nicht lange. Als Cal am Morgen nach der Liebesnacht in die Stadt fährt, um Weihnachtsgeschenke für Marcella und deren Tochter Lucy zu besorgen, wird er von Crilly entdeckt, der gerade eine Bombe in der Bücherei versteckt hat. Die Lage ist für Cal bedrohlich, da Crilly und vor allem der schnell herbei geeilte Skeffington Cal als einen Verräter an der ,,Sache und Deserteur betrachten und ihn auch dem entsprechend bestrafen wollen. Aber dazu kommt es nicht mehr. Bei einer Razzia werden Crilly und Skeffington verhaftet, Cal gelingt die Flucht. Ihm ist aber klar, dass seine Tage in Freiheit gezählt sind, weil seine ,,Kameraden ihn verraten werden. Cal findet endlich den Mut, endgültig mit der Terrororganisation zu brechen. Über eine sog. ,,confidential line warnt er vor der Brandbombe in der Bücherei und verabschiedet sich von Marcella. Am nächsten Morgen wird Cal Mc Cluskey verhaftet.

Die Romanfiguren und der Nordirlandkonflikt

Die zerstörerische Wirkung des Konflikts verdeutlicht der Autor v.a. an Hand seiner Hauptpersonen.

Die Auswirkungen des Konflikts auf den Protagonisten

Besonders der Titelheld Cal Mc Cluskey wird von den nordirischen Verhältnissen geprägt. Dabei hat der junge Mann es auch ohne die vertrackte politische Lage schon schwer genug. Seine Mutter starb an einer Gehirnblutung, als der Junge acht Jahre alt war. Auch sein Bruder Brendan, von dessen Existenz der Leser nur in einem Nebensatz erfährt, ist tot. Seine Mutter fehlt Cal sehr. Auch als fast erwachsener Mann kommen ihm beim Gedanken an sie die Tränen.

Cal lebt allein mit seinem spröden Vater Shamie, der ihm die Mutter nicht voll ersetzen kann. Obwohl er seinen Vater liebt, fehlt das Vertrauen mit ihm über seine Verstrickung in den Mord an Morton zu reden. Man kann also sagen, dass Cal der Rückhalt aus einer intakten Familie fehlt und sein Vater keine wirkliche Vertrauensperson ist.

Aber wie gesagt hat vor allem der Nordirlandkonflikt verheerende Auswirkungen auf den Jungen. Auf der einen Seite ist Cal ein Opfer der fest gefahrenen Lage in Nordirland, da er und sein Vater die letzten verbliebenen Katholiken in einem protestantischen Arbeiterviertel sind. Ihre Konfession macht sie zu Außenseitern und grenzt sie vom sozialen Leben weitgehend aus.

Als Katholik ist Cal quasi zur Arbeitslosigkeit verurteilt und hat kaum Chancen auf eine Stelle; es bereitete Shamie schon genug Probleme seinen Sohn einen Job im Schlachthof zu verschaffen, in dem laut Shamie ,,few enough Catholics arbeiten. Nach Cals Kündigung stehen seine beruflichen Chancen so schlecht, dass er sogar überlegt wegzuziehen. Seine Arbeitslosigkeit spiegelt haargenau die Situation vieler nordirischer Katholiken wider und bestätigt die bereits im geschichtlichen Teil angesprochene Benachteiligung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt.

Die politische Lage in Nordirland macht Cal nicht nur zu einem Arbeitslosen ohne Perspektive, sondern macht ihn und seinen Vater auch zum Ziel von Anfeindungen. Schon früh muss der junge Mann erfahren, was Vorurteile und offene Feindseligkeit bedeuten ,,As he turned into his street he felt the eyes on him. [...] He could not bear to look up and see the flutter of the Union Jacks, and now the red and white cross of the Ulster flag with ist red hand...Cal felt it was aimed at them, the Mc Cluskeys, because his father andhe were the only Catholic family left in the whole estate... Cal detested the condescension of some of the Protesant men he met about the town. `You`re Shamie Mc Cluskey`s boy? A good man, Shamie.`And implied in everything they were saying was `for a Catholic `.There was faint affectionate amazement on their faces that there should be a Catholic who was a good man, someone to equal them. In dieser bis auf einige Ausnahmen offen feindseligen Umgebung ist Cal isoliert, wie er später Marcella erzählt. Als sie ihn fragt, ob er viele Freunde habe, antwortet er ,,'No, not many.`4 Der Hass zwischen den Angehörigen der Konfessionen nimmt ihm die Möglichkeit, soziale Kontakte zu knüpfen, was für jeden jungen Menschen enorm wichtig ist.

Doch einigen Protestanten sind Anfeindungen und Ausgrenzung noch zu wenig. Ihr Hass beschränkt sich nicht auf mehr oder weniger offene Diskriminierungen. Cal und sein Vater sind auch Drohungen und Gewalt ausgesetzt. Sie erhalten Drohbriefe der loyalistischen Terrorgruppe Ulster Volunteer Force. Cal wird von jungen Unionisten brutal zusammengeschlagen und entkommt nur mit knapper Not. Als trauriger Höhepunkt werden die Mc Cluskeys auch noch Opfer eines Brandanschlags, ihr Haus wird ein Raub der Flammen. Der Verlust seines Rückzugsortes wirft Cals Vater völlig aus der Bahn, so dass er schließlich als gebrochener Mann in eine Nervenklinik eingeliefert werden muss. Mit dem Haus verliert Cal also auch seinen Vater. Er ist eindeutig ein Opfer der Verhältnisse in Nordirland.

Seine Opferrolle macht Cal tragischer Weise auch zum Täter. Als die Mc Cluskeys zum ersten Mal bedroht werden und Shamie seinen Kollegen davon erzählt, bietet ihm prompt Crilly zum Selbstschutz einen Revolver an, welchen Cals Vater dankbar annimmt. Dieser Crilly, ein ehemaliger Schulfreund Cals, gehört einer republikanischen paramilitärischen Organisation an und hilft nicht aus purer Nächstenliebe. Quasi als Gegenleistung werden im Haus der Mc Cluskeys ,,cardboard boxes full of stuff [...] wrapped in sacking and black polythene [...]5 versteckt, also Operationsmittel der Terrorgruppe. Außerdem muss Cal als Fahrer fungieren, wenn diese Päckchen weitergeleitet werden. Doch bei solch eher harmlosen Aktionen bleibt es nicht. Cal lässt sich tief in die mörderischen Machenschaften der Organisation hineinziehen und wird somit zum Täter. Er sitzt am Steuer des Fluchtwagens, als Crilly den protestantischen Polizisten Robert Morton erschießt.

Seine Beteiligung an dem Mord hat schwerwiegende Folgen für Cal.

Die Erinnerung daran verfolgt und quält den jungen Mann; er wird mit seiner Schuld nicht fertig. Unaufhörlich zermartert er sich den Kopf ,,[...] to eat again the ashes of what he had done.6. Die Schuld ist sein ständiger Begleiter, er fühlt sich durch die Tat gezeichnet ,,He felt that he had a brand stamped in blood in the middle of his forehead which would take him the rest of his life to purge.7

Seine permanenten Schuldgefühle haben eine verhängnisvolle psychische Wirkung auf den jungen Mann. Er steigert sich in einen regelrechten Selbsthass hinein. Cal ist, wie es im Roman drastisch formuliert wird, ,,sick of himself8. Dies wird an einigen Stellen des Romans überdeutlich. Eine seiner ,,Freizeitbeschäftigungen ist z.B., sich selbst aufs Übelste zu beleidigen. Um passende Schimpfnamen für sich selbst zu finden, bietet Cal all seine Kompetenz in Fremdsprachen auf ,,Dirty vache. You big crotte de chien. Sogar einen Großteil seiner Kirchenbesuche verbringt er auf diese Weise ,,The rest of his prayers consisted of telling himself how vile he was. If he was sick of himself, how would God react to him?Merde. Dog-shit. Crotte de vache` 0

Besonders schlimm quält ihn seine Schuld immer dann, wenn er mit Marcella zusammen ist. In ihrer Gegenwart sieht er noch klarer, wie schwer seine Tat wiegt ,,Sometimes in her presence he felt like Quasimodo - as if the ugliness of what he had done showed in his face. The brand in the middle of his forehead would never disappear and seemed to throb when she was near. Alone [...] he relaxed into his ugliness.1 Seine Vergangenheit treibt Cal in einen ständigen Zwiespalt, der ihn zu zerreißen droht. In Marcella hat er endlich die Frau gefunden, mit der er über wirklich alles reden möchte, auch über das, was er getan hat. Zu gerne würde er ihr sein Herz ausschütten und sich alles von der Seele reden ,,He wanted to confess to her, to weep and to be forgiven. He saw the scene in his mind of her holding him, comforting him; he saw the scene as he knew it would be in reality and it horrified him. Doch gleichzeitig weiß der junge Mann, dass ein Geständnis unmöglich ist und ihre Beziehung zerstören würde. Die Liebe zu der arglosen Witwe bringt Cal in eine Art Teufelskreis. Je schlimmer ihn die Erinnerung an den Mord quält, desto größer ist wiederum das Bedürfnis ihr zu beichten. Dieser Zustand belastet Cal so sehr, dass er am Ende sogar erleichtert wirkt, als er verhaftet wird. Er ist ,,grateful that at last someone was going to beat him within an inch of his life.

Der Mord an Morton hat noch andere Konsequenzen. Cal versucht endlich aus der Terrorgruppe auszusteigen. Deshalb wird er von Crilly und Skeffington, dem Kopf der Bande, unter Druck gesetzt ,,`I still want out.` [Cal said] Skeffington put his hand on Cal`s sleeve.` That creates a big problem, Cahal. It would be out of my hands. I wouldn`t like to see you hurt.`4. Trotzdem ist Cal lange Zeit nicht hartnäckig und entschlossen genug, sich gegen Crilly und Skeffington durchzusetzen und gibt den Argumenten und Drohungen des raffinierten Rhetoriktalents Skeffington immer wieder nach. So lebt er bis zum Schluss in ständiger Angst, zu neuen Verbrechen gezwungen zu werden.

Wie viele Nordiren ist Cal also gefangen in der festgefahrenen und verhärteten Situation seiner zerrissenen Heimat. Die dortigen Verhältnisse lassen ihm keine große Entscheidungsfreiheit, gegen seinen Willen und sein Gewissen wird er in den blutigen Konflikt hineingezogen, der das Leben und die Zukunft der Menschen zerstört. Ein Sich-Heraushalten scheint unmöglich, geschweige denn ein ruhiges Dasein an der Seite der Frau, die er liebt. Cals Schicksal steht damit symbolisch für die Hoffnungslosigkeit einer ganzen Region und die brutalen nordirischen Verhältnisse, die auch Friedfertigen keinen Ausweg lassen.

Shamie und der Nordirlandkonflikt

Mit ähnlichen Problemen wie sein Sohn hat Shamie, Cals Vater, zu kämpfen. Er hat seine Frau und seinen Sohn Brendan verloren. Seit dem Tod seiner Frau muss er als allein erziehender Vater den Alltag bewältigen und versuchen, dem Sohn die Mutter zu ersetzen, was nicht immer leicht für ihn ist. Da es ihm schwer fällt über Gefühle offen zu reden, zeigt er im Umgang mit seinem Sohn selten, wie wichtig Cal für ihn ist. Trotzdem ist ihr Verhältnis von verhaltener, spröder Zuneigung geprägt, die ohne viele Worte auskommt. Dies kann man aus Begegnungen zwischen Vater und Sohn erkennen, z.B. als beide, nachdem sie den zweiten Drohbrief radikaler Protestanten erhalten haben, nicht schlafen können und mitten in der Nacht in Shamies Zimmer sitzen und Tee trinken ,,'Thanks, Cal,` he [Shamie] said when he got his tea. He said it quietly and Cal, for some reason, was moved. The bedside light shone downwards, accentuating the shadows of Shamie's face, making him look older than he was.[...] Shamie looked at him and said. `Put my jacket on or you`ll freeze.` 15 Diese leisen Gesten zeigen, mit wieviel gegenseitiger Achtung, Rücksichtnahme und Zuneigung sich die beiden gegenüber stehen.

Auch auf Shamie wirft der Nordirlandkonflikt seinen Schatten, obwohl sein Verhältnis zu Protestanten auf den ersten Blick recht entspannt wirkt. Mit den Nachbarn kommt er gut aus, sogar mit dem eingefleischten Oranier Cyril Dunlop plauscht er freundlich. Für einen Katholiken ist Cals Vater bei den Protestanten angesehen. ,,He is popular with both Catholics and Protestants...6 steht im Anhang der Penguin-Ausgabe von ,,Cal über ihn zu lesen.

Doch im Laufe der Handlung zeigt sich, dass das Verhältnis nur oberflächlich so gut ist, wie es zunächst den Anschein hat. Alltäglich, besonders an seinem Arbeitsplatz bekommt Shamie die Herablassung seiner protestantischen Kollegen zu spüren. Diese bezeichnen ihn zwar alsgood man`7 , doch unterschwellig schwingt immer mitfor a Catholic` 8. In diesem ,,Lob steckt eine nur schlecht versteckte Diskriminierung. Dazu kommen Ungerechtigkeiten und Drohungen, denen er und sein Sohn beinahe schutzlos ausgeliefert sind, wie z.B. die Drohbriefe durch die UVF. So hat Shamie eine beinahe hilflos wirkende antibritische Haltung angenommen. England sei ,,'rotten to the core`` , wird er nicht müde zu sagen. Den Überfall auf Cal, der wohl mangels Aussichten auf Ermittlungserfolge nicht einmal angezeigt wird, kommentiert Shamie ohnmächtig und verbittert mit den Worten ,,'And they say it's a free bloody country.` 40 . Der Autor zeigt an Shamies Beispiel die in den siebziger Jahren alltägliche Diskriminierung der Katholiken, die zu Bitterkeit und Misstrauen gegenüber dem Staat, der Polizei und somit den Protestanten führten.

Obwohl Cals Vater wohl die alltägliche ,,Dosis Verachtung verletzt und verbittert, würde er nie auf den Gedanken kommen, deswegen zur Waffe zu greifen. Dies zeigt sich daran, wie er mit der Pistole verfährt, die Crilly ihm und Cal nach dem ersten Drohbrief zukommen lässt. Er benutzt sie ausschließlich zur Verteidigung, d.h., er kramt sie nur hervor, wenn er sich - z.B. durch eine erneute Drohung der UVF - akut gefährdet fühlt.

An der Reaktion auf die Drohungen der Ulster Volunteer Force, einer loyalistischen Terrororganisation, die die Mac Cluskeys aus dem Viertel jagen will, zeigt sich ein Charakterzug Shamies, der sich als verhängnisvoll erweist. Er ist extrem stur und nicht gewillt, sich dem Druck zu beugen. Er besteht darauf, in dem Haus zu bleiben, an dem er mit jeder Faser seines Herzens hängt und mit dem zahlreiche Erinnerungen, wohl v.a. an seine Frau, verbunden sind ,,Fear had driven the others out but his father would not move. He was stubborn at the best of times but if he thougt pressure was being applied to him he was ten times worse. `No Loyalist bastard is going to drive me out of my home. They can kill me first.`41 Für diese Unbeugsamkeit muss Shamie mit dem Verlust seines Hauses bezahlen. Der Verlust seines Rückzugsorts und der damit verbundenen Erinnerungen nimmt ihm nicht nur die Existenz, sondern wirft den alten Mann völlig aus der Bahn. Shamie verfällt zusehends, wird gleichgültig und depressiv ,,The minute Cal saw his father he knew there had been a terrible change in him. The man had aged twenty years in a couple of weeks. He sat in Dermot Ryan`s chair, his arms lying limply on the arm-rests. The flesh of his face had almost disappeared and what was left seemed to have slipped and sagged.4 Shamies Verfall schreitet schließlich so weit fort, dass er in eine psychatrische Anstalt eingeliefert werden muss.

Shamie ist ein Paradebeispiel dafür, wie ein völlig Unschuldiger, der sich aus dem Konflikt heraushalten will, an dem unmenschlichen Hass in der nordirischen Gesellschaft zerbricht. Durch Shamie führt Mac Laverty dem Leser vor Augen, dass der Nordirlandkonflikt nicht unbedingt Bomben braucht, um Menschen zu zerstören.

Marcella - die Witwe

Eine Figur, die den Nordirlandkonflikt aus einem anderen Blickwinkel erlebt, ist Marcella, die Witwe des erschossenen Polizisten.

Die Situation ist für die Mutter einer kleinen Tochter nicht leicht. Trotz der politischen Lage hat sie als Katholikin einen Protestanten geheiratet und damit bewiesen, dass sie über den Vorurteilen und eingefahrenen Denkweisen steht. Sich so über die gesellschaftliche Situation hinwegzusetzen erforderte mit Sicherheit Mut. Allerdings muss sie erfahren, dass ein echtes Miteinander von Katholiken und Protestanten schwierig ist. Denn die Familie und die Freunde ihres Mannes akzeptierten zwar Roberts Entscheidung, eine Katholikin zu heiraten, doch wirkliche Freundschaft hat Marcella mit niemandem aus dem Umfeld ihres verstorbenen Mannes geschlossen. ,,`Sometimes I feel very isolated out here. After Robert was killed I suddenly found I had no friends. Oh yes, they called and did everything they could for me a couple of months. But they were all his friends. Then they just faded...` 4, berichtet sie Cal in einem Gespräch. Sie ist genauso isoliert wie die Mc Cluskeys.

Auch nachdem sie der Norirlandkonflikt zur Witwe gemacht hat, lebt Marcella weiterhin bei ihren Schwiegereltern. Dort fühlt sie sich eingeengt und bevormundet,,`Mrs Morton treats me like a schoolgirl, I suppose. I fight back but she always has the last word. `44 Marcella möchte zwar ausziehen, doch sie kann sich nicht befreien Zum einen kann sie sich nicht gegen ihre Schwiegermutter durchsetzen, die sie immer wieder zum Bleiben überredet. So sagt Marcella, als Cal sie zum Weggehen bewegen möchte ,,`Yes, that sounds so easy. I`ve told her that many times. I wish I wasn`t so weak. I wish I could fight with her and insult her. But if it comes to a crisis she always wins... It`s been a year now, and every time I tell her I`m moving something comes up and she persuades me to stay. For Lucy`s sake. For Grandad`s sake. After Easter.` 45. Zum anderen fühlt sie sich ihren Schwiegereltern, die beide krank sind - Mrs Morton leidet an Parkinson, ihr Mann laboriert an den Folgen seiner Schussverletzungen -, verpflichtet.

Vom Durchschnitt der im Roman dargestellten Personen unterscheidet sich Marcella auch durch ihre Interessen. Sie ist gebildet, sie liebt Bücher und interessiert sich für Kunst. So versucht sie z.B. Cal zum Lesen zu ermuntern und diskutiert mit ihm über Grünewalds Gemälde von der Kreuzigung Jesu. Mit ihrem Sinn für Literatur und Kunst bildet Marcella einen Gegensatz zum tristen Arbeitermilieu, in dem Cal zu Hause ist und in dem man ein Buch nur deshalb zur Hand nimmt, um eine Bombe darin zu verstecken.

Vor allem durch ihre Einstellung zum Nordirlandkonflikt hebt sich Marcella von Cals gewohnter Umgebung ab. Durch ihre Heirat mit einem Protestanten lernte sie beide Konfliktparteien kennen, hat quasi direkten Umgang mit dem ,,Feind. Marcella kennt also beide Seiten und kann sich mit keiner der beiden Parteien identifizieren, da sie sieht, dass Katholiken wie Protestanten Gewalt- und Gräueltaten begehen. Diese Gewalt erschreckt sie und stößt sie ab ,,'That people want physically to hurt one another. I suppose at school it`s the thing to do -young men of the species showing off to become the leader of the herd- but you would think people would grow up.`46 Marcella sieht den Konflikt also mit völlig anderen Augen als die meisten Nordiren, da sie sich keiner der beiden Seiten zugehörig fühlt. Sie schämt sich vielmehr für ihr Land, wie aus einem Tagebucheintrag ersichtlich wird, in dem sie einen Anschlag republikanischer Extremisten auf eine Kneipe in Birmingham kommentiert ,,Last night 1 people died and 00 were injured in Birmingham. A slaying of total innocents - not even the callous excuse of a pub frequented by soldiers. I thougt we should never reach the day of atrocious equivalent to the Arab/Israeli unpleasantness. I am deeply ashamed of my country. From now on I think I will say I am an Italian. 47

Mit Marcella stellt Mac Laverty ein anderes Stück Nordirland vor, einen Menschen, der die Gewalt verabscheut, die in den Six Counties allgegenwärtig war/ist, und für den die unschuldigen Opfer im Vorgergrund stehen und nicht irgendwelche politischen Ziele. Marcella ist eine Frau, der die hassverzerrte Situation so fremd ist, dass sie am liebsten weg möchte ,,'I`d like to go and live in Italy` 48, erklärt sie Cal in einem Gespräch. Damit entspricht sie in gewisser Weise dem Autor selbst, der 17 vor der Gewalt in Belfast floh und mit seiner Familie nach Schottland umzog. In einem Interview mit der taz äußerte er 11 ,,Immer noch sterben Menschen, nur weil sie zu einer bestimmten Gruppe gehöre, zur blauen oder roten Seite, zu den Protestanten oder Katholiken. Jeden Tag stirbt in Belfast ein Mensch. [...] Ich jedenfalls werde nicht hinnehmen, dass Leid und Tod Grundvoraussetzungen für eine Wiedervereinigung Irlands sein sollen. Niemals würde ich eins meiner Kinder dafür hingeben, nur damit Irland wieder eins ist. Das ist eine nationalistische Idee des Hasses, mehr nicht. 4.

Cyril Dunlop - der Oranier

Ein Charakter, der dem Leser wiederum eine völlig andere Sichtweise auf die Situation in Nordirland bietet ist der Vorarbeiter auf der Morton-Farm und eingefleischte Oranier Cyril Dunlop, der exemplarisch steht für die Gruppe der vorurteilsbeladenen, festgefahrenen Protestanten. In direkten Gesprächen mit Cal entlarvt er sich selbst. Sein Rezept gegen den Terror ist so einfach wie brutal ,,'This whole bloody business [der Terror; Anmerkung der Verfasserin] would be cleared up overnight if they brought back hanging. If only they would give the Army a bit of freedom. [...]. Beat the shite out of the bastards.` [...]'And even if they do tramp on a few innocent toes, isn`it better that way than giving the IRA the freedom of the country? Root them out, that`s what I say.` [...]Long Kesh is full of known IRA prisoners, isn't it?`[...]Well, every time a policeman or soldier is shot I would put two of those bastards up against the wall and blow their brains out [...]` 50Als Cal fragt, ob Cyril das selbe Rezept auch auf Protestanten anwenden würde, entgegnet er ,,`Maybe. But it's not the same thing. That's the lunatic fringe. They get mad seeing good men shot down day after day. So would you. When you`re fed up shadow-boxing you sometimes turn and hit the referee.`51 . Cyril zeigt, wes Geistes Kind er ist. Er macht deutliche Unterschiede zwischen den Konfessionen. Er ist nicht so offen und unvoreingenommen, wie er sich Cal gegenüber gerne gibt, z.B. als er Cals Vater lobt. Für loyalistische Terroristen bringt er, ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken, Verständnis auf, ihre republikanischen Gegenüber möchte er am liebsten als Geiseln nehmen und im Falle des Falles erschießen.

Als echter Oranier ist Cyril mit jeder Faser seines Herzens gegen ein vereinigtes Irland. Seine Argumente gewähren Einblick in die Denkweise vieler Orangemen. ,,'And be ruled from Rome? A state told what to do by priests and nuns. Sheer voodoo, Cal. Mumbo-jumbo. Ulstermen would die rather than live under the yoke of Roman Catholicism. Not an inch. It's a good saying.` [...]I`m serious, Cal. I would die rather than let that happen.`.5 Diese Argumentation wirkt auf den ersten Blick für den Leser geradezu lächerlich, da sie der Realität in grotesker Weise widerspricht. Die Kirche und der Vatikan haben seit der Mitte des 0. Jahrhunderts stark an Einfluss verloren, so dass niemand ernsthaft behaupten kann, dass irgendwo auf der Welt ein Staat existiert, der eine Marionette des Vatikan ist. Diese Sichtweise ist ein Überbleibsel der irischen Geschichte und zeigt die uralten Ängste der protestantischen Bevölkerungsgruppe. Die sog. Belagerungsmentalität der Protestanten, die sie als Minderheit seit der Ansiedelung ihrer Vorfahren in Irland entwickelt haben, lässt sie auch heute nicht los. So ist Cyrils Einstellung, so überkommen sie auch scheinen mag, ein bitterer Bestandteil der Gegenwart, der einer Lösung der blutigen Auseinandersetzung im Wege steht.

Dennoch ist der Vorarbeiter nicht so radikal, wie es den Anschein hat. Er fährt zwar verbal schweres Geschütz auf, doch in seinem Verhalten ist er eher gemäßigt. Zum Beispiel hat Cyril immerhin bei seiner Chefin für Cal ein gutes Wort eingelegt und selbst wenn seine zweifellos bestehenden Ressentiments kaum verschleiern kann. Er hätte es ja auch nicht zu tun brauchen. Außerdem überfällt er Cal nicht sofort mit Diskussionen über die politische Situation in Nordirland, sondern vermeidet zunächst Gespräche über Politik, die den Katholiken vor den Kopf stoßen könnten ,,[...]Cal was aware that the other man [Dunlop] was choosing things to talk about which had no connection with religion or politics. They were politely wary of each other.5 . Außerdem ist Dunlop immerhin bereit, nach dem Brandanschlag auf das Haus der Mac Cluskeys zuzugeben, dass auch von Protestanten Seite Unrecht verübt wird ,,'I`ll have to admit, Cal, there's bad bastards on both sides.'54

Was man Cyril außerdem zu Gute halten muss, ist, dass er seinen säbelrasselnden Reden keine Taten folgen lässt. Zwar hätte er keine Probleme damit, IRA-Gefangene an die Wand zu stellen, doch wendet er selbst, soweit man aus dem Roman ersehen kann, keine Gewalt an und ist kein Mitglied einer Terrororganisation. Auch wenn er sich auf Märschen des Oranierordens wie ein stolzer Gockel 55 gebärdet, wie Marcella in ihrem Tagebuch festhält. so geht er selbst für seine Überzeugung nicht über Leichen.

Dunlop verkörpert also den ewig gestrigen Oranier, der seine Vorurteile kaum verbergen kann. Doch immerhin ist er oberflächlich freundlich zu Katholiken, was man im mörderischen Nordirland schon als Fortschritt gelten kann.

Die Nachbarn

Doch es gibt auch Protestanten, deren Freundlichkeit nicht so aufgesetzt wirkt, wie die direkten Nachbarn der Mc Cluskeys. Sie verstehen sich gut mit Cal und Shamie und würden zu ihnen halten, sollten diese aus ihrem Haus ausgewiesen werden ,,They [the Mc Cluskeys] spoke to their near neighbours affably enough but beyond that everyone else in the estate seemed threatening. The Radcliffs and the Hendersons said they would stand by the Mc Cluskeys if it ever came to an eviction.56 . Auch das Verhalten einer Nachbarsfrau nach dem Brandanschlag auf das Heim der Mc Cluskeys zeigt, dass die Nachbarn wirklich mit Cal und seinem Vater fühlen ,,A woman neighbour brought an overcoat and she made Shamie put it on, saying,It makes you ashamed to be a Protestant.`She too was crying.57 Durch die Darstellung der Radcliffs und Hendersons verdeutlicht Mac Laverty, dass es auf beiden Seiten Menschen gibt, die sich dem menschenverachtenden Hass in Nordirland nicht unterwerfen und über die Konfessionsgrenze hinweg Mitgefühl und Wärme zeigen. Es geht also auch anders. Menschen wie die Nachbarn lassen den Leser für die geschundene Region Hoffnung schöpfen.

Die Extremisten

Diese aufkeimende Hoffnung gleich wieder zu zerstören, scheinen sich die Extremisten zur Lebensaufgabe erkoren zu haben. Sowohl auf republikanischer als auch auf unionistischer Seite gibt es Menschen, die den Einsatz von Gewalt zur Durchsetzung ihrer politischen Ziele für legitim halten.

Skeffington und Crilly

Bei den Katholiken stechen dabei Cals ,,Kollegen in der paramilitärischen Organisation, Crilly und Skeffington, besonders ins Auge. Die beiden stehen stereotypisch für zwei Typen von Extremisten. Skeffington ist ein Lehrer um die Dreißig. Er war Augenzeuge des zweiten Bloody Sunday 17 in Derry und musste miterleben, wie ein alter Mann auf offener Straße verblutete. Das Vertrauen in politische Veränderungen hat Skeffington, der damit exemplarisch für viele katholische Nordiren dieser Zeit steht, verloren. Voller Verachtung spricht er von dem gemäßigten nordirischen Politiker John Hume, dem Führer der nordirischen Sozialdemokraten, der 18 für seine Rolle im Friedensprozess den Friedensnobelpreis erhielt.

Die Konsequenzen, die Skeffington aus seinen Erfahrungen gezogen hat, machen ihn zu einem gefährlichen Terroristen. Der junge Mann ist der Kopf hinter den Aktionen der paramilitärischen Gruppe und von kühlem, berechnendem Fanatismus. Er ist überzeugt von der Notwendigkeit seines Handelns. Deshalb hat er auch keine Probleme damit, Morde oder andere Verbrechen anzuordnen, die er mit perfider Logik rechtfertigt, welcher sich Cal nur schwer entziehen kann ,,`The problem with this kind of thing [Terrorakte der Gruppierung; Anmerkung der Verfasserin] is that people get hurt.`Skeffington leaned forward.But compared with conventional war the numbers a small. I know that sounds callous but it's true. In Cyprus the dead hardly ran to three figures. That's cheap for freedom.`'I have no stomach for it,`said Cal. [...]Do you think any of us have?` Skeffington stared at him.Anybody who enjoyed this kind of thing would have to be sick.But it has to be done - by somebody. Because we have committed ourselves, Cahal, it is our responsibility. We have to make the sacrifices...`[...]You have to steel yourself, Cahal. Think of the issues, not the people. Think of an Ireland free of the Brits. Would we ever achieve it through the politicians ?`58 Dieses Beispiel zeigt deutlich Skeffingtons ,,pragmatische Grausamkeit. Er rechnet die Opferzahlen einfach gegen die Freiheit auf. Ein weiteres Beispiel bringt Skeffingtons Einstellung exakt auf den Punkt. Er vergleicht den Terrorismus in unglaublichem Zynismus mit einem quietschenden Stuhl. Dieses Quietschen wird die Briten irgendwann einmal so ärgern, dass sie sich einen anderen Stuhl als Nordirland suchen werden, d.h. das Land verlassen. Durch Skeffington gewährt sich dem Leser ein Blick in die Denkweise eines völlig fanatisierten Drahtziehers, der Menschenleben einer zweifelhaften Freiheit opfert. Skeffington, der Denker im Hintergrund, ist der skrupellose Drahtzieher,der sich die Hände nicht selber schmutzig macht.

Das ist auch gar nicht nötig, denn dafür hat er ja Crilly. Cals Ex-Klassenkamerad ist der Mann fürs Grobe, der Henker. Menschen zu quälen und zu töten, bereitet ihm keine Bauchschmerzen, sondern eher Freude, wie seine aufgeregte Schilderung der Bestrafung des Jungen, der Skeffingtons alten Herrn überfahren hat, zeigt. Mit dem Bolzenschussgerät des Schlachthofs zertrümmerte Crilly ihm die Kniescheiben - knee-capping wie diese Methode in Nordirland lapidar genannt wird ,,'I`ve never done a knee-capping, but, I says,I`ll have a go. [...] Wallop, wallop. Both knees he wanted, and your man on the ground squealing like a stuck pig with Skeffington sitting on his head.`5 Dass Crilly ein wenig sadistisch ist, zeigt sich, als er und Cal ein off-licence überfallen. Crilly weidet sich an der Angst seiner Opfer und Cal hat Angst, dass er jemanden verletzt. ,,'What did you do to those women?`[Cal asked.]I told them to lie on the floor. [...] They were shaking in their fuckin`high-heel shoes [...]` He [Crilly] was laughing [...].60 Für seine Rolle in der Gruppe wird Crilly von Cal gefürchtet und von Skeffington verachtet, der ihn als Werkzeug betrachtet ,,'There are not many aspects of our culture which interest Mr Crilly. But he`s a useful man. [...] If you`ve a burst pipe you send for a plumber. If you have a war on your hands you send for the Mr Crillys of this world.`[Skeffington said.] 61

Protestantische Extremisten - die Brandstifter

Protestantische Extremisten lernt man im Roman nur aus der Entfernung kennen. Auf ihre individuelle Haltung kann man deshalb nur spekulieren. Ihre Identität bleibt geheim. Sie haben kein Gesicht, nur die Bedrohung, die von ihnen ausgeht, ist allgegenwärtig. Dies verdeutlicht dem Leser die ständige Gefahr, in der die Mc Cluskeys schweben. Die Folgen solch permanenter Bedrohung werden im Roman in Beispielen klar. Cal schreckt zusammen, wenn er draußen ein Geräusch hört, obwohl es nur der Briefträger ist. Seine Vorsicht geht sogar so weit, dass er es sich zweimal überlegt, ob er das Licht einschalten soll. Durch solche Beispiele kann sich der Leser einfühlen, wieviel Kraft es kosten muss, mit der alltäglichen, zermürbenden Angst in Nordirland fertig zu werden.

Durch die Darstellung der vielen verschiedenen Personen mit ihren unterschiedlichen Erfahrungen und Meinungen zum Nordirlandkonflikt vermeidet der Autor einseitige Schilderungen und verdeutlicht die Vielschichtigkeit und Kompexität des Problems. So bietet er dem Leser die Möglichkeit, sich selbst ein Urteil zu bilden.

Der Nordirlandkonflikt im Spiegel der Beziehung Cal - Marcella

Ein Großteil des Romans beschäftigt sich mit der Beziehung zwischen Cal und Marcella. Auch die Schilderung der Liebesbeziehung nutzt der Autor, um die nordirische Problematik zu verdeutlichen, da sie geradezu symbolisch steht für das Dilemma der geschundenen Provinz.

Die Begegnung zwischen Marcella und Cal wird von Anfang an durch eine Tat aus der Vergangenheit überschattet. Die Mittäterschaft des jungen Mannes beim Mord am Ehemann der Geliebten steht immer als unüberwindbares Hindernis zwischen dem Paar.Weder kann Cal die Tat ungeschehen machen, noch kann er die Erinnerung daran abschütteln oder verdrängen. Immerzu muss er an sein Verbrechen denken ,,His sin clawed at him, demanding attention. He fought it for as long as he could but there was little to distract him except the cold.6 So dominiert die Vergangenheit sein Denken. Ebenso bestimmt sie Cals Zukunft, da sie ein Leben an Marcellas Seite, unmöglich macht. Schließlich verliert er sogar seine Freiheit, weil ihn seine Vergangenheit einholt. Die Macht der Vergangenheit über Gegenwart und Zukunft ist auch charakteristisch für den Nordirlandkonflikt, da ,,It's [Irland] only concerned with the past and the present. The future has ceased to exist for it.6 Ein eindeutiger Beleg dafür, welchen Einfluss längst vergangene Ereignisse auch heute noch haben, sind die alljährlich stattfindenden Oraniermärsche. Der Oranierorden feiert so den Sieg des Protestanten Willhelm von Oranien über den Katholiken James II in der Battle of the Boyne 160. Da die Märsche oft durch katholische Viertel führen, kommt es immer wieder zu blutigen Zusammenstößen, wenn Katholiken versuchen, die Oranier aus ihrer Wohngegend herauszuhalten. Eine längst vergangene und wohl normalerweise längst vergessenen Schlacht sorgt also auch noch heute für erhitzte Gemüter und blutige Köpfe. Die Vergangenheit steht einer hoffnungsvollen Zukunft im Weg - wie auch bei Cal und Marcella.

Die Beziehung zwischen Cal und Marcella versinnbildlicht zudem die Zerrissenheit Nordirlands.In seiner Liebe zu Marcella ist Cal innerlich gespalten. Einerseits fühlt er sich stark zu ihr hingezogen,doch seine Schuld distanziert ihn gleichzeitig von ihr. Er fühlt sich, als läge ein Universum zwischen ihnen. Dennoch versucht er dieses Universum zu überwinden.

Auch ist er hin- und hergerissen, ihr seine Schuld zu beichten. Alles in ihm sehnt sich danach, Verzeihung von Marcella zu erlangen, doch die Angst vor ihrer Reaktion verhindert ein Geständnis. Wie sehr Cal mit dem Zwiespalt in sich kämpft, wird an einem Beispiel besonders deutlich ,,The more he loved her, the more friendly he became with her, the more afraid he was that he would telll her what he had done. It was the one thing he wanted to talk to her about, to have her console him. He wanted to share his guilt with the person he had wronged. Tocommune with her and be forgiven. He opened his mouth to speak and she waited, listening with raised eyebrows. Cal paused.I would like - another drink,` he said.64 Cal möchte ihr alles sagen und doch wieder nicht. Er ist innerlich gespalten - wie Nordirland, das in zwei sich bekriegende Hälften zerrissen ist.

Ein weiterer Aspekt, der sowohl im Nordirlandkonflikt als auch in der Liebesgeschichte von großer Bedeutung ist, ist die Ausweglosigkeit, die den Nordiren die Hoffnung auf Frieden und Cal die Hoffnung auf ein Leben mit Marcella nimmt. Für das Paar gibt es keine Lösung. Cal steht in einer Sackgasse. Würde Cal die Wahrheit sagen, wäre mit Sicherheit alles zerstört, denn Marcella würde mit dem Komplizen des Mörders ihres Mannes nie zusammenleben wollen. Doch es ihr zu verheimlichen, quält Cal entsetzlich. Es gibt also werder auf die eine noch auf die andere Weise eine Zukunft für die Liebe. Wie man es auch dreht und wendet,die Situation ist ausweg- und hoffnungslos.

Wie auch in Nordirland, wo sich trotz enormer politischer Anstrengungen Katholiken und Protestanten noch immer in unversöhnlichem Hass gegenüber stehen. Jüngstes Opfer des scheinbar niemals enden wollenden Hasses ist ein Belfaster Briefträger, der von loyalistischen Extremisten im Januar dieses Jahres erschossen wurde. Solche Anschläge scheinen denpolitischen Friedensprozess ad absurdum zu führen und machen auf grausame Art und Weise deutlich, dass es auch heute noch keine Lösung gibt.

Mittel der Gestaltung

Den desillusionierenden Eindruck, den der Roman beim Leser hinterlässt, verstärkt Mac Laverty geschickt durch einige Gestaltungsmittel.


Durch Bilder und Motive gelingt es Mac Laverty, die im Roman vorherrschende düstere Atmosphäre zu verdichten.

Fernsehnachrichten, die der Autor in die Alltagsbeschreibung mit einbaut, verdeutlichen das Grauen des Konflikts. Sie zeigen, wie ernst die Lage im ganzen Land ist. Mit ihren unbewegten täglichen Berichten von Mord und Totschlag fungieren sie als ,,Stimmungsbarometer der Unruhen im Restland und zeigen, wie sehr die Gewalt schon zum täglichen Leben gehört ,,Thenews came on...Two hooded bodies had been found at the outskirts of Belfast; bombs had gone off in Strabane and Derry and Newry but no one had been hurt; there was another rise in coal prices;and finally there was the elephant in Belle Vue Zoo that had to have his teeth filed.65

Bereits im ersten Kapitel verbreitet der Autor eine düstere Stimmung. Cal besucht seinen Vater ausgerechnet im Schlachthof. Es stinkt ekelerregend, man hört das Krachen der Bolzenschussgeräte und sieht die Tiere auf ihrem Weg zur Schlachtbank. ,,The humane killer cracked again and Cal saw the killing pen tip over and tumble a beast to the floor, its leg stiff up to the ceiling. It was immedeatly winched up by one of the hind shanks and its throat cut.66 Mit der unbewegten Schilderung solch blutiger Szenen löst der Autor im Leser eine tiefe Beklemmung aus und stimmt ihn quasi von der ersten Seite an auf die folgenden Grausamkeiten ein.

Der obskure Prediger, der mit seinem klapprigen Fahrrad durch die Gegend fährt ,,nailing tracts made from tin lids to trees and telegraph-poles.67 tritt auch im Schlachthof das erste Mal auf. Schon durch sein Aussehen löst er Unbehagen aus. Er ist bleich, hat ,,the Adam's apple of a vulture68 . Dieses Unbehagen wandelt sich in Verstörung um, als der Leser erfährt, dass der Mann als Arznei gegen seine Blutarmut das Blut der frisch geschlachteten Tiere trinkt. Auf diese Weise wird von Beginn an eine Verbindung zwischen Religion und Blut und Tod hergestellt. Dadurch wird die nordirische Problematik indirekt bewusst gemacht.

Auch das weitere Auftreten des Predigers im Verlaufe der Handlung wirkt unheimlich. Die Plakate, die er überall in der Gegend an Bäume nagelt, erscheinen entweder höhnisch oder als düstere Vorausdeutungen. Das Bibelzitat ,,'The Wages of Sin is Death.` 6 muss auf den schweren Sünder Cal wie eine Drohung wirken.

In einem Moment, in dem Cal die grausame Realität des Nordirlandkonflikts besonders bewusst wird - er findet die blutigen Überreste einer Kuh, die von einer Landmine zerfetzt wurde, verkündet das Plakat salbungsvoll ,,The Kingdom of God is within You.70- was in dieser Situation einfach zynisch wirkt.

Auch kurz vor seiner Verhaftung trifft Cal den Prediger wieder, der sich diesmal wie ein Untergangsapostel gebärdet. Er predigt von den Passanten unbeachtet auf der Straße. ,,Repent ye; for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand71, steht auf seiner Schürze, er krakeelt, ,,Without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness.7 Diesen letzten Satz kann man nur als bösartigen Hohn empfinden. In Nordirland, wie auch im Roman selbst, beweist es sich schließlich, dass Blutvergießen keine Lösung ist, geschweige denn zu Vergebung führt.

Mit der Figur des vermutlich verrückten Predigers verdeutlicht der Autor also sehr gut den absurden Irrsinn der Situation in Nordirland.

Ein weiteres Beispiel dafür, wie es dem Autor gelingt, im Leser ein beklemmendes Gefühl wach zu rufen, ist die Schilderung von Grünewalds Gemälde von der Kreuzigung Jesu. Marcella schildert Cal, welch bleibenden Eindruck das Bild auf sie als Kind gemacht hat ,,`It was a painting. And it was the first thing like that which had any effect on me. It was by a man called Grünewald [...] I stood there and stared at it for so long the teachers lost me and had to come back for me. The pain in it is terrible. Not like our Walt Disney mural.'7 Später hat Cal Gelegenheit, sich selbst ein Urteil zu bilden, denn er schenkt Marcella zu Weihnachten ein Taschenbuch über Grünewald, in dem auch die Kreuzigungsszene abgebildet ist ,,The weight of the Christ figure bent the cross down like a bow; the hands were cupped to heaven like nailed starfish; the body with ist taut ribcage was pulled to the shape of an egg-timer by the weight of the lower body; the flesh was diseased with sores from the knotted scourges, the mouth open and gasping for breath. 74Bei dem hier beschriebenen Bild handelt es sich um die Mitteltafel des sog. Isenheimer Altars, des wohl berühmtesten Werks Grünewalds. Im Du Mont Kunstführer ist darüber zu lesen ,,In keinem anderen Werk dieser Zeit haben Grausamkeit und Leid, Verzweiflung und Hingabe einen ergreifenderen Ausdruck gefunden als in der Kreuzigung Christi des Isenheimer Altars um 151-15 von Mathis Nithart Gothart, genannt Grünewald (um 1475 - 158). Der Leichnam Christi hängt in übermenschlicher Größe vor dem Dunkel einer nicht endenden Nacht, die die Erde als düstere Stätte des Todes erscheinen lässt, der im Opfer des Menschensohnes seinen höchsten Triumph feiert. Mit grauenhafter Deutlichkeit werden die schwärenden Wunden der Geißelhiebe gezeigt und das unsägliche Leid in dem herabgesunkenem Kopf mit der Dornenkrone, in dem in Todeskrampf verzerrten Füßen und Händen. Die Wirklichkeitstreue der Schilderung erreicht einen Grad, wo sie ins Unheimliche umschlägt [...]75. Das Bild wirkt auf den Betrachter eindeutig verstörend, was Mac Laverty durch die genaue Schilderung auch auf den Leser überträgt. Durch das ungeheure Leid, das dieses Werk ausdrückt, entsteht eine Atmosphäre des Unheils und der Gewalt. Grünewalds Altarbild von der Kreuzigung Christi steht symbolisch für die Situation in der geschundenen Region, in der das Leid, das Grünewald so klar ausdrückt, auch heute noch gegenwärtig ist.

Sprachliche Mittel

Neben gestalterischen Mitteln verstärken auch sprachliche Mittel die Wirkung des Romans.

Mac Laverty ist ein vielgerühmter Kurzgeschichtenautor, der seine Schriftstellerkarriere mit dem Verfassen von Kurzgeschichten begann. Dies hat seinen Schreibstil sehr geprägt. Auch Cal ähnelt auf Grund von Sprache und Aufbau einer Kurzgeschichte. Dies hat auch der Kritiker Terence de Vere White bemerkt, den der Roman als echte Kurzgeschichte noch mehr beeindruckt hätte ,,This novel could have been a short story; its impact would have been even stronger.76 Neben dem unmittelbaren Beginn, der knappen Darstellung und dem offenen Schluss verfügt der Roman über einen Wendepunkt in der Handlung - alles Elemente einer Kurzgeschichte, die zu der beklemmenden Authentizität des Romans beitragen.

Auch die nüchterne, ungeschminkte Sprache,die an bekannte Kurzgeschichtenautoren erinnert wie z.B. Hemingway, sticht sofort ins Auge,,Die Sprache bleibt einfach, unprätentiös, allen schmückenden oder emotionalisierenden Adjektiven misstrauend [...]77. Immer sachlich und neutral beschreibt der Autor die Vorgänge. Auch bei der Erzählung grausamer Szenen (wie z.B. der oben erwähnten Schlachthausszene) bleibt eine Distanz und Objektivität erhalten, die nach H.G Pflaum die Bannkraft des Romans noch verstärkt. In einem Artikel in der SZ 185 schreibt der Kritiker ,,Je nüchterner er [der Autor] davon berichtet, desto intensiver wird die emotionale Qualität seiner Sprache; auch darauf beruht der Reiz dieser Erzählungen78.

Ein Mittel, durch das der Autor seinen Figuren Leben einhaucht, ist der häufige Einsatz der wörtlichen Rede.Sie bietet die Möglichkeit, die Unterschiede zwischen den Figuren zu unterstreichen und ihnen durch ihre unterschiedliche Ausdrucksweise persönliche Konturen und Züge zu verleihen. Bestes Beispiel hierfür sind Crilly und Marcella Mac Laverty hat die beiden Charaktere grundverschieden angelegt Marcella, die intellektuelle, liberale Kunstliebhaberin, und Crilly, der sadistische ,,bully7. Dieser charakterliche und intellektuelle Unterschied drückt sich auch in der Sprechweise der beiden aus. Crilly redet in einfachen Sätzen, benutzt umgangssprachliche Ausdrücke und flucht auch öfter derb, z.B. tituliert er Robert Morton als ,,big fucker80. Marcella dagegen drückt sich gewählt aus. Sie redet meist nach der Schrift, Schimpfwörter kommen ihr nie über die Lippen. Die Unterschiede zwischen den Charakteren werden bereits durch die Sprachkompetenz deutlich.

Das Benutzen der Umgangssprache hat noch einen Nebeneffekt. Die Arbeiter Cal, Shamie, Crilly und Cyril sprechen alle kein korrektes Englisch, sondern ,,wie ihnen der Schnabel gewachsen ist - wie man in nordirischen Arbeitervierteln eben spricht einfach, derb, und nicht immer salonfähig. Bester Beweis sind die mannigfaltigen Flüche und Schimpfnamen, die den Figuren im Laufe der Handlung entschlüpfen. Ob ,,arselicker81, ,,fucker8 oder (schon fast dezent) ,,crawler8 - die feine englische Art ist das zwar nicht, doch lässt diese Sprache die Personen wesentlich authentischer und somit glaubwürdiger erscheinen.

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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Analysis of Lee Smith's "Intensive Care."

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Analysis of Lee Smith's "Intensive Care."

In "Intensive Care," Lee Smith expresses her vision of love, marriage and the meaning of life. Centering on one man who escapes a dispassionate marriage to wed the woman he loves, Smith states that love is worth struggle and loss, and suggests making meaning out of them.

The protagonist of the story, Harold Stikes, leaves his family and rejects his religion for a woman with a bad reputation. It is a big step for him considering the fact that this event takes place in a small town where there exists a strong sense of family, religion, and community. Thus, the narrative begins with a judgmental voice of the community, which rejects the passionate love between Cherry Oxendine and Harold Stikes. Gossiping neighbors, houses that "have a blank, closed look to them, like mean faces" and overall disapproval don't disturb his enjoyable new life. He "gives up all hope of peace on earth and heaven hereafter for the love of Cherry Oxendine" because she's worth it all and more.

With his first wife, Joan, Stikes has a "perfect" marriage. Joan is an intelligent and organized woman who lives her life almost by a plan. Together, they produce "three children, spaced three years apart" and build their perfect "wax museum." What more would a man want from life? When he finds out from the quiz in a magazine that Joan deems their marriage to be "average," he realizes that he does want more, that "It is not enough!" He yearns for passion and supreme love. He's hungry for communication and wants to feel alive. The love of a redheaded, energetic, generous and fallen, in the eyes of the community, Cherry Oxendine, makes him feel reborn. The rush of new and wonderful feelings enable Harold to see his former life as a mere existence; as a duplicate of other standard lives around him. "He drives past well-kept lawn after well-kept lawn and lovely house after lovely house." In addition to resemblance, there is no evident change in this community. Harold's visit to Joan's house proves this. Three years don't move a thing in the way of her life. Cherry, on the contrary, brings the excitement to his life. It is impossible to know what to expect from a woman with such a generous, dancing flame inside.

Cheap Custom Essays on Analysis of Lee Smith's "Intensive Care."

As Cherry is dying from cancer and pneumonia, Harold tries to catch every moment of being with her. After a long resistance to believing the inevitable, he finally accepts that he's losing her. And even after that he doesn't regret that he left his family and married a waitress from the Food Lion. He doesn't agree with friends who consider him a fool. "He doesn't think so now, walking the old dirt road on the Oxendine farm in the moonlight." Cherry opened a new colorful world for her husband, and he is not ignorant of a beautiful nature around him anymore. "He loves his wife. He feels that he has been ennobled and enlarged, by knowing Cherry Oxendine. He feels like he has been specially selected among men, to receive a precious gift. He stepped out of his average life for her, he gave up being a good man, but the rewards have been extraordinary. He's glad he did it. He'd do it all over again." Loving her was the best thing Stikes experienced in his life and he wouldn't change it for anything in the world. His relationship with Cherry made him a human being and helped him grow spiritually.

The incident with the UFO prepares him for the outcome in the sense of accepting his inability to change his wife's condition. Cherry believes in UFO and destiny, and " thinks there is a master plan for the universe, and what is meant to happen will. She thinks it's all set in the stars" When walking at night in the field Harold sees a UFO, he realizes that he can't control her illness, but instead, has to cope with it and go on living. Accepting that, he even thinks of coming back to his family and religion. However, he will never be the same. Concerned for his wife's dignity he vouches to keep the incident on the lake a secret. No matter what's going to happen afterwards, he is a changed man forever. He is a man who found and preserved love and who will carry this feeling as a treasure through the rest of this "bright, hard life."

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Friday, November 1, 2019

Penicillin: made its mark/ran its course

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Penicillin: made its mark/ran its course. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Penicillin: made its mark/ran its course paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Penicillin: made its mark/ran its course, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Penicillin: made its mark/ran its course paper at affordable prices!

Penicillin, substance named this because the fungal contaminant was identified as Penicillium notatum. The antibacterial effect of penicillin was first discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1. With its interesting mode of action, Penicillin prevents the cross-linking of small peptide chain in peptidoglycan, the main wall polymer of bacteria. This simple antibiotic has surely made its mark and continues to do so all around the world. Penicillin has helped, enriched and saved the lives of many; however, its effectiveness may have ran its course.

Penicillin, any one of a group of antibiotics derived from the fungus Penicillium or created by using partially artificial processes. The action of natural penicillin was first observed in 18 by British bacteriologist Sir Alexander Fleming, but another ten years passed before penicillin was concentrated and studied by British biochemist Ernst Chain, British pathologist Sir Howard Florey, and other scientists. Penicillin acts both by killing bacteria and by inhibiting their growth. It does not kill organisms in the resting stage but only those growing and reproducing. Penicillin is effective against a wide range of disease-bearing microorganisms, including pneumococci, streptococci, gonococci, meningococci, the clostridium that cause tetanus, and the syphilis spirochete. The drug has been successfully used to treat such deadly diseases as endocarditis, septicemia, gas gangrene, gonorrhea, and scarlet fever. Toxic symptoms produced by penicillin are limited largely to allergic reactions that can be anticipated by the use of scratch tests before administration of the drug. In 180 a group of physicians announced that they had successfully desensitized several penicillin-allergic patients with a procedure that took only three hours; tests of the method on a wider scale were instituted.

Buy Penicillin: made its mark/ran its course term paper

Penicillin kills bacteria by interfering with the ability to synthesize cell wall. It works fast, as soon as the problem is identified penicillin goes to work. One by one the bacteria die because they cannot complete the process of division that produces two new "daughter" bacteria from a single "parent" bacterium. The new cell wall that needs to be made to separate the "daughters" is never formed. Although, with penicillins easy way of dealing with things, many side effects and bad habits have come from the antibiotic.

Though some people clearly need to be treated with penicillin, many experts are concerned about the inappropriate use of these powerful drugs. Improper antibiotic use of penicillin selects for populations of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Some bacteria avoid the effect of penicillin by the production of penicillinase, an enzyme that destroys penicillin. Another improper concern is the use of penicillin in livestock, where the drugs are used in well animals to prevent disease, and the animals are later slaughtered for food. Many people have come to take antibiotics for granted. Penicillin falls into this category. A person suffers from a bacterial infection, a penicillin pill quickly controls it. But infections, as well as resistance do occur, and can and do still kill. Patients often stop taking penicillin too soon, because symptoms improve. However, this merely encourages resistant microbes to proliferate. The infection returns a few weeks later, and this time a different drug must be used to treat it. Antibiotic Resistance is very complex. It results from gene action. Bacteria acquires genes conferring resistance in any of three ways spontaneous DNA mutation, microbial sex called transformation, and most frightening, however, is resistance acquired from a small circle of DNA called a plasmid. Now vacomycin resistance has turned up in another common hospital bug, enerococcus. It is only a matter of time, since bacteria swap resistance genes like teenagers swap T-shirts, many microbiologists believe, until vacomycin-resistant staph infections appear. Although, this was not the first bug to battle Penicillin. The first bug was Staphylococcus aureus. This bacterium is often a harmless passenger in the human body, but it can cause illness, such as pneumonia or toxic shock syndrome, when it overgrows or produces toxin. Along with the resistance comes a Vicious Cycle. Though bacterial antibiotic resistance is a natural phenomenon, societal factors also contribute to the problem. These factors include increased infection transmission, coupled with inappropriate antibiotic use. While awaiting the net "wonder drug," society must appreciate, and use correctly, the ones that we already have.

Some experts think that restrictions should be placed on curtain antibiotics, including penicillin. Dr. Joe Cranston on antibiotic restriction, "we have known since way back in the antibiotic era that these drugs have been used inappropriately in surgical prophylaxis (preventing infections in surgical patients). But there is more success (in limiting antibiotic use) in hospital settings, where guidelines are established, than in the more typical outpatient settings." Along with Cranston, many other exerts also believe in this idea of restriction.

A morphogenetic effect is seen through antibiotics. The morphogenetic effect of penicillin can be demonstrated by growing either Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacteria in the presence of sub-lethal concentrations of penicillin. By affecting the cross-linking of the bacterial cell wall, penicillin causes bacterium to grow as larger cells with less frequent cell divisions. An antibiotic having the morphogenetic effect can be good or bad at different times. Dealing with either Gram-positive and Gram-negative can bring complications. Along with a morphongenetic effect, many more effects are seen through penicillin.

Like all antibiotics, penicillin has its certain doses for certain people and their illnesses. Children have to take intravenously for severe infections 4 to 6 doses. It can also be taken orally by children, doses a day. Penicillin can also treat Renal failure, but dose has to be substantially dropped by 5 to50%. Nursing mothers can be given penicillin. Concentrations in breast milk are low, but the risk of an alteration of the child's intestinal flora or of a hyper sensitization cannot be excluded. Pregnant women can take it as well. It cannot be taken for liver insufficiency. Along with penicillins aloud dose, its cautions and no dose allowing for some patients might just be even out with each other.

In penicillins journey through society and history, its effectiveness is no longer estimated, although is still highly questioned. With its terrific historical story and come about, penicillin was a new dawn. With its infections and improper use, however, some doctors and patients see it as a typical medical flop. Penicillins uses and contributions have surely helped this complex world like no other. Along with other all antibiotics its questionable causes and effects have also stunned the world. With this modern marvels healing and down falls, the medical world and present day intellectuals around us all will continue to make advances even when something may have, ran its course.

Please note that this sample paper on Penicillin: made its mark/ran its course is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Penicillin: made its mark/ran its course, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on Penicillin: made its mark/ran its course will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tourism Investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

If you order your cheap essaysfrom our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Tourism Investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Tourism Investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Tourism Investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Tourism Investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Higher Corporation of Tourism

General Secretarial

Tourism Investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Write my Essay on Tourism Investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for me

A workpaper by

Higher Corporation of Tourism

Presented to

The Fourteenth Annual Meeting of Saudi Economic Association

15-17 Safar, 14 Being 8-0 April 00.


First Introduction

Second Status quo of Tourism in K.S.A.

-1 Role of Tourism Corporation in Providing Information.

-Contribution of Tourism in Saudi Economy.

-. Trends of Domestic & International Tourists.

Third Fields of Tourism Investment in K. S. A.

-1. Initial Facilities of Tourism.

-. Assisting Facilities of Tourism.

Fourth Environment of Tourism Investment in K. S. A.

4-1. Environment of Tourism Investment

4-. Environment of Tourism Investment

Fifth Role of private Sector in Tourism Investment .

Sixth Finance of Tourism Investment.

6-1. Finance by Banks.

6- Fund of Tourism Development.

6-. Finance of Small & Meduim Firms.

Seventh Recommendations of encouraging tourism Investment.


Economy of Saudi Arabia is considered as the biggest economy in the Arab world. The total gross domestic production of the K. S. A. is ¼th of the total gross domestic production of the Arab world. K.S. A. has also the biggest reserve of petroleum whose estimation is 60 billion barrels This figure represents 5% of the worlds reserve of petroleum. The K. S. A. is also one of the most important exporters of oil. Oil sector represents (5-40%) of the total gross domestic production of the country. The K. S. A. endeavors to diversity Saudi economic base and reduce its dependence on oil this can be done through a number of measures and economic reforms.

One of the important measures that have been token in the recent years is the establishment of petroleum higher council, economic higher council and public corporation of investment and higher corporation of tourism. These measure have actually been taken to diversify and rectify Saudi economy. Encourage and its growth. This is in addition to the of efforts toward specialization and Saudization. These measures have resulted in the increase of the licensed foreign investments volume. And Saudi economy has grown in stable rates with the ultimate result of keeping oil price level above 0 dollar per barrel. This step in turn reduced the financial cost of economic reform process contribution of gas, tourism and .

Sectors is expected to enhance Saudi domestic production in the future.

The state pays special care to the role that can played by tourism industry in achieving the goals required to diversify and expand the production base of Saudi economy and consequently enhance work opportunities for citizens. This is apparently manifested in the following view that has been presented to develop tourism industry in the future. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the cradle of Islam endeavours to establish permanent tourism development with social, cultural, environmental and economic benefits depending on its Islamic values, originity of its heritage and traditional hospitality. Accordingly , the role of the corporation of higher tourism is determined to encourage development of national tourism as productive sector in so economic, social, cultural and environmental fields. All these objectives can be recognized through of preparation of suitable environment for the purpose of realizing balanced and permanent development. This is in addition to the encouragement of providing institutional support for tourism industry as well as supporting sectors and activities in the kingdom.

The corporation also endeavors to encourage and support the private sector as the basic motivator of tourism development process through encouraging tourism investment in this industry and improving its climate to play the required role. Generally speaking investment climate in general and tourism investment in specify are greatly related to the economic performance and its both present and future possibilities and procedures. In this respect the average domestu production in local present price is 61 riyal bullion in 001 and the average production for individual is 5000 SR. the surplus of the commercial budget is 1,1 Billion SR of 001 which is 4,88 % of the gross domestic production. The whole debit is estimated to be 60 billion SR in 001 (%) while the deficit in budget is 5 billion Sr. the percentage of unemployment in 001 is 15% of the total porulation of the K. S. A.

This paper aims at studying and analyzing tourism investment in the K.S. A. this paper is dirided into 7 sections and introduction. The second section of the paper discussed the status quo to tourism in the K.S. A. depending of information and data provided by the corporation from the supply demand surseys that have been conducted till now. This is in addition of the study of importance of tourism in the K.S. A. by reviening and analyzing trends and opinions. Of local and international tourists. The therd section is dedicated to cover different fields of tourism investment, which is divided into inusetment in initial facilities of tourism investment and subtecilities. The fourth section studies the environment of tourism investment in the K.S. A. with a special concent ration on the difference between the ard hindrances of tourisin investment. The fifth section analyses the role of the private sector in tourism investment. While the sixth section concentrates on views and about financing tourism investment. Firally the seventh section is devoted to the recommendations about investment fourism in general.

Second The status qllo of tourism in K.S. A. Role of Tourism Corporation in providing Information.

In the framework of efforts consecrated by the toursim corporation in preparing national plan for the development of permanent tourism, and for the purpose of enhancing tourism sector, the corporation has made great efferts since its establishment to collect required information and data related to tourism. This is because adequate information provision is the corner stone of planning in tourism industry. This is in addition to the fact that information and data about tourism in the K.S. A. arecontredictoryl for the reason of different sources information about fourism in the K.S. A. also lacks adequacy and coordination in this respect public corporation of tourism undertakes to identify the basic ingredients of tourism sector and analyse expected effects of dereloping tourism . this cor be done through conducting field surveys of demand supply aspect of tourism in the K.S. A.

-1-1 survey of Demand

this servey study aims at identifying reality and the future of the tourism demand in the k. s. a. demand on the tourism products, and the initial and final costs of tourism including infra and super structures tourism . these surveys include domestic tourism survey dts, internal visitors survey ivs and business sector survey bss.

Domestic tourism survey

This survey tackles the following areas. The objective of visit and the penod of residence type of residence, means of transportation used, the number of traveling groups, activities, evaluation of some tourism prodcts, activities prectised by tourists and the total cost.

International visitor surrey.

The main sbjective of theis survey is to identity the aim of the visit by foreigners, period of residence, type of transportation vsed, etc.

Business sector survey.

Business sector survey aims at identifying views and opinions of businessmen obout tourism industry in the K.S. A., its demand how to develop it. This surrey is designed to complete and support the previdth serveys. It also provides important information about views and opinions of the commercial establishments that work in activities related to the fourism sector. The survey also involves information that covers supply and provision of tourism activities .

-1- Supply survey.

As concerning supply tourism corporation concent rates on tourism investment facilities and the role of the private sector in checking factors affect tourism investnent, obstactes that face private sector in this respect and support small and medium firms.

Supply survey involves general survey of investment environment. World bank survey I, tourism investment clinate, meeting stakeholders, focus groups and identify international best practice in toursm investment .

General Survey of Investment environment.

World bank Survey.

The aim at this survey is to determine the important investment incentives and better under stand the reasons that undermine private sector investment. This survey is designed by the world. Ank with the purpose of guiding the government to the best means and standards to of charging the policies that affect private firm, presenting new plans and programmers that support private firms and enhancing common cooporation between governmentab private sectors.

Toursm investment climate survey .

This survey is one of the most important mechanism and techniques used to indentify incentives and measures that encourage the private sector to invest in the development and service of tourism the climale survey also aims at identifying .

Main factors and incentives that encourage the private sector to participate in the tourism projects to invrease profitability of foursin projects .

Obstacles that face the private sector to invest in the development of the tourism projects in the K.S. A. and the means of overcoming these obstacles.

Areas and sub-sectors of tourism field that atlract prospect investors.

The major role of the higher corporation of tourism and private sector in tourism industry.

This surjey was conducted through personal interviews with the executive managers and decision makers in different establishments. The survy involves the following establishments that work in tourism sector e.g. hotels, different residences, exhibitions, restaurants, travel offices and entertainment places and sports it also involves establishments outside the tourism sector.

Interviews with stakeholders.

Partnership by stakeholder is the main basic pillar of the higher corporation of tourism, as the official authority that supervises encouragement, promotion and development of tourism sector accordingly , anumber of interviews have been conducted to indentity views of leadership in 60 th public and private sectors about tourism activities, tourism components and investment obstacles in general , and toursim investment obstacles in particular.

Interview with focus groups.

As we comprehend the importance of opendiscussion with businessmen and officials of investment sector in general and tourism investment in partiular, this technique has been adopted to provide a wide room for expressing opinions and presenting suggestions this group included a and influencers of investment . this is in addition to the investors in tourism sector the discussion general frame involved.

Identification of general investment climate and components of positive investment climate and their availability in the K.S. A.

Hindrances that face investment in the K.S. A. and inventives that can be offered by the government of encourage private sector and evaluation of wailable incentives.

The role of both governmental and private sectors in providing positive environment for investment, as well as the role of other circles in this respect .

I densification of states experienced tourism investment.

An umber of states that experienced successful tourism investment have been chosen as an ideal example to follow. These chosen states have conditions similar to that of the K.S. a. where tourism industry relatively modern. Or those states owr & strong co-operation between governmental and private sectors to support tourism investment for the purpose of recognizing their experiences in the fields of finance, support and incentives presented to facilitate the role of private sector in tourism investment Egypt, spain, Malaysia, Maldeef islands, Poland, tcheck and Ireland were chosen as experienced countries in this sector discussion covers important arcas including government incentives to develp positive investment chimate suitable to the contribution of the private sector and the role of the governmental sector in encouraging and supporting tourism investment in these states.

- Contribution of tourism in Saudi Econmy

tourism sector plays and increasing role in Saudi economy, as on of the important secters on which the state depend to encourage economic growth diversity sources of income, provide employment opportunities and improve situation of the payment balance.

Contribution of tourism in gross domestic production the results of surveys conducted by tonuses corporation manifest that the total revenue of domestic and international tourists is 54 billion SR. consequently, the contribution of torsion sector to the domest gross production of 001 is 5,5% contribution of manufacturing industry is 7 billion SR. % 5,7 of the gross domestic production therefore, contribution of foursism sector in the K.S. A. equals the contribution of manufacturing industry to the gross production. This evidence proves the importance of tourism sector in the national economy and which comes in the third order after petroleum and manufacturing industry sectors.

On tourism

Spending on tourism is divided into the spending by domestic tourists and spending by international tourists domestic tourists spending is ,44 billion SR. (6,7% and the spending by international tourists is 15,81 billion SR. 6,% the following table (1) shows spending distribution according to the purpose of tourism table I spending distribution on tourism according to the purpose of fourism .

Tourism market Domestic tourist spending International tourst spending Total spending

Million SR. % Million SR % Million SR. %

Umra 408 18. 45 1.15 655 18.54

Hajj 400 1.78 600 8.11 4000 11.5

Vacation 11066 4. 17 1.6 118 .0

Visits to torelative and friends 447 1.7 4 6751 1.16

Vacations 010 8.6 464 14 4474 1.7

Marketing 114 .51 1481 11.5 158 4.5

Others 5 1.4 66 .08 601 1.71

Total 45 100 1807 100 54 100

Domestic tourists expenditure is % 10,5 of the final consumption of 141 H. expenditure on branch tourism sectors is distributed according to table table toursm expenditure distribution on tourism sectors

Typeoj expenditure Domestic tourist expenditure International tourst expenditure Total expenditure

Million SR. % Million SR % Million SR. %

Residence & housing 478 1.4 07 4. 785 .4

Food & drintes 88 17. 1785 1. 5667 16.1

Transportation 161 14.1 1567 1. 478 1.4

Enter touinment 5 10 65 4. 860 8.1

Marketing 751 . 54 40.8 1475 5.4

Others 1108 4. 50 4.0 1617 4.6

Total 45 100 1807 100 54 100

Expenditure on marketing represents % of the domestic tourists expenditures, and 40, 8% of the international tourist, expenditure of the total touristn expenditure expenditure on housing & residence represents 1,4% of the domestic tourists expenditure, 4,% of the international tourists expenditure and , 4% of the international tourists expenditure and , 4% of the total tourism expenditure.

Tourism expenditure multipliers.

Tourism expenditure multipliers that have been calculated show the ablity the calculation of tourism on production, in come added value and employ ment accounting of tourism mullipliers shows that tourism sector has positive effects on economy in general and on employment sector in particular . table illustrates some indicators of direct and indirect economic effects of tourism sector in the K.S. A.

Toble economic Effects of tourism expenditure of the year 14 H.

Total expenditure on tourism (million Sr) 5.4

Total expenditure multiplier 1.45

Percentage of final domestic supply of the total tourism expenditue %74

The real expenditure multiplier 1.07

Economic standard Direct effect Total effect percentage

Production million SR. 6.000 7.800 1.45

Incomc Million SR. 6.680 8.100 1.

Added value million Sr. 18.700 6.000 1.

Employment work opportunities 44.00 48.000 1.15

The table shows the following facts;

The total tourism expenditure multiplier is 1,45 .

The total final supply of tourism expenditure is 74% the rest 6% represents the outdrop of national economy. Consequently the really expenditure multiplier is 1.07 .

Tourism expenditire has a direct economic effect of 6 billion Sr as direct sales, 7, 8 billion SR as indirect sales, 8,1 billion SR of in come, 6 billion of added value and 48 thousand work opportunities.

The employment multipker in tourism sector amounts of 1,15 and this means that there is a work opportunity agaist every 7 employees work in tourism sector revenue of tourism in hard currency.

The most important revenues in hard currency are those of haj and Umra travelers and other foreign tourists this is in addition to the revenue of sand air company and revenucs of sea transportation.

Toble 4 shows revenues of hajj and umra travelers is hard currency as well as the revenues of air travel agencies as they are estimated by the available bank system information .

Table 4 revenues of tourism activities in hard currency the year 141 H.

Revenue in hard currency Million SR.

Hajj travelers 5.070

Umra Trasellers 5.865

Revenue of air companies .0

Total 1.865

The total revenues of tourism activities in hard currency is 14 billion SR as 6.6% from Hajj travelers, 4, % from Hajj Umra travelers and 1, 1% from the air companies.

Cntribution of tourism in government revenues contribution of tourism sector in government serenues is mainly linked to the revenues of customs dues on imports which are estimated to reach 785 million SR in the year 141 H. this contribution is expected to decrease with the decrease of customs dues and its unification in the future 004 the total revenue of direct taxation on incom of tourisim sector is characterized by reduction in the K. S. A.

- Tends of domestic & international tourists

the results of survey about big market of tourism inside the K.S.A. show that 75% of those who are involued in the survey have conducted tourist visits more than one day. The purpose of tour were diffecnt some of them were for vacation whose percentage was 44% while hajj and umra was 0.5% then the percentage of visits to relatives and friends was 1. the number of tourists from inside and outside the country, as estimated by the domestic tourists survey and international tourists sursey, is 0,8 million tourists. As showr by table 5 the greater part of domestic tourism market is vacation , entertain ment , visits to relatives frieirds and Hajj & Umra.

Table 5. the number of tourists and visitors in the K. S. A. in the year 141 H.

Domestic tourist Regional tourst from gcc & other Arab countries International tourists

No % No % No %

Hajj & Umra 4.440.000 0.5 .47.000 50.7 1.07.000 80

Vacation& entertainment 6.4000.000 44.0 60.000 5.4

Visits to relative & friends .800.000 1. 1.05.000

Business & government 700.000 4.8 44.000 .1

Health,marketing others 00.000 1.4 614.000 1.8 01.000 0

Total 14.540.000 100 4.788.000 100 1.508.000 100

% of total tourists 6.8 7.

Total of tourists 0.86.000

The table shows that the mumber of tourists is 14,54 million of domestic tourists 4,7 million of regional tourists from g c c and other arab countries. And 1,51 million tourists from other countries. Thus, the number of regional and international tourists amounts to 6, million tourists the percentage of hajj and Umra travelers to 0% of domestic tourists and 58% of regional and international tourists while the percentage of vacation and entertainments tourists is 44 % of domestic tourists, the percentage of friends and entertainment visitors is 1% of domestic visitors.

The movement of tourists in the K.S. A. is characterized by us concentration on the western province around the two holy mosques in holy mekhah and madina the number of tourists domestic is 44 % while the percentage of foreign tourists in was tern province is % the number of tourists who visit eastern province is % and most of them from gcc countries while the percentage of domestic tourists to the province is 8% the so uther province attracts 16% of domest tourists who visit the area during the summer. The percentage of international tourists who visit he southern province is 6% trends of domestic and international tourists show the big tourism market in the K. S. A. and its potential that dictate investment decisions in fourism sector higher corporation of tourism works to complete its different tourism projects for example, conduction of surreys about providing requirements of tourism demand, completion of data pertaining to the tourism expenditure and nature of visitors. This through conduction of extra sureys about domestic tourism and international tourism and business sector expenditure.

Third Areas of tourism investment in the K. S. A.

Tourism investment is defined as investment in one of the areas that are covered by tourism sector, these areas include initial tourism facilities and supporting tourism services most of information about the reality of tourism investment is obtained from surveys and studies that have been conducted by the higher corporation of tourism to cover demand in the following presentation the reality of investment in tourism is reviewed according to the importance of priorities of tourism sector, through data and information available to the tourism corporation .

-1. initial tourism facilities;

if includes investment in tourism housing facilities (hotels, and furnished apartments, facilities of erhibitions, conferences, tourism travel agencies, services of tourism information guidance, and restanrants supplies facilities.

- Housing and Residence Services.

It includes investment in housing and residence sector e.g. hotels and furnished apartments during the post 1 years hotels sector has been developed comsiderably . supply of hotel rooms increased from ,000 room in 140 H. to 5,000 rooms in 141 H. most of hotel rooms are of 1st nd class rooms distribute to all kingdoms parts by 7,% in makhah, 8,6% in Madinah, 7,5% in Riyadh and 10,6 % in the rest of the K. S. a.

Anumber of domestic and in grational hotels established housing services in the K. S. A. all these hotels are 5 and 4 star hotels. Most of these hotels have been working in the K. S. A. for more than 15 the number of rooms of these hotels is 10,600 rooms ie 11,1% of the hotel rooms in the K. S. A.

Investment in hotel sector is first class domestic investment hotels. Are organized by concession agreements. Some of Saudi companies started to develop series of domestic hotels. A though the presence of these companies is still in its first steps.

On the other hond development of furnished apartments in the k. S.a. is not well organized instead of some successful attempts made in this respect some of little in formation and and statistics about furnished apartments were collected from the ministry of commerce though the system applied in the ministry docs not present data about the number of rooms, beds or licensed furnished apartments higher corporation of futurism has collected some data about the furnished apartments through telephone contacts or internet. The number of furnished housing companied is estimated at 56 in the year 14 h. in the K. S. A. including 1.700 housing units with different sizes each unit contains or 4 bedrooms as the two typed room spreads in the k. s. a. the potential number of bedrooms uill be 7,400 room and 54,800 beds housing compounds are distributed according to their class with ,6% tist, 7,5% second class and ,5% third class.

The number of furnished rooms distribute unequally in difterent geographical locations ot the k. s. a. in the two holy cities mekkah and madinah the number of furnished apartments is 0 units with the 7 % of the total .

-1-- Exhibitions & conferences facilities.

There are no spcipic classifications or standards applicable to the exhibitions confecences facilities with the exception of neath and safcty precautions with are put forward by the civil detence administ ration, ministry of health and municipalities this is in addition to the work circumstances recommended by the ministry of labour.

There are reles and requlations to license andorganize domestic and internatonced exhibitions and good work markets. There are three types of exhibitions and conferences facilities in the k. s. a. these are exhibitions centrg specialized conference centers and hotels meetings.

Exhibition centers in clued all areas of auditable show in the k. s. a. also include small percentage of auailable areas prepared for conferences. Data shows that in 141 H. there were 000 square metres of exhibitions area and 61000 square metres of areas prepared for conferences and meetings.

Performance of exhibitioncentres is measured by the number of show days I generally speaking the rate of using exhibition centers is between 5% and 40% for the most busy exhibitions the rate of using these exhibitions pertains to the number of lvents and occossions that held every year and their continuity. The high irate of using these exhibitions is usually related to the balanced planning of eventy and occasions but its rewrrevce leads to decrease of their use to as aresult of periods of preparation or discontinuation.

system ensures hat the workers should not do compulsory and the age of work is 14 .

4'1 Wages and prices

The K.S.A. adopts the policy of free economy which does not justify interference in fixing the prices without need for that This is what is required by Sharia teachings . Prices of commodities that produced by public sector are subsided . These goods are sold with less prices than that of the market and are of less cost . Most of the food commodities are subsided at the wholesale level.

4-1-10 Contribution of Governmental Sector

Governmental sector contributes effectively in the Saudi economy . The government sector consumes about 4 to % of the gross domestic production . The government generates most of the gross domestic reduction from its petroleum returns . Thus oil and public sector are the basic pivots of the Saudi economy and for its ability to develop and investment .

4--1-11 Development of the Banking System and Financing Capabilities

Saudi banks are characterized by their being the best banks in the area and they are among the best 00 banks in the world . The commercial banks work in the Kingdom have 10 branches and devised with the best and most recent technology These banks offer a variety of investment services and provide opportunities for investment in both domestic and international markets through the different funds deal with the domestic and international stocks ,.

Saudi economy is also characterized by having financing abilities which allow it to get the capital required in reasonable commission . Saudi industrial development fund offers easy loans to finance industrial projects of whose total expenditure is 15 % that can be redeemed after 15 years Arab Saudi fund establishment supervises the baking system and stock market which started in 185 . Saudi stock market is the biggest one in the middle East as far as the market value of the registered 70 companies . The total number of their stocks is 55 million dollar in the year 000 . It is worth mentioning here that the stock market in the Kingdom does not play its role efficiently in providing required funding . It works fundamentally only as secondary market to provide liquidity for smaller investors .

4 Obstacles of Tourism investment

These obstacles include a number of hindrances and difficulties that constraint the development of tourism investment in the Kingdom . These obstacles can be classified as following institutional and organizational obstacles . financing constraints , market problems , framework and social constraints .

4 institutional and Organizational Hindrances

These include absence of transparency , bureaucracy , deficit of organization and procedures of exhibitions .

A Absence of Transparency

Absence of transparency in Saudi economy is one of the most important obstacles that face investors from two points of view first, ambiguity of rules an regulations . Second , deficiency of statistical information and data . The consensus conducted in 11 for example did not cover all housing aspects and its information distributed after a along period and consequently its information are outdated and could not be used now because they are not modernized .

Because of ambiguity of rules and regulations , dangers and costs of investment increase . Thus , investors prefer to invest outside the Kingdom 0 for the reason of the rise in the costs of investment and reduction of its profitability and consequently this leads to refrain of investment in general and tourism investment in particular .

B- Bureaucracy

Bureaucracy is considered as the most important factors that constrain investment in general and tourism investment in particular in the Kingdom . Managerial transactions need a long time to be done and because the time is a very important element in cost , investment become very expensive . and of less return . Thus , the profitable and attractive projects in other countries become the target of investor to save his time and money . Difficulties of obtaining licenses as a result of administrative complexities lead some investors to refrain from investing in the tourism sector . and transfer to other countries .

It is also observable that there are two active seasons for work in the K.S.A. i.e. autumn and winter . but the rest of the year is characterized by many vacations and this leads to the reduction of administrative work .

c- Rules and Regulation of Organizing Exhibitions

Deficiency in rules and regulations lead to reduction of planning level in organizing exhibitions and consequently render them failure . Results of surveys and studies conducted by the higher corporation of tourism show the great deficiency in the marketing of tourism exhibitions in the Kingdom . A number of tourism exhibition are not marketed in an efficient way . . For example invitation of participation does not reach to companies . This is in addition to the absence of coordination between the exhibitions organizers and commerce & industrial chambers . Failure of organizing exhibitions causes great losses to the participants as a result of expenses of their participation in these exhibitions . This eventually leads to their refrain from participating the next exhibitions taking into consideration the cot of participation is increased by the chambers of commerce and industry year after year .

-- 4 Market Obstacles

They include inappropriate work market conditions of tourism investment , difficulty of obtaining modern market information . Work conditions is considered as one of the most important obstacles of tourism investment in the Kingdom from many points of view

A Difficulty of Recruiting Foreign Skilled Workers

Difficulties of recruiting foreign skilled workers increased for the follow of quota policy in choosing these workers regardless of qualification and skill . Investor always chooses a team of foreign workers who don't necessarily have ideal experience and consequently the quality of work is reduced considerably The use of unskilled workers affects the performance of tourism service that is offered to the consumer . Freedom of workers movement may lead to the facilitation of choosing the most skilled workers who increase the quality of work .

B- Saudization

Investors tend to employ foreign workers because of availability of qualification and training with the relative reduction of their costs and salaries compared to the Saudi workers . On the other hand there is no available skilled Saudi workers for incompatibility of their scientific qualifications to perform satisfactorily . . This is in addition to the absence of specialized training institutes in the Kingdom . Moreover, Saudi always refrain from working in tourism services sector that required by the tourism industry e.g. hotel servants and maintenance workers .

Because of high cost of Saudi workers and their poor tourism qualifications compared to foreign workers , investors are oriented to employ Saudi workers in the future investment projects to render investment in the Kingdom more attractive . this represent an obstacle I both short and medium runs . In this respect the importance of distinction between different economic activities in Saudization policy has become a must specially in the field of services activities that are not desired by Saudis e.g. restaurants and maintenance work .

C Costs of Training Saudi Workers

Some companies train and qualify Saudis to perform their work efficiently 0 Results in this respect show that leaving Saudis work to occupy their vacancies in companies for just obtainment of better work opportunity force companies to burden costs of training these workers before they cover the cost spent on them . Thus training cost represents a great loss for investment companies and this consequently leads to increase in the cost of work and reduces revenues of investment .

Services required by tourism sector need specialized , qualified and well trained workers to perform tourism services and activities . Opportunities of employment in tourism sector require institutes to qualify workers who will be employed in the future in tourism sector . Observation shows that there is a gap between the output of educational institutions and the requirements of tourism sector from workers . Institutes do not graduate well qualified workers required by tourism for the shortage of specialized tourism institutes . . For this reason investors of tourism sector resort either to the foreign qualified workers or to train Saudi workers . And because training of Saudi workers id more expensive than that of foreign workers or their recruitment , appropriate training framework is not established and this forms an obstacle for tourism investment .

D- Complexity of Work and Residence regulations

Administrative complications concerning issuance of Iqamas , its renewal are both expensive and complex to the extend that they affect returns of foreign workers and in turn affect performance of work . The ultimate result of all this is the increase of services costs and reduction of investment revenues .

Issuance of entry visas requires long waiting . . and because the qualified and skilled workers have a number of choices and alternative work opportunities , they do not wait these long procedures of issuing entry visas to the Kingdom . They move to other countries of less cost visas and recruitment procedures . It is of great importance to view work element as a significant production access for any investment projects as well as raw materials , to utilize it by maximum rate .

H- Need for organizing temporary work

One of the main problem is the absence of regulations organizing temporary work which mean to give workers special mission for shorter period without commitment to provide permanent work for them to evade the cost of work and lessen their importance . As tourism activity is seasonal , the work conditions in this respect should suit the nature of temporal work in tourism field . Of course, regulations of foreign workers are not appropriate with the nature of temporal work which requires the work to stay longer periods without work or forces him to transfer his Iqama during the idle tourism seasons . 0 It is therefor necessary that regulations of tourism work and activities should include appropriate regulation to suit seasonal work for both Saudi or foreign workers .

4-- Finance Obstacles

Finance obstacles include budget deficits , foreign investments constraints of financing tourism projects shortage of financing small and medium projects and reduction of hotel investment returns .

A Budget Deficits and foreign investment

Accumulated deficit in balance since 18 has led the government to borrow from local sources to cover deficit . This is at the expense of the account of available local investment and consequently resort to o the foreign investment to move the wheel of economy and increase its development . The government encourages and attracts foreign investments although this is done without intended orientation as the government desires access of investment to limited fields . but there should be more flexibility as far as foreign investment is concerned .

B- Obstacles of Financing Tourism Projects

Observation shows that investor refrain from investing in tourism sector and this is due to the high risk rather than inviolability of capital .Banks impose restriction conditions and commissions to secure their loans specially for foreign companies and real estates investments . This measure is due to disqualification of legal rules for securing payments of loans and prophesy of changes in rules and regulations .

Deficit of Financial Support for small and medium Projects

Small and medium firms projects suffer from big problems and hindrances like that face other firms in the Kingdom . These projects lack government financing and support that go to the big companies in other fields . In other countries these projects receive enough financing and full support and constancy . these project contribute by 80% of the gross domestic production . This is applicable to tourism sector . which depends much on cases of the existence of this type of projects .

In the Kingdom the government encourages the establishment of the big industrial projects and this will be at the expense of the small and medium projects that suffer from difficulties of obtaining loans from commercial banks because these banks need warranties which sometimes are unavailable .

4--4 Framework Obstacles

This kind of obstacles include ambiguity of future orientation of Saudi economy ,disqualification of infrastructure in some areas , concentration of investment to the areas of real estates & technology inadequate information of investment in the Kingdom and reduction of hotel investment revenues .

A - Ambiguity of Future Orientations

As the economy of the Kingdom depends on oil revenues and because these revenues fluctuate according to the fluctuation of the prices of oil , oil revenues considerably affect the future orientations of the Saudi economy and consequently leads investors to hesitate to in taking decision in investment field .They turn to other countries that have more clear orientation . This is in addition to the fact that entering into tourism projects investment requires a precise knowledge about the government policy concerning tourism . This is in addition to their need for the stability of the present policy and avoid sudden changes that constraint present investments.

On the hand investment decision making depends much on studying market situation from available statistics and information . Relevant government authorities do not provide adequate and modern information about market situation . Absence of this information increases the rate of risks of investments and ultimately force investors to hesitate to take investment decisions and may deviate their investments to other countries .

B Incompleteness of Infrastructure in Some Areas

Major cities of the K..S.A like Riyadh , Jeddah , Makkah, Madinnah and Dammam are characterized by developed infrastructure . But other areas suffer from big shortage in infrastructure e.g transportation , water sewage , electricity etc. . The real problem is that this shortage sometimes exists in the places of tourism possibilities and this shortage raises a great obstacle in facing tourism in these places .

c- Investment in Real Estates Technology

Investors in the Kingdom prefer to employ their money in real estates investments because they consider it as the best kind of investments and is of less risks . Saudi investor also is inclined to invest in technological fields as attractive sector for investment as inevitable rapid international changes in technology on one hand and little government interference in investment on the other hand .

Restriction of investment to real estates and technology prevents other sectors from making use of investments specially tourism sector . as investors are convinced that there is no suitable investment sphere featured by trust and stability .

D- Investment Conditions in the Kingdom

The K. S. A is considered as one of the most stable countries in both political and security fields. This state of stability should constitute a factor of attraction for tourism investment . But actually this factor does not play its real role for the ignorance of both domestic and foreign investors about conditions and circumstances of investment in the K. S.A . and its different parts , on one hand and shortage of government public relations that improve the picture of the Kingdom's polarization of investment , on the other hand . Therefore domestic investors hesitate to establish investment projects and consequently may undertake risks of transferring it to other countries . Foreign companies may also hesitate to invest in the Kingdom because shortage of information about conditions of investment increases investment risks and costs, and decreases its returns .

H- Reduction of Hotel Investment Revenues ;

Hotel investment is one of the tourism investments desired in the Kingdom . According to the attraction of this type of investment , hotel sector is considered as the most sector crowded with investments specially in the western province of the Kingdom . In Makka and Madina and Jeddah hiring of hotels decreases in seasons other than that of Hajj and Umrah . Fore example of occupation of hotels in Jeddah in this year is 5% and its expected to decrease more next year . This may lead to the reduction of revenues in some hotels and loss for others . This is also due to the long period of restoration of hotel investment The result of all these investment obstacles investors transfer to invest in other neibouring countries where investment positive atmosphere is prevailing to finance hotel projects with Saudi capitals in partial rate and this prevent Saudi economy from these investments.

5--4 Social and Cultural Obstacles

Saudi society is governed by social and cultural values that have their tangible effects on tourism industry and consequently on the volume of investments in this industry . On one hand families do not enjoy many opportunities to spend their leisurely time outside houses in the tourist places . On the other hand some individuals of Saudi society view that tourism is not a fruitful family activity because it is a loss of time and money which should be directed to the other economic activities of the family .

6--4 Other Obstacles

It is generally thought that event of September 11, 001 have adverse effects on the development of the international economy and demand of petroleum and consequently on the government revenues , government expanses of the oil countries that much related to their oil revenues. According to role of oil revenues and government expense , domestic investment in general and tourism investment in particular are expected to decrease also . And because of the decrease of the international growth as the result of that events , foreign investment (including tourism investment ) is also expected to decrease . Political instability in the Middle East plays an adverse role in this respect .

Fifth Role of The Private Sector in Tourism Investment

Private sector represents the axis of permanent tourism development in the K.S.A as it enjoys administrative proficiency , investment experience , and competitive ability which helps it in providing goods and tourism services low prices . This is in addition to the fact that it owns a considerable capital 0 the percentage of forming capital is 64% in 1 and accordingly the role of he private sector in developing tourism industry and diversifying sources of income in the Kingdom is complementary to the role of government represented in the establishment of higher corporation of tourism to prepare a plan for encouraging development of permanent tourism on one hand and providing infrastructure required for the development of tourism industry on the other hand .

Instead of availability of tourism components and possibilities , and investment opportunities in tourism sector , but the percentage of capital invested in tourism sector compared to the total private investment is only ( 7,1 ) according to the estimates of the international council of tourism in 000. As tourism sector includes a number of companies and establishments working directly or indirectly in tourism industry , the role of the private sector in implementing permanent development planning for tourism sector requires comprehensive understanding of permanent development concept by all private sector units related to the tourism industry in order to contribute effectively in executing this plan ands doing so the following can be achieved

- Inclusion of permanent tourism development concepts in the objectives of administration and clarification of its positive effect on the profitability and performance of work .

- Encouragement of investment in tourism work and provision of suitable environment and atmosphere required for it .

- Increase of the competitive capabilities of tourism firms and increase of production through the development of tourism products competitive and appropriate for the development of permanent tourism .

- Dependence on the national work force as far as that is possible to develop tourism sector to secure participation of citizens in developing the sector .

- Distribution of investments in a way that helps in developing different areas and avoid concentration on main cities pressure on infrastructure .

The private sector undertakes the responsibility of providing the superstructure for the tourism sector which consists of firms and services necessary for the establishment of competent tourism industry including hotels , restaurants , marketing centers and entertainment cities . In this respect the results of survey about works sector conducted by the higher corporation of tourism show that the private sector should undertake the great responsibility of providing tourism investment financing k contributing to promote national human cadres in the field of tourism . and contribution to tourism market in the Kingdom .

Increase of the role of the private sector in developing the tourism sector requires availability of suitable investment atmosphere and this include

- Facilitation official procedures pertaining to tourism investment , availability of information , follow clear price policy in fixing service prices with a positive reflection on the expected profits .

- Review of systems and procedures relevant to tourism preparation of suitable investment environment including reviewing the system and procedures concerning investments in the field of tourism 0

Sixth Finance of Tourism Investment

Availability of capital is not considered as the main obstacles to the investment in the Saudi economy with the justification that 750 million are invested abroad . But the real problem is the absence of appropriate channel for financing investment projects in general and tourism investment in particular . This is applicable to the individuals and small & medium projects but not necessarily to the big companies The available means of financing tourism projects are self financing of the owner of the companies and establishments throw savings and reserved profits from past activities . or through participation in issuing new stocks or through borrowing from banks . The means of financing depends on the volume of investment .The more small tourism project , the more possibility for its financing . While in the big investment projects other means of financing are sued e.g that depend on partnership or borrowing . On the other hand the rate of risk in the project determine the means of finance . . If there is great rate of risk investor resorts to the means of partnership with other investors or to the self-fund means . They try to avoid borrowing which result in the failure of these projects .Tourism sector may constitute a strong base for the attraction of foreign investment specially in the big tourism projects whether in form of partnership or foreign one . Costs of operating big tourism investment projects reflect two sides first , the concern of high costs of direct operation e.. g services . Second , the concern of indirect costs that related to some organizational and institutional constraints that increase the cost of tourism from the point of view of domestic tourist

6-1 Finance by Banks

The traditional means of financing investment projects are done through a complexity of debits and stocks . Statistics show that industrial projects in the Kingdom have been financed since their first stages with ( 70% ) of debits and (0% ) of stocks . Banks and government funds played a great role in financing many of industrial investment projects through industrial development fund which is considered the first source of finance 0. Real estates development fund has also played and important role in developing real estates investment sector and the commercial banks represents the second source of achieving required financial balance .

As far as tourism sector is concerned the role of the commercial banks restricted to the finance of hotel sector and in limited form . The main reason of this is due to the fact that banks are not allowed to have enough guarantee for financing e.g. bid . Difficulty of obtaining loans is considered as one of the obstacles that are above-mentioned because banks tend to restrict loans with some difficult conditions and high rate of commission . As banks are forbidden from bidding they are not able to facilitate financing projects that by their nature contain a number of real estates e.g. tourism projects . As loan market is characterized y its concentration off short and medium loans and these requirements do not apply to the tourism sector because its projects are long term ones . No doubt the solution of problems that face financing by banks requires along time K and consequently a study about alternatives is conducted now to solve the problems of financing for the purpose of developing the tourism sector to reach maturity and change the system of work in banks .The best mechanism of achieving this goal by establishing tourism development fund . This is in addition to the increase of the role of small and medium projects fund .

6- Tourism development Fund

Tourism development Fund is considered as one of the financing in many of tourist countries . The objectives of are different according to the difference of the degree of development of tourism sector in each country The benefits that can be got from these funds are

- Obtainment of required money for the sector to meet the needs of the tourism sector in reduced rates and easy conditions .

- Location of finance to the new tourism projects that investors fear entering into them

- Finance of small and medium projects as in many tourism countries e.g Malasya and Tcheck .

As the tourism sector is young is recently established in the Kingdom and its return is are very meager , the existence of tourism development fund is one of the most important steps that should be taken . With the gradual development and maturation of the sector the need for the fund decreases because of the reduction of risks with the development of the sector and this will lead to the provision of other sources of finance . The way of financing and its source is different according to the degree of risk and the rate of return from the investment project .

Suggestion in this Respect are

- Loans should be offer to the new investment projects as a whole and not to the already established ones .

- Fund should have enough money to finance tourism sector in good way 0 e.g im Malasya , Tcheck and Irland the total amount of the fund is 50 million dollar .

- The finance by the fund should be restricted to project of economically accepted returns

With the exception of hotels, restaurants and travel agencies , many of the tourism branch sectors seem to be semi ignored in the Kingdom . And this leads to diversion of investment to other sectors outside tourism sector . The supervising authorities of the tourism sector the higher corporation of tourism should play its role in removing the nonfinancial obstacles that face the tourism investment in the Kingdom to provide more confidence to the tourism sector . One of the best solutions that the corporation undertakes now is to provide the private sector with the list of projects that need finance . The corporation aims at lessening this role gradually coincides with the development of the tourism sector to restrict it to the facilities of tourism investment and to render the private sector the pioneering role in establishing , operating and maintaining tourism projects

6 Financing of small and medium firms

Small and medium projects constitute a big percentage in tourism sector on the international level . They are expected to have the same role in domestic level . These establishments face many obstacles in finding finance . required for its operation . There is an idea of establishing a fund for financing small and medium establishments . Preparation of such establishments stated few years ago . under the supervision of Saudi Arab fund establishment with the contribution from the commercial banks . The higher corporation of tourism is expected to play the an important role to secure benefit got by the tourism sector from this fund to realize its objectives.

Seventh Recommendations of Encouraging Tourism Investment

These include incentives of tourism investment , procedures recommended by the government to encourage tourism investment . procedures of removing tourism investment obstacles . Tourism corporation should suggest suitable solutions with coordination of the government authorities These recommendations are

1-7 Work Market

Modernization of work regulations to suit the needs of tourism market , requirements of investments systems to secure the rights of contracting parties

Specialized conferences centers are considered as internal exhibitions in which conferences are rou's are held. The center comprises audiovisual rooms for conferences. Statistics show that there are four specialized centers in the K.S.A these centers are essentially used by the governmental departments as special rallies symposium.

Facilities of hotel meetings include all rooms and halls prepared for conferences. They are different from the specialized conferences centers by their big areas and objectives. These facilities are estimated to reach 51 000 square meters in the beginning of the year 14 H. These facilities are distributed among the Kingdom cities as follows Jedah 8,8% Riyadh 16,8, Khobar 8,6% , Abha 8,5% Madina 8,% and 1,7% for the rest of cities .

-1- Travel & tourism agencies and Information and Tourism guidance services.

Tour operators and travel agencies represent all companies agencies and individuals work in buying and selling and distributing cards and tickets for the transportation of passengers, luggage and goods by our mail, and perform registration services of air trans partition , organizing individual, and group flights and anything concerns passenger services.

To obtain a residence or work license by any company Saudi or foreign and subject to the lows and regulations of the ministry of commerce.

According to the ministry of defense, air audition and general Inspection, there are 107 travel agencies work in the K.S.A in 141 .H. Statistics show that these agencies distribute over the areas of the Kingdom as shown by table 6.

Table 6 licensed travel agencies in different areas in 141 H.

Area Mo. (010)

Holy mekka 0 5.5

Riyadh 5 .1

Eastern province 08 18.

Holy Madinah 5 .

Aseer 4 .

Northern Province 15 1.4

Qassim 1 1.

Najran 1 1.

Najran 1 1.

Other Areas 7 .6

107 100

The table shows that 86.5% of travel agencies exist in mekka, Riyadh and eastern province while 1.5% exist in other areas of the kingdom. Umrah Licensed travel agencies in 14 H. are 17 agency, and of them are in Jeddah, 17 are in Makkah and 70 are in Medinah.

Tourism and travel industry requires available of intensive and comprehensive information. Need tourism in formation is necessary for the goods and tourism services.

Consumer and producer before, during and often tourism journey . Flow of tourism information among the different sectors of tourism industry and consumers, is considered as vital concern. Internet is used as a means of spreading information pertaining to the tourism sector Development tourism information organization by the higher corporation of tourism is considered as the suitable means of filling in the gap of deficient tourism information in the K.S.A

Facilities of tourism information and services are not developed in the K.S.A Relative deficiency in tourism information is very big all over the country. But in some areas where tourism industry is given more care tourism information and services have been developed rush Information centers can be established to collect required information about tourists and visitors through preparing main accesses to the major sites e-g supports interesting places and big urban centers where tourism activities are concentrated.

There is also a big shortage in tourism guidance trained specialists in the K.S.A Programmer of human resources in the higher corporation of tourism analyses and salves this problem. It can suggest the best ways of recruiting tourism guidance cadres and training them to improve their per for manse .

-1-4 Restaurant facilities .

Information obtained from ministry of commerce shows that there are 5470 restaurant in the K.S.A Table 7.

Shows the distribution of these restaurants to the areas in the Year 14

Table 7 Restaurants in the K.S.A in the year 14 H.

Areas No %

Makka 481 45.

Eastern province 88 16.

Riyadh 56 1.

Madinah 48 .1

Jizan 88 7

Baha 10 .4

Northern province 14 .

Other areas 1 .

Total 5470 100

It is clear that restaurants consent rate mainly in four areas Makka, eastern province Riyadh and Madinah . The percentage of restaurants in these areas 80.8% of the total number of restaurants in the K.S.A In this respect food and drinks industry has been developed considerably as a big net of restaurants series has been established. This is in addition to the famous international restaurants as well as popular and eastern restaurants

Fast population growth in the K.S.A coincide with the big development of construction has led to the spread of different types of kitchens and restaurants in the K.S.A these restaurants are middle east, Alrcan , Aslan and .

Services in the K.S.A Ministry of municipalities and villages affairs has prepared some statistics about the most of urban areas table 8 show the number and distribution of retail services according to the main cities of Kingdom.

Table 8 Retail services in the main cities of the Kingdom (14)

City No %

Riyadh 1668 45,6

Jeddah 706 1,

Dammam 5170 14,1

Makka 71 8,

Taif 4 6,6

Tabuk 5 ,7

Abha 5 1,6

Yanbu 450 1,

Total 6615 100

There are common markets in the big cities of the Kingdom .covered common markets have become important sources of attracting tourists. This is in addition to a number of traditional markets . All these kinds of markets exists in all cities of the the kingdom and they are popular attraction of both tourists and citizens alike.

-- Municipality Gardens and Resorts

Gardens , parks and resorts contribute in the beautification of destinations because they provide places of rest and amusements for tourists and citizens. Higher European to meet the need of the flow of workers from different countries.

Supply of restaurants is suitable and sufficient in performance , quantity and quality to meet the need of tourists from food and drinks. Restaurants industry is not different in nature from that of the original countries of tourists and consequently satisfy demand of investors and pleasure of tourists.

- Tourism Assisting Facilities

Tourism assisting facilities contribute in making destinations more attractive providing infrastructure and supporting tourism activities. to achieve this objectives it is four types of tourism assisting facilities can be distinguished-

• Retailers services

• Gardens & Parks

• Banking Services

• Health & Medical Care Services.

Concentration will be on the first two facility as there is no enough information about the other two facilities.

1-- Retail Services

Tourist care about places of retail and marketing in every destination. Not only that but services in these places from the pivot tourism activities.

Retail services sector includes common markets , big stores , centers of memoir sales and free zones sales . there are little statistics about retail.

Corporation of tourism has studied gardens in urban centers and entertainment resorts in the Kingdom at the end of the year 14 H through questionnaires distributed to the important municipalities. According to the collected data the number of gardens is 86 gardens and parks with the area of 500 sqm.

Big number of public gardens is in Riyadh , Jeddah and Madinah . these three cities have 70% of the total area of gardens and parks in the Kingdom.

4th Tourism investment in the K.S.A

economic policy is characterized by certain features e.g following the policy of free markets , encouraging private sector , removing restrictions on financial transactions , facilitating domestic and foreign investment. A detailed presentation of ingredients and hindrances of tourism investment has been prepared according to the findings of surveys and studies.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia considered as the biggest country in the field of natural resources in the middle east and Arab Gulf area. It has diversified natural resources and rich sources of energy. It is rich of oil , natural gas and other minerals , the K.S.A also owns biggest reserves of the oil in the world. The oil reserves of Saudi Arabia estimated with 60 billion barrels which represents 5% of the world reserves of oil , Saudi Arabia also produces about 1% of the whole world production of oil. As for natural gas the Kingdom produce ¼ of the world production. Accordingly the KingdoPlease note that this sample paper on Tourism Investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Tourism Investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on Tourism Investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor had such a dynamic effect that it immediately shifted the public opinion from "isolationist neutrality" to "determined intervention." Following the events of Pearl Harbor, the citizens the United States held many contrasting opinions in regards to Japanese Americans. Hawaii, for example, called for just treatment of the Japanese. General Delos Emmons, military governor of Hawaii, and the president of the Honolulu Chamber of Commerce were unwilling to permit the Japanese's mass evacuation. They stated that their internment would not only annihilate their labor force, but would also destroy the economy of the islands. Hawaii asserted this viewpoint because of a long history of interaction with the Japanese in the islands. On the other hand, leaders from the mainland argued that the potential saboteurs must be evacuated. Lieutenant General John L. DeWitt, head of the Western Defense Command, claimed a different opinion than Emmons' in Hawaii. DeWitt wanted to be granted the power to exclude Japanese aliens, as well as Japanese Americans from restricted areas. Beginning on January 5, 14, the resentment against the Japanese people was being portrayed by the public in newspapers and magazines. The Japanese who were regarded as "loyal" had played an important part in the success of Japanese attacks. The resentment against the Japanese grew as patriotic organizations, such as the California Department of the American Legion, campaigned for Japanese removal. Major General Joseph Stilwell noticed that the claim of military necessity for mass evacuation was based primarily upon "public and political pressure," which leads to Roosevelt's Executive Order 066 of 14. This order states that the "successful prosecution of the war requires every possible protection against espionage and sabotage to national defense material, premises, and utilities." One of the most responsible for the internment of Japanese Americans was Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy. He agreed with DeWitt's military assessments regarding the need for incarceration of Japanese Americans to support the excuse of military necessity. McCloy, along with state and local politicians, fully approved of the Executive Order. Many local patriotic groups, newspapers and politicians voted for the new order and began to "jump on the bandwagon calling for Japanese American removal." Because of Roosevelt's executive order, there were Japanese who challenged the United States, as in the case of Gordon Hirabayashi, a student at the University of Washington who had been imprisoned because he refused to obey a curfew imposed by General DeWitt and failed to report to an assembly center for evacuation. In June 14, Judge Lloyd Black denied Hirabayashi's challenge that the orders presented a case of unlawful racial discrimination. Black then told the jurors that they were "instructed to return a finding of guilty." The jurors returned within ten minutes, and Hirabayashi was sentenced to three months in jail, in addition to the five months he has already served. The American public felt that in case of an invasion "there would be among [the Japanese Americans] a number of persons who might assist the enemy." Another internment case involves a Nisei, born in Oakland, California, Toyosaburo Korematsu. After Roosevelt signed the Executive Order, Korematsu assumed an identity as a person of Spanish Hawaiian descent. He was recognized and arrested for violating Order 066. Korematsu was tried on September 8, 14 and sentenced to five years of probation. The case was presented to the Supreme Court in 144, where in a split decision ruled against Korematsu. Justice Frank Murphy called the evacuation order a "legalization of racism." In both cases, the Supreme Court "upheld the legality of the removal because of the clear and present danger" which threatened the nation. Most of the Hawaiians did not agree with the Supreme Court's decision, but most of Americans in the mainland supported the verdict of the internment cases.

Please note that this sample paper on Americans approval of Japanese internment following the events of Pearl Harbor is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Americans approval of Japanese internment following the events of Pearl Harbor, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on Americans approval of Japanese internment following the events of Pearl Harbor will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2019


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Essay on "On First Looking into

Chapman's Homer"

Through reading, the reader can travel to different scenarios without moving from where he is. In this essay, we are going to explore form, subject matter, and technical resources that help to convey the theme, and, at the same time, help us to achieve travelling through reading.

Write my Essay on chapman cheap

In this sonnet, the author is trying to say that he is able to travel by reading and using his imagination. He do this in the first quatrain. This Petrarchan sonnet is divided in and octet and a sestet and the rhymes are ABBA ABBA CDCDCD.

In the octet, the author describes where the persona has been, and makes reference to some poets like Homer and Chapman. In the sestet he describes how he feels when he imagines a place, and he compares himself with different people. For example " some watchers of the skies/When a new planet swims into his ken", or when he says " stout Cortez, when with eagle eyes/He star'd at the Pacific..." . Here we can see that he feel like Cortez or like atronomers, very excited of their discovery.

Only once a metaphor is used "(...)watcher of the skies(...)" meaning astronomers. The only figures of speech apart from metaphor is mental landscape, which help us to realise how he feels when he reads and travel through differnet parts, although he has never been in contact with that places "(...)Yet never did I breathe its pure serene(...)".

As a conclusion, we can say that all the elements that Keats uses in this poem, show us how exciting can be reading in order to discover new places. Although we are not there, we are able if we want, the only thing we need is imagination and a good text.

Please note that this sample paper on chapman is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on chapman, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on chapman will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!