Friday, November 6, 2020

"Pop Art turned from the highly personal abstraction of Abstract Expressionism to images from popular culture". Analyze the work of four Pop artists discussing at least two artworks by each Artist to support your observations using the frames.

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on "Pop Art turned from the highly personal abstraction of Abstract Expressionism to images from popular culture". Analyze the work of four Pop artists discussing at least two artworks by each Artist to support your observations using the frames.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality "Pop Art turned from the highly personal abstraction of Abstract Expressionism to images from popular culture". Analyze the work of four Pop artists discussing at least two artworks by each Artist to support your observations using the frames. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in "Pop Art turned from the highly personal abstraction of Abstract Expressionism to images from popular culture". Analyze the work of four Pop artists discussing at least two artworks by each Artist to support your observations using the frames., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your "Pop Art turned from the highly personal abstraction of Abstract Expressionism to images from popular culture". Analyze the work of four Pop artists discussing at least two artworks by each Artist to support your observations using the frames. paper at affordable prices!

Pop Art turned form the highly personal abstraction of Abstract Expressionism to images from popular culture. Pop Art was a movement from late 150's to the early 160's, predominantly in London and New York. Pop Artists looked at popular culture for their source of inspiration.

Andy Warhol established and enhanced the status of Pop Art. Warhol's screen-print, "Green Coca Cola" 16 consists of multiple images of coca cola. By the repetition of such a banal object, the audience is reminded of mass production, which was a reflection of their modern day consumer society. Repetition and lack of foreground, middle ground and background has resulted in loss of reality in the artwork which challenges traditional art. It is obvious that Warhol makes a conceptual comparison between celebrities, like Marilyn Manrow, Elvis Presley and Jacqueline Kennedy and commercial products like Coca Cola in his artworks, implying that they are all just corporation products intended for mass consumption.

Warhol was obsessed with fame, food, sex and death and these were the influences of his subject matter. He often depicted horrific car crashed, suicides, electric chair and riot images which he gathered from newspapers. "Red Race Riot" 16 is a silkscreen taken from photographs of an infamous riot in Southern America. Each image seems to be laid down randomly in a busy manner. The repetitiveness has the effect of deflating the disturbing content of the images, which reflects the publics' immunity to disturbing images of that sort as a result of the media.

Abstract Expressionism was a highly complex style of art making and its understanding was restricted to certain intellectual few. The sudden use of Pop's banal subject matter had critics up in arms, the Abstract Expressionist were angry that they were loosing their spot light in the art market. Any ordinary person could appreciate Pop Art as a result of the images he depicted and there was a high demand for them by the rich and famous. From Cambells soup cans to Elvis Presley, Warhol brought art down from highbrow into lowbrow. He challenged the unique value of a one-off artwork and went against the modernists' idea of the originality of the artist as he mass produced his artworks. He referred to his art studio as his "factory" and "want(ed) to be a machine" . He had a team of workers to help him produce his silkscreen as a result; Warhol had little person involvement in the artworks. He challenged and radicalized peoples view of what art really was.

Claes Oldenburg is a Pop Artist who enjoys playing with the audiences perceptions of what is real and what is fake. Through sculpture he represents commercial foods humorously and transforms these banal objects by changing the size, texture, color, density, and context. "Show String Potatoes Spilling from a Bag"165-6 is a sculpture piece more than meters high of vinyl French fries spilling from a giant vinyl paper bag. This give the audience a strange and new perspective of the products they consume everyday. Potato chips were originally a food of desire; however, Oldenburg has represented them in an unappetizing and unhygienic way. By enlarging the size, the chips have the effect of cascading down onto the audience. The change in texture and color creates a floppy and dirty feel and because it's displayed on the floor, the chips become highly uneatable. The bag represents the mass production nature of the 160's.

Oldenburg is attempting to ruin people's appetite for mainstream fast foods. " Cheese Burgers with Everything" absolutely ruins the audience appreciation for fast foods. The droopy, mushy layers of food oozing out of the saggy buns give the audience a shock, as well as a laugh. The presentation of "Floor Cone" 16 is so off putting due to the unexpected change in size, texture and context. Presented flopped on the floor, the ice-cream is as tall as a person, and texture is as soft as a cushion. The representation of the foods juxtapose the glorification the media feeds the world.

Oldenburg's public sculptures are humorous and ironic. He challenges traditional sculpture by representing banal object like "Spoon and Cherry Bridge", as apposed to heroic masculine men. "Clothespin" 176 stands nearly as high as the multistory building behind it dwarfing the world below it. It ironically makes fun of society's dependence on prized house hold goods. Oldenburg's work is an attempt to move art out of its traditional domain and to truly make it popular.

Roy Lichtenstein was the master of the stereotype. He painted comic like images of romance, science fiction and violence. Mimicking comic book style techniques "the dot method" gave the effect of flat prints whilst rejecting the basic principles of art. He transformed lowbrow comic strips into high art. His works were often ironic and had an element of humor. "We Rose Up Slowly" 164 is one of his many paintings inspired by "true romance." It's ironic comment of the shallowness and absurdity portrayal of romance and love in their society. The stereotypical young, blond, female often appear in Lichtenstein's paintings, is hopelessly in love the handsome, dark, man. Both characters are highly exaggerated with artificial emotions which creates fakeness.

"In the Car" 16 is another painting inspired by romance. Another glamorous, love struck blond is the passenger of in a speeding car that is driven by the dark mysterious man. This painting differs to his other artworks as it doesn't contain speech bubbles, which leaves it up to the audiences' imagination to draw the conclusion of this couples destiny. He adopted many features of comic book visual effects; the closely cropped composition with close focus on the faces, flat color, simplified shapes and dark outlines.

He made many scenes of explosive action inspired by war comics. Lichtenstein's Whamm! 16 belongs to a group of pictures made in the early 160s. As a result of its incredibly large size of 4 meters in width and its dramatic subject matter the audience which was based on heroic images of the comics of World War II battles, Whamm! became a historic painting for the Pop generation. He includes onomatopoeic words like "whaaam!" "Snap!" "Bop!" and "Crunch!" which energizes the artwork. Lichtenstein was interested in capturing violent emotion in these dramatic scenes.

Lichtenstein contrasted the original comic strips with his artwork. Comic strips are usually small, easily disposable and quickly read as a part of a sequence image. However, his artworks were on a large scale, permanent images that craved our attention. He borrowed compositions from famous works of art. Lichtenstein's "Haystacks" 168 reduced Claude Monet's "Haystacks" 181 into its most basic compositional elements. Monet's delicate brushworks capturing the light and atmosphere has all been lost and replaced by harsh grids of flat monotone color using crude printing like techniques.

All his subjects are detached from real life. He tried to remove all evidence of his own hand and emotion in his artworks and gave them a carefully crafted machine made appearance. His images reflect the banality of the American consumer culture and reaction against the success and seriousness of Abstract Expressionism.

Robert Rauschenberg stretched the boundaries of the art making process by challenging and braking down tradition. He was one of the founding artists which bridged the gap between Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art. Rauschenberg was known as "the local recycler of Manhattan," the objects for his "combines" were found on the streets as he walked around his block. "Bed" 155 was a result of a spontaneous act of art creation, when one day he decided that he "didn't have any money to by canvas" so he used his own bed. Thick gluggy paint was slopped on with both the quilt and the pillow still on. "Bed" was refused entry from New York Spoleto Festival as it was too extreme and outrageous for the traditional art world. Art critics were disgusted and viewed it as "merely a decorative accident with no more meaning than a house-painter's drips and blobs."

Rauschenberg often transformed his paintings into free standing three dimensional objects. He believed that "a painting is more real if it is made out of bits of the real world," therefore in order to represent reality in its truest forms, he has to include bit of everyday life. "Odalisque" 155 is an assemblage of Manhattan junk. Each object has nothing to do with any other object, except that they are apart of a common sculpture piece. It's the randomness that holds the whole piece together, and is the most essential part of the artwork. "Odalisque" is a humorous piece which got the critics fired up as it challenges all forms of traditional sculpture because it is a ready-made.

By duplicating his artworks in "Factum 1", 157 and "factum ", 157, Rauschenberg has challenged the creative spontaneous process. "Factum 1" is a seemingly random assemblage of collage with paint and dribble. "Factum " is a nearly identical copy with the same collage and dribbled paint. Suggestions that Rauschenberg "fakes" his brushstrokes as the identical works show the control the artist has over his brush marks.

Rauschenberg's "Persimmon" is an example of his works which has characteristics that are nowadays known as postmodern. He purposely layered down colors, figures and other abstract imagery that stylistically clash. "Apollo" is an example of juxtaposition collaged images with bold colored paints that creates a fragmentation. He does this in an attempt to challenge what art really is. Through his works he challenges tradition and pushes the limits of anti art further and further.

Pop Art turned from the highly personal abstraction of Abstract Expressionism to images of popular culture. Abstract Expressionism was a highly complex style of art making and its understanding was restricted to certain intellectual few. Pop Art's use of banal subject matters, which were often lighthearted and humorous, opened art to the wider public. Pop Art innovations have significantly paved the way for contemporary art practices.

Please note that this sample paper on "Pop Art turned from the highly personal abstraction of Abstract Expressionism to images from popular culture". Analyze the work of four Pop artists discussing at least two artworks by each Artist to support your observations using the frames. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on "Pop Art turned from the highly personal abstraction of Abstract Expressionism to images from popular culture". Analyze the work of four Pop artists discussing at least two artworks by each Artist to support your observations using the frames., we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on "Pop Art turned from the highly personal abstraction of Abstract Expressionism to images from popular culture". Analyze the work of four Pop artists discussing at least two artworks by each Artist to support your observations using the frames. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Investigating the reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid!

If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Investigating the reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid!. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Investigating the reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid! paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Investigating the reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid!, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Investigating the reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid! paper at affordable prices with cheap writing service!

Sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid react together and form sulphur. The rate of reaction can be formed by seeing how long it takes this solid to form. We can find this out by carrying out several experiments. I will watch for a cross under the reaction, taking place in a conical flask to disappear, this will be timed (dependent variable). Sulphur is a yellow solid and so will cloud the solution. I aim to change the concentration of the sodium thiosulphate by adding water (independent variable) whilst keeping the amount of acid used constant for each experiment. The room temperature, total volume of sodium thiosulphate and water, volume of hydrochloric acid, type of flask and volume it holds all need to be kept the same, these are called the control variables.

I predict that as the water amount (independent variable) increases and the sodium thiosulphate amount decreases the time taken in seconds will also increase, by this I mean the last experiment will take a lot longer than the first experiment because it involves using more water.

(Give detailed and well explained scientific theory to back up your prediction; the theory must be correct and relevant! Don't forget to include relevant equations).

Write my Essay on Investigating the reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid!

The apparatus I intend to use are crosses, stop clocks, pipettes for each acid, conical flasks and measuring cylinders, one of 10cm and one of 50cm . By using three of the same thing (crosses, stop clocks and conical flasks) the experiment will be made quicker.


Repeat each experiment three times each; start by setting out all the apparatus appropriately so they are easy to get to. Fill each conical flask with 10cm of acid using the 10cm measuring cylinder and pipette if needed then measure out the water and sodium thiosulphate using the 50cm measuring cylinder, use a different pipette to make measurements more accurate. Once all substances have been put into a conical flask, start the stop clock immediately. You should let the same person start and stop the stop clock for each experiment and the same person watch for the cross, underneath the conical flask to disappear. I will take measurements for 8 different volumes of sodium thiosulphate in the range of 10 to 50cms. I chose to start my experiment with 10cm of sodium thiosulhate because any lower, I know will definitely not react quickly enough. Because I will use a 50cm measuring cylinder my highest concentration will be 50cm of sodium thiosulphate. I think these values will give me accurate results to plat my graph.

To ensure that the measurements are as reliable as possible I will repeat the readings times to check for anomalous readings and to improve the reliability of the data. I will then plot the graph. Also by using a pipette to make measurements more accurate in the practical will give me results that are more precise.

Please note that this sample paper on Investigating the reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid! is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Investigating the reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid!, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on Investigating the reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid! will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Multiculturalism. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Multiculturalism paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Multiculturalism, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Multiculturalism paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!


Australia, like many countries, has benefited from the range of its people's ancestry. Although we have had immigrants from a variety of nations even before we became one, due such events as the Gold rush, it was the policies introduced by the Chifley Government in the wake of World War Two that established us as a nation willing to accommodated those from all over the world.

Gough Whitlam's quota system and the end of racially based selection which favoured white Europeans in the 170's also added to the appeal of Australia as a nation in which to settle, particularly from neighbouring Asian nations. These trends have continued into the present and have done much to shape the cultural identity of Australia, as we now know it.

Multiculturalism has had a dramatic effect on Australia's culture. With the increase of immigration there was an increase in cultural diversity. With this increase of cultural diversity it offered Australia. This increase in cultural diversity also helped to develop our fast food industry. With the increase of Italians, Chinese and Japanese migrants they quickly introduced their cultural food into our population with excellent success. Now just about every town in Australia has a chinese restaurant or takeout, and terms such as stir fry, fettucine and sushi are as much a part of the Australian menu as the meat pie.

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Multiculturalism has also increased Australia's exports. With the introduction of migrants new skills could be learnt and then exported. With these new skills labourers were able to learn and teach skills that had never been able to be taught in Australia before. This also lead to and increase in exports and has helped Australia's economy and also helped the country to become a major economic power in the world.

Multiculturalism has also expressed a commitment to the traditional values and aspirations of the broader Australian community. Increase of immigrants and the skills that they have had has helped Australia into the 1st century. An example of this is Victor Chang. It has been has been people like this that has helped us in not only in medical advancements but also in technology as well.

Sport is also an area in which our multicultural progress can be seen. While even as recently as the 170's our most famous sports people were very Australian, with names such as John Newcombe, dominating, people such as South African cricketer Tony Greig showed our emerging multiculturalism. At the 000 Sydney Olympics, it was athletes with a multicultural background such as Tatiana Gregorieva made the

headlines as often as someone like Ian Thorpe.

Australia's multicultural policies also had another very major impact- they boosted the population at more increased levels. This can be shown in Australian bureau of Statistics figures, particularly those that show ancestry or country of origin.

Population size

Australias population of 1. million at June 000 was around million greater than in 10 and over 15 million more than the 101 population of .8 million. Graph 5. shows the growth in Australias population since 1788. The main component of Australias population growth has been natural increase (the difference between births and deaths), which has contributed about two-thirds of the total growth since the beginning of the twentieth century. Net overseas migration has also contributed to natural increase, albeit indirectly, through children born to migrants. Components of population growth are discussed in more detail in the next section.

(ABS Year Book Australia 00)

Political Policy has also been shaped by multiculturalism. The outline for the current Department of Immigration & Multicultural and Indiginous affairs policy shows this.

Australian Multiculturalism


Australian democracy guarantees us our civic freedoms and our fundamental rights and equality, and it is the institutions of Australian democracy that enable diversity in our society to flourish.

The democratic foundations of our society contain a balance of rights and responsibilities. Within this broad framework, each individual and group is welcome to make a contribution to the common good.

The term Australian Multiculturalism summarises the way we address the challenges and opportunities of our cultural diversity.

The key statement of Government multicultural policy is Multicultural Australia United in Diversity (May 00). It updates the 1 New Agenda for Multicultural Australia, reaffirms its fundamentals and sets strategic directions for multicultural policy for 00-006 with a specific emphasis on community harmony.


Australian multiculturalism is the philosophy, underlying Government policy and programs, that recognises, accepts, respects and celebrates our cultural diversity. It embraces the heritage of Indigenous Australians, early European settlement, our Australian-grown customs and those of the diverse range of migrants now coming to this country.

The freedom of all Australians to express and share their cultural values is dependent on their abiding by mutual civic obligations. All Australians are expected to have an overriding loyalty to Australia and its people, and to respect the basic structures and principles underwriting our democratic society. These are the Constitution, Parliamentary democracy, freedom of speech and religion, English as the national language, the rule of law, acceptance and equality.


The Governments aim is to build on our success as a culturally diverse, accepting and open society, united through a shared future, and a commitment to our nation, its democratic institutions and values, and the rule of law. This vision is reflected in the four principles that underpin multicultural policy

· Responsibilities of all - all Australians have a civic duty to support those basic structures and principles of Australian society which guarantee us our freedom and equality and enable diversity in our society to flourish;

· Respect for each person - subject to the law, all Australians have the right to express their own culture and beliefs and have a reciprocal obligation to respect the right of others to do the same;

· Fairness for each person - all Australians are entitled to equality of treatment and opportunity. Social equity allows us all to contribute to the social, political and economic life of Australia, free from discrimination, including on the grounds of race, culture, religion, language, location, gender or place of birth; and

· Benefits for all - all Australians benefit from productive diversity, that is, the significant cultural, social and economic dividends arising from the diversity of our population. Diversity works for all Australians.

Some people however, have been resistant to the multicultural influence in Australia. This article, from a website on Workplace Communication and culture, calls for tolerance and understanding in this issue and reflecting on past approaches to further the argument for multiculturalism.

The Economic Reason Why We Must Return to Multiculturalism

The last year has been a time of great setbacks for multiculturalism as government policy and the politics cultural pluralism in Australia generally. Its been a time for the celebration of the ordinary battlers of mainstream Australia. Theres no singling out either side of politics for special credit as we account for this turn in our public life. The shift in priorities and political sensibilities has been bipartisan.

The politics of the mainstream attempts to portray multiculturalism as, at best, the ephemeral fluff of identity-anxiety, or, at worst, the minority interest group tail wagging the national dog. But, whatever the deficiencies of public versions of multiculturalism, the identity, interest group and welfare aspects of multiculturalism are about to be completely eclipsed by business realities. We either come to grips with these realities as a nation, or we face economic stagnation and decline.

Multiculturalism means managing diversity. In business, this means addressing the hard realities of locally diverse workforces and having a multicultural orientation to niche markets which leads to the customisation of products and services. It also means developing an outward looking and cosmopolitan business ethos in the context of global and regional economic integration. Global communication and transportation technologies are bringing once distant cultural differences ever closer to home. This is why multiculturalism is now a sheer necessity, and why anti-multicultural politics are deeply dysfunctional and contrary to our national economic interests.

In its most recent and advanced forms, multiculturalism had been moving away from its original, 170s emphasis on migrant welfare. Multiculturalism was beginning to be a policy which capitalised on the productive benefits of a diverse, immigrant society, both in domestic markets and in fostering an outward looking, cosmopolitan regional and global outlook for the whole society.

In these developments, Australia had some peculiar advantages that put it ahead of the United States less of the bad press that comes with affirmative action and so-called positive discrimination (which was never really tried here) and use of the more fluid and open concept of culture rather than the fixed US category race. The Australian workplace experience was quite unique, and potentially much more fruitful stressing the positive market value of diversity rather than attempting to define then right wrongs; and dealing with diversity as a central management issue, rather than as a kind of remedial action to bring in outsiders.

The edge in managing diversity that had been developed in Australia is, in one sense, no special virtue. It is a side benefit of a half century of migration which has culminated in forty per cent of the population having at least one parent born overseas. Many business are recognising that Australia is a microcosm of the new, global marketplace. This is why major multinationals have decided to locate regional offices here, such as Amex and Data General.

Australia also has a highly export-oriented economy where the growth today is in highly communication and culture-sensitive industries-tourism, education, and services. Trading on diversity is unavoidable now, as nine out of ten of our fastest growing export markets over the past decade are non-English speaking.

The latest research about Australian business confirms that Productive Diversity is actually working for many companies and industry sectors. The Productive Diversity dividend is there for all to see-from the companies whose core business is dealing with diversity such as Qantas and much of the Australian tourism industry, to sector leaders who have adopted the Productive Diversity ethos such as the National Australia Bank, and to the mining and pastoral enterprises that have had to learnt how to do deals with local Aboriginal communities at one end of their business and how to sell into global markets at the other.

Australia today is at a turning point. Can we allow the politics of division, the politics of battler resentment and a 150s monocultural view of Australian identity, do us great economic damage? Will we allow a cultural isolationism develop which will surely turn us into the poor white trash of Asia? Or will we have the strength to stand by our multiculturalism, develop it and make it stronger-in the national interest, the interest of all of us?

Today's climate is such that, with terrorism and gang rape blamed on multicultural groups, we are being taught to be afraid of those who are different, but as can be shown from these examples and those in recent history, multiculturalism is an important part of our past and of our future because it teaches us to be thankful for the differences that occur in the world's cultures. This knowledge and understanding can then be used to promote unity amongst the various ethnic groups in our society.

Please note that this sample paper on Multiculturalism is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Multiculturalism, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Multiculturalism will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, November 2, 2020

Lasers in industry

If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on lasers in industry. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality lasers in industry paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in lasers in industry, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your lasers in industry paper at affordable prices with cheap writing service!


The laser is one of the most fascinating inventions of the1th century. The idea for the laser started in 105 when Albert Einstein suggested the stimulated emission of light. Schowlow and Townes later invented the laser in 158.The word laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. The information that I will be summarizing here, I got from the web-site written by Ricki Lewis,Ph.d. The laser is a device that amplifies light and produces consistent light beam. The laser is in our computer printers and compact disc player, they are used to scan prices at the supermarket, and they light up concerts and guide weapons. This device is widely used in the dentistry and there are several types available. Therefore it is important to choose the right one. Because the techniques used by today's dentists are far less painful than the standard procedures the fear of dental visits are expected to decrease. There are four types of lasers that are used in the dental industry; a carbon dioxide CO laser which is used in removing excess gum tissues, an ND YAG laser is also used on soft tissue and can damage soft tissue, the argon laser is based on the element argon and emits a bluish green light, and is used to harden the compound applied to cover the cavities.

The YAG laser is another laser used on soft tissue. It is used on the separation of the mandible from the base of the skull and for correcting abnormalities of the face and jaw. Neither of these lasers can be used on dental amalgam fillings because it can evaporate the mercury component in the amalgam that would make it highly toxic.

It is important to choose the right laser because using the wrong on the application can cause tissue damage. Safety measures must be taken in the area where the laser is being used. Protective glasses must be worn by every-body in the room. Clear glasses are to be worn when using the CO laser. Green or tinted glasses for, when are using the Argon or YAG lasers. All reflective surfaces in the entire area must be covered. In conclusion the laser has become part of our every day lives.

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Please note that this sample paper on lasers in industry is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on lasers in industry, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on lasers in industry will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Sunday, November 1, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Euthanasia. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Euthanasia paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Euthanasia, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Euthanasia paper at affordable prices!


"Euthanasia" literally means "a good death" and is more commonly known as mercy killing or assisted suicide. The Webster's dictionary defines it as, "the act of killing a person painlessly for reason of mercy." Such killings can be done through active means, such as administering a lethal injection, or by passive means, such as withholding food and water.

In California, Euthanasia is illegal and is a criminal offence. In the eyes of the law, this is a wrongdoing and is an offence against morality. But is it actually wrong? How far different is euthanasia from murder? Let us now examine the pros and cons of Euthanasia.

Buy Euthanasia term paper

Here are some pros of Euthanasia. The key argument for Euthanasia is that all Americans have a constitutional right to life, and that right over that life means that they have control over it, and thus have the authority to end it. To say that one is not allowed to end one's life if they waned to, is viewed as a violation of one's constitutional freedom. This however mainly refers to the ill or disabled. There is also a want by some to keep their dignity. These people, when diagnosed with severe diseases or debilitating illnesses, recognize the fact that there will come a point in time in the near or distant future that they will need intensive or extensive care, and thus be dependant on others. They also wish to avoid being seen in a diminished capacity, and thus Euthanasia is a way to protect the memory of an able-bodied life and their dignity.

There is also a cost factor involved when we consider Euthanasia. Many with severe disabilities wish to avoid passing the costs of expensive medical bills to their family and loved ones. They do not want to pose a financial burden, and choose death as a cost-effective alternative. Because the medical care that they are receiving is not helping or improving their condition, but merely prolonging their life. Looking at this in economics, the cost of keeping people alive is very high, and many feel that precious resources are wasted in maintaining a life that has been "used up".

Next, there is an issue of pain and suffering. Some people may seek to end their lives before they have to endure great physical discomfort or lose control of their faculties. Or for some, they may choose to end their lives because the pain that they are suffering is too overwhelming and unbearable. Thus, it is generally believed that when patients are no longer able to pursue liberty or happiness and they do not wish to pursue life, they have a right to choose a dignified and humane death, rather then being reduced to a child-like state of helplessness.

Now let us look at the other side of the coin, here are some of the cons of Euthanasia. The fundamental idea is that life is a life, and this life is sacred, and thus should be preserved at all costs.

In a society that demeans disability, it is easy for those newly challenged by disability to believe that their lives would be unbearable, and that all hope is lost. There is widespread discrimination against the disabled, and the manifestation of societies disregard for them is apparent. But no matter how these challenges may seem, they do not warrant nor justify death.

With the advancement in technology, there is a new cure or a new treatment everyday. And each day we keep the sick alive, there is hope that they will recover one day. If they were dead, there would be no chance of recovery or improvement from their current state. The advent of cryogenics has also helped the chances of human survival. Cryogenics is a process whereby a human,

There is also a matter of human error. There could be instances that doctors or other health care professionals make wrong judgments as to the chances of survival or recovery. And we must also not forget that doctors are not trained psychiatrists, and may not recognize that the real problem is a treatable depression, rather than the need to fulfill a patient's death wish.

We can never be sure that we have a patient voluntary and informed consent, because more often than not, a person who wishes to die is under duress. And if the decision is left to family members, the decisions can be misinformed or affected by emotion.

There is also the "occasional miracle" where patients can overcome all odds and recover, contrary to the doctor's belief.

Religion is also one of the issues that most people bring up as they consider euthanasia. Those that are against euthanasia mainly believe that it is against the word of God, and that it is said in the Bible that one should not take a life away regardless, because a life is a life, and a life is not for mere humans to take, but this decision should only be left up to God.

I feel that the dilemma of euthanasia that plagues us today stems from the successes of medical science, not its failures. More people live longer today because we have eliminated many of the diseases that used to terrorize our society. Our love affair with technology may also contribute to this dilemma. When machines, tubes and computers take over, we seem to lose sight of compassion, humanity and common sense.

Till this day, there is a divided opinion on euthanasia, the idea that we have a choice or a person's life is decided by a flick of a switch at our whim, pricks at the very depth of our humanity.

The right for one to live or die should be in one's own hands. I am for Euthanasia, because there are instances in life that are dependent on the situation and other factors surrounding it. The ethical and technical dilemmas surrounding each patient are varied, and each needs careful consideration, may it be the probability of recovery, the will of the patient to live, the chances of a new cure, or even other socioeconomic factors.

Please note that this sample paper on Euthanasia is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Euthanasia, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on Euthanasia will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Music romance

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on music romance. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality music romance paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in music romance, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your music romance paper at affordable prices!


Remy Ireland

My study covers Frederic Chopin, Giuseppe Verdi, Johannes Brahms, Bedrich Smetana, and Giacomo Puccini. All great composers in their own right. These gentlemen are some of the greatest composers of all time.

Write your music romance research paper

Frederic Chopin was born in 1810 in Zelazowa Wola near Warsaw Poland. His parents came from completely different cultures his father was French and his mother was Polish. Chopin have his first concert at age eight and began touring in 188. Between 18 and 18 he traveled and gave concerts in Vienna, Germany, and Paris, where he decided to stay and settle. Chopin received great praise from his peers and critics frequently. Most of his pieces were for the cello and the piano but mainly for the piano. Many of his pieces are filled with sadness and romance but others are lively and enjoyable. He was very ill at times which took time away from his music and writing. Once he and his lover separated he lived only two years and died of tuberculosis.

Giuseppe Verdi was Italy's most famous composer. He started out practicing in a church and with the help of and instructer and played a little spinet and helped his parents keep shop. Not able to pass the admittance exams for the conservatory he studied under Vincenzo Lavigna. He suffered hadships his wife and two children died and he considered giving up but found the strength to carry on. He became quite successful and wealthy in his day his annual revenue was the highest the province of Parma. After the death of his wife in 187 he left for even longer stays in Milan, and it was here on January 7th 101 that he died of hemiplegia. His remains are in the rest home for musicians which he started for artists reduced to poverty.

Johannes Brahms was born to a double bass player and a seamstress in Hamburg. Joseph Joachim introduced him to leading musicians who called him a genius. After Schuman's death Brahms maintained a relationship with his widow Clara whose advice he had grown to value. In 186 he moved to Vienna were he earned his living as a conductor and teacher. Brahms was one of the greatest 1th century symphonists and was regarded as the foremost romantic composer of instrumental music in classical forms. Wagener and Liszt were bitter critics of his music. He never married and never left Europe.

Bedrich Smentana was born in a small town in Boemia, he was the seventh child of a music loving father. Born in 184 he was the son of a brewer who serviced Count Waldstein and others. His career was interrupted by a period of self imposed exile in Sweden. He was instrumental in the establishment of the Czech national opera and a Czech national style, in particular in his symphonic poems. He was deaf later in life, but continued to compose, an autobiographical element appearing in string quartets.

Giacomo Puccini was born in Lucca he was the last of the great Italian composers. He completed his studies at the Pacino institute in Lucca, whee he had just finished composing a mass. A major feature in his work is the ability to paint a picture in orchestral terms and match a theme to a dramatic situation and touch the hearts of listeners. He lived a reasonably long life dying in Brussels Belgium in 14.

All these great composers have forever influenced and richened the world of music. They all had a style and manner which made them unique. They all went through difficult points and managed to make unforgettable music their work and love for passionate music will forever be universal.

Please note that this sample paper on music romance is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on music romance, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on music romance will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Christian Influence in Beowulf

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Christian Influence in Beowulf. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Christian Influence in Beowulf paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Christian Influence in Beowulf, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Christian Influence in Beowulf paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

The poem Beowulf is an epic poem about how the strength of a man combined with faith and courage helped to change the outcome of a land of people. The Beowulf poet wrote the poem with an influence and aspect that can be interpreted as a Christian one. The poem itself makes many references to Christian themes, elements, the evil of sin, judgment, and even makes references to God frequently throughout the work. The poem seems to be dominated by Christian ideas. These Biblically-based ideas are incorporated into the poem, but there are also some ideas in the work that contradict Christian ideals or beliefs. Some of the themes in the work stray from a Biblical base, or even contradict the Bible. Even with these elements entwined into the story, the reader still gets the idea that the story is based off of the ideals and the theology of Christianity.

The poet had a strong knowledge of Christianity, and wrote the work with a confidence that the reader or listeners would also have some sort of knowledge of Christianity. With the many references and acknowledgments to God and His Word, the poem could confuse one who was not familiar with stories from the Bible or the ideas behind Christianity.

No specific references to the church, the cross, or worship are made in the poem. Without these elements though, Christianity is still incorporated into the work. One specific direct reference to the Bible is the story of Cain and his sin.

In the story of Cain, (found in Genesis 4) he and his brother give offerings up to the Lord. Cain is a man who works the ground, and Abel is one who tends animals. When the two offer their offerings up to the Lord, He is pleased with Abels offering but displeased with Cains. This makes Cain angry against his brother, since his brothers offerings were accepted but Cains were not, and Cains countenance fell (Genesis 46). The Lord tells Cain, If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it (Genesis 47). Cain is unable to tame his anger and hatred towards his brother and kills him. The Lord asks Cain what has become of his brother and tells Cain that because his brothers blood is crying from the ground, now you are cursed from the ground which has opened its mouth to receive your brothers blood from your hand. When you cultivate the ground, it will no longer yield its strength to you; you will be a vagrant and wanderer on earth (Genesis 41). The Lord then gives Cain a mark that will prevent anyone that finds him from slaying him.

Cheap College Papers on The Christian Influence in Beowulf

One of the monsters Beowulf fights in the story, Grendel, is said to have the kin of Cain killer in his blood(5). The poet says that The Measurer (God) fashioned a fitting revenge for the death of Abel(5), and that God drove His slayer far from Mankind and far from His grace(5). This hints that Grendel is of some direct blood relation to Cain.

Grendel is similar to Cain in many ways and is an ancestor of Cain. When Cain was cursed for his sin, the Lord told him that he would be a vagrant and wanderer on earth(Genesis 41), and that the ground would not supply him (Genesis 41). Grendel is also a vagrant and a distraught wanderer of the earth, as described in the poem. In the poem, he is said to have circled sounds of the harp, prowled the marshes, moors, and ice streams, forests, and fens. He found his home with misshapen monsters in misery and greed(5). This could imply that Grendel is a wanderer from time to time and may settle down temporarily and then move on when he has finished a killing spree or when his resources have been depleted at his current location.

It is also obvious that Grendel has a murderous lust in him and is unable to please the Lord because the Shaper has banished him(5) and Gods wrath() is on him. The poet says that Grendel is rejected by God and marked with murder, rejected by his sins(6). This may explain why Grendel resorts to killing men. It may have to do with the reason that Cain was angry that God had rejected his gifts, and that he was rejected by God, and now it has been in the blood line of Cain to have a hate for God because of the punishment bestowed upon Cain.

It is also slightly implied that Grendel may not be able to yield produce from the ground because of the murky and nasty habitat in which he dwells, described as mere and bleak(7). Grendels dwelling place is also described as a nicor and tomb of the damned(7). This most definitely sounds like an unnatural place for growing things and may mean that Grendel needs to eat men for strength, and in relation to his murderous feastings and slaughtering of men the poet says that he was hells banquet guest and lashed by hunger(6), when talking about his killings and murdering of men.

In Beowulf, Grendel has an enormous hand-grip, and it is obvious that Grendel must be quite strong since he was able to fight against Beowulf, who was said to be the greatest warrior of the Geats and to have a great handgrip. One of the possible explanations of Grendels enormous strength may have to do with the mark Cain received from God that would protect him from being slain. The Bible does not tell what sort of mark that the Lord gave to Cain. The mark could have been a strength that prevented men from slaying him. This could be a possible explanation for Grendels enormous strength.

Grendel also has a curse placed upon him that lets no weapon harm him. The author says that the choicest of blades champions war weapons were helpless to harm that hells messenger(6). This means that weapons, or at least bladed weapons, are harmless against Grendel. This could also be an explanation for the curse that God placed upon Cain, the mark that protected him from being slain. In the same way, the mark has passed down from Cains descendants, and weapons will not slay them, but only mighty power, like the power Beowulf has.

Beside direct examples from the Bible, examples are laced into the poem and only opened to a keen eye. A direct example is a reference to God being the Creator of the earth. In the poem, a poet sings a song lyrics are He shaped the earth, opened the Heavens, rounded the land, locked it in water, then set skyward the sun and the moon lights to brighten the broad earthyard, beckoned the ground to bear gardens of limbs and leaves- life He created of every kind that quickens the earth(5). The poem says he is singing of what he knew in respect to mans work and the Measurers work.

God is also referred to many times in Beowulf, not only by Beowulf but also by others in the story. Many different names are used throughout the work to describe God, such as The Shaper, Wielder, WorldShaper, and Measurer(5,1,5,4). God is also referenced in many positive ways, such as a guider of safety, and the Wielder of glory who brings wonder after wonder().

Through reading the poem, the idea is strong that Beowulf is somewhat of a strong Christian man, or at least has a strong belief in God. He constantly refers to or praises God throughout the poem. These conclusions come from examples Beowulf himself says.

In one part of the poem, Beowulf is describing a story of when he and another were racing through the ocean. He talks about how it was very difficult and strenuous, but in the end a light from the east lifted the storm clouds, Gods bright beacon burnished the sea- looming headlands leaned high above wind scoured cliff walls(1). This shows that Beowulf gives credit to God when due, because he is telling the story in a bragging sort of manner, but still gives God the credit he deserves.

Other characters in the tale also make sure to give God credit when due. After Beowulf has defeated Grendel, the first thing Hrothgar, says to his people is

May thanks to the Wielder for this wondrous sight, long be in our hearts. Loathsome mind pain Grendel has brought me. God brings us wonder after wonder, Wielder of glory. Until this day, I dared not imagine relief from sorrow, shame and treachery, sinful murdering when stained with gore this best of meadhalls mournfully stood, empty and idle- agony and grief gripped our heart-thoughts with no hope for mercy or a hand to defend us from that foul hell monster, sorcery and death. Through the Shapers will a visiting warrior has vanquished in the night this murdering sprite that no Spear-Danes war strength could banish or harm (4).

This shows that even though Beowulf did everything with Gods help, it is made sure that God is still given full credit.

In another part of the poem, towards the end, Beowulf is going off to face a dragon. He is fighting the dragon to protect the people but also because of an enormous treasure mound that will be his to claim if the dragon is defeated. The treasure mound is described as a huge gold chamber with unimaginable treasures. Beowulf states that all of the treasure is void compared to the higher will of God, and once he has slain the dragon and has obtained the treasure, he gives thanks to God by saying For these fine war trophies I finally must say thanks to the Wielder Wonder-King of all our glorious Shaper for such gold and gemstones that I now may leave to my beloved Geatfolk(8). This statement shows that Beowulf has a high regard for God and is thanking Him for what He has blessed him with even though he knows he is going to die from the fight with the dragon.

The poet implies in Beowulf that Grendel is a sort of demon, and could even represent Satan himself, and the fighting between Beowulf and Grendel is morally enlightening, as is Beowulfs fights with the other monsters. Though Beowulf is fighting to protect others by using the strength God has given him, he is also fighting for personal gain, to receive the large amounts of land and treasure that are offered to him, and also to promote his status.

These and other examples of beliefs that are not supported in the Bible, especially the reference to Wyrd. Wyrd is referred to as fate in the book and is not personified. Beowulf makes many references to Wyrd throughout the poem, for instance when he is describing his story of his great race across the ocean, after he tells how God helped him through, he also adds the statement that Wyrd often spares an undoomed man when his mind strength prevails(1).

Though Wyrd and other elements that are not essentially Christian are added to the story, such as the motive of blood revenge, quests for worldly glory, and worship of idols, the author still gives the idea that Christianity is one of the main themes of the story. He helps to illustrate this idea in the poem. During the time when Grendel is ravishing and destroying the countryside and home of the Geats, Beowulf states that the people

ignored the Measurer, Maker of Heaven and Shaper of Glory stuck to their gods unable to praise or pray to the Father wish for his guidance. Woe unto those with ill in their hearts hopeless and doomed forcing their souls to the fires welcome, praying to names that will never help them praise without hope. Happier are they who seek after deathday the Deemer of men free their soul-bonds to the Fathers embrace (7).

This passage illustrates the idea that praying to foreign gods will not help, and that it is needed to remain true to the one and only God.

With these ideas incorporated into the story, it is clear that a Christian moral was definitely in mind when the poem was written, and a Christian theme and belief are what the story projected. Even with a few elements added into the story that could be controversial against Christian beliefs, the Christian value is still strong and these elements can be easily overlooked. Based on these conclusions, the poet was most definitely a Christian and wanted to put a Christian moral into the poem.

Works Cited

Rebsamen, Fredericked. Beowulf. New York HarperCollins, 11

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