Thursday, March 11, 2021

Union Square

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Union Square. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Union Square paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Union Square, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Union Square paper at affordable prices!

One of the leading furniture manufacturer/exporter in the country today is Union Square Enterprises. For 17 years, it has been producing fine quality furniture for markets here and abroad. With the big success of this furniture company, it came to me as a surprise when I realized that Union Square is owned and managed by one person, Mr. Jose Leo Caparas. Ever since was established, the owner decided to keep the company as sole proprietorship because he believed that having a partner/partners will only bring problems especially on the occasions when there are conflict in decision-making. Also, he opted to have less but efficient staff because he believed that having more staff in the office will further delay the work.

The main office of Union Square, unlike regular offices, is very organized and devoid of people walking back and forth. At first glance, one may think that there are many employees who are absent, but the truth is, six people are enough to do the administrative work in the office. I asked about the organizational structure of the company, Listed below are the hierarchy of the organization and their corresponding responsibilities.

General Manager

The general manager is the owner himself. He personally sees the over-all operation of the business and makes the final decision on all matters. He regularly checks the job done by all departments to make sure that all are done according to his instructions. Being a general manager does not mean having just office work. The general manager also regularly goes to the main plant to check the quality of the furniture produced by their company. The general manager sometimes also serves as the furniture designer.

Sales Department

This department is in-charge of all matters related to the sale of the products of Union Square. They are the one who develop marketing strategies to increase not only the profit but also the awareness of the consumers of the products of Union Square. Of course, these marketing strategies are employed with the approval of the general manager. Most of the staff in this department are designers. This is to aid the costumers in case that they need help in deciding the right furniture for them. All matters which concern the costumer and their needs (i.e. delivery) are also handled by this department. The staff in this department does not stay in the office but rather stays longer in the showrooms.

Finance Department

This department is responsible for handling the incoming and outgoing money

of the company. This department is also the one who budgets the expenses of the company and thinks of other ways of accumulating new profit. Again, they do this job in close coordination with the general manager. With the on going economic crisis of our country, this department has the most headache compared to other departments

Accounting Department

Obviously, this department is checks the flow of money in the business. This department makes sure that all expenses are accounted for and all profit goes directly to the company.

Legal Department

This department takes care of all legal agreements entered by the company. It makes sure that all contracts signed by the general manager are in line with the law and does not entail any form of fraud.

Production Department

In terms of number of employees, the production department is the biggest of all the departments with a total of 0 employees, distributed on the six major divisions of the department. This department cannot be found in the main office. They are mainly based on the furniture factory located in Pampanga. The production is the heart of the operation of the company; this is why great attention to all the details are given to make sure that all products have the highest quality. A production head is appointed to take care of the production of furniture. He has to give attention from the procurement of materials to the packaging of finished furniture. He is also the one responsible for monitoring the rate of production so that orders will be done on time so as not to delay the shipment of exported products. Aside from these responsibilities, He also has to monitor the quality of products produced by the 0 sub-contractors of Union Square in various regions in the country. Production is also responsible for upgrading the designs of furniture and furnishings. A group of designers are assigned to create new designs for the execution of a separate group of craftsmen. After which the new design is presented for the approval of the general manager. To help the production head, an assistant production head is appointed to keep an eye on the operations.

The Production is divided into six major parts. They are the Rattan Framing Division, Metal Framing Division, Weaving Division, Pre-Finishing Division, Finishing Division, and Final Quality Control. These groups are divided according to the work to be done so that after framing, the furniture is passed for weaving, pre-finishing, finishing, quality control, packaging and delivery. Through this system, work is much faster because the employees will able to master whatever they are doing because of repetition of work. Also, to ensure the quality of the product, the furniture passes thru a quality control in every division.

Please note that this sample paper on Union Square is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Union Square, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Union Square will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Enmglish. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Enmglish paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Enmglish, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Enmglish paper at affordable prices!

Should the Victorian Police allow a Muslim Woman to the police force?

In my opinion I think that Maha, becoming the country's first traditional Muslim policewoman, would be a great aspect of the Arabic community seeing that she would like working in multicultural affairs or domestic violence in their community. It's wonderful to see that the police force is giving her that opportunity to become a policewoman and to still dress in the Muslim tradition and that only slight changes are to be made.

Abdul Safir,

St Kilda, Melbourne.

I think that having a Muslim policewoman isn't such a bad idea but what I find very annoying is that she is allowed to wear the veil while on duty, and the only part of her body, which is allowed to be shown is her face. I mean if she wants to become a policewoman and wants to wear the Muslim traditional clothing, she should go back to where she came from.

I mean when an Australian goes to a Muslim country they have to be covered, and as far as I'm concerned Maha is living in Australia and she should not be allowed to wear the veil while she is on duty.

Joe Blo,

Westmeadows, Melbourne.

In my opinion I think that having a Muslim policewoman is totally out of the question. And not only that, but finding out that she to wants to have her head covered in the traditional "Hijab" and to pray at least once a shift is totally wrong. How could the Victorian police force accept her? I mean she can't even go to a pre-intake swimming test without it being cleared of recruits so she could take the test alone. I'm usually not a racist person but I think that this issue is really an important and wrong decision, which has been made.

Kelly Jordan,

Brunswick, Melbourne.

In my opinion I think that it is of great pleasure to see a Muslim working for the police force. I myself am not religious but one thing that I want to say to Maha is, do your best and you can become whatever you want to be, and I'm sure that the country is very happy and pleased with you. Good Job. And I'll be looking forward to seeing you around…lol.

Mal Colston,

Carlton, Melbourne.

Please note that this sample paper on Enmglish is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Enmglish, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Enmglish will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on SIR WALTER RALEIGH. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality SIR WALTER RALEIGH paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in SIR WALTER RALEIGH, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your SIR WALTER RALEIGH paper at affordable prices with cheap writing service!

Sir Walter Raleigh was an explorer, a politician, a historian, a soldier, a sailor, and a poet. He was born at Hayes, Devonshire in 155(Compton's Encyclopedia. 1). The year of his birth is somewhat in question. Some believe he was born in 1554(Poetry Criticism. 00). He entered Oriel College, Oxford in 1568, but te next year he left to join the Huguenot Army in France.

Sir Raleigh gained the recognition of Queen Elizabeth I after his heroic efforts in the suppression of the Irish rebellion in Cork. The story was that he won the Queens favor by throwing his expensive velvet cloak on a mud puddle and allowing the queen to walk on it so she did not get her shoes wet( Compton's Encyclopedia. 0).

Sir Raleigh was said to be a handsome and witty man, with country manners and imposing personality. He was a proud man. Queen Elizabeth granted him many favors during her reign. He always fulfilled his responsibilities in an excellent manner. His greatest claim to fame was his efforts to colonize the new world. His position at court gave him an opportunity to push this great project, but the queen would not permit him to lead any colonizing expeditions in person. To Sir Walter Raleigh the vision of a new England beyond the sea had an irresistible appeal.

Sir Walter Raleigh was tireless in his effort to settle English people in America. He sent out one expedition after another. The area explored by his expedition in 1584 was given the name Virginia in honor of the "virgin queen," as Queen Elizabeth was called. Three settlements were made on the island off North Carolina, but none survived. Sir Raleigh's work did pave the way for later settlements. His crew brought back tobacco and potatoes from the new world. He popularized smoking and created a demand for the tobacco leaf. This become a profitable crop in the colonies. He was in Ireland when he introduced the potato in 15(Compton's Encyclopedia. 1).

Write my Essay on SIR WALTER RALEIGH

Sir Walter Raleigh encountered the queens' anger when she discovered he had secretly married Queen Elizabeth's maid of honor(Agnes. 145). They both were immediately imprisoned in the Tower of London. Sir Raleigh's sense of lose and anger about this incident were expressed in his peon, "The Ocean to Cynthia." In less than a year the queen's need for Sir Raleigh's services to stop the Spanish piracy led to his release. He eventually regained his post as captain of the Guard, but the intimate royal access that he once enjoyed was never regained.

In 156, Sir Raleigh undertook an expedition to Guiana. Upon his return he published, "The Discovery of Guiana," an account of the wealth and potential of this area. This gave him broad acceptance among Elizabethan intellectuals. ( ).

Queen Elizabeth I died in 160 and King James I inherited the throne. King James did not trust Sir Walter Raleigh because of his role in the execution of Essex and because of their conflicting views toward Spain and Catholicism. Hostility between the two men led to a change of conspiracy against Sir Raleigh who was accused of plotting against the king. He was sentenced to death. King James later commented sentence to life in prison. He was sent to the Tower of London where he remained for the next thirteen years. Most of he time of his imprisonment his wife and son were allowed to live with him. He was visited by many great scholars and poets(Compton's Encyclopedia. )

during his imprisonment he became close friends with Prince Henry who was King James' son. For Prince Henry, Sir Walter Raleigh wrote the book, History of the World. The first volume, published in 1614, only went to 10 B.C. Prince Henry tried to persuade his father to free Sir Raleigh but was not successful. Prince Henry died in 1614(Reference Guide to English Literature. 111)

In 1616, Sir Raleigh persuaded King James to release him and lead an expedition to the Orinoco River and bring back some of the gold that he claimed to have discovered. The king agreed to release him but not to pardon him. The king ordered him not to engaged in combat with the Spaniards. When in Guiana, Sir Raleigh disobeyed the king and engaged in combat with the Spaniards Sir Raleigh's son was killed as were many men on both sides (Compton's Encyclopedia. 146) the expedition was a disaster. Not only did Sir Raleigh lose his son, disobeyed the king, but also failed to find the riches he had promised the king. During the expedition, Sir Raleigh contracted a tropical disease and almost attempted to flee to France, but was stopped and arrested. King James invoked the death sentence of 160( 1) it was believed that the death sentence was invoked, primarily, to appease the Spanish(Compton's Encyclopedia. 146)

on October , 1618, Sir Walter Raleigh was executed by beheading. Before his execution, Sir Raleigh asked to see the axe and was supposed to have said,

"This is sharp medicine, but is it a physian for all diseases?"

His death took an air of martyrdom(Agnes. 146) he was cheerful to the end(Compton's Encyclopedia. )

I was a common practice, at that time, for the head of the executed to be embalmed and presented to the wife of the executed his wife is said to have carried his head with her until she died twenty-nine yeas later at the age of eighter- two. Upon her death the head was finally buried with the body of Sir Walter at St. Margaret's at Westminster( 1)

Sir Walter Raleigh was, above all, valued as a man of action. His writings were almost always a by product of his life. He wrote because he felt he had something to say. Some critics believe that many of this writings were based on his imagination and that he distorted the truth(Agnes. 145). One example was "The Discovery of Guiana." the riches that he supposedly found never materialized. His poetry has survived only in stray pieces(Agnes. 146). It was often found in anthologies and common place book of the time. He jealously preserved his anonymity. He always worked to appear as a gentleman with "mind above money."

He adored Queen Elizabeth I. He addressed her personally and privately in a platonic manner. She inspired much of his writings, but these were not subjects for book stalls. In spite of Sir Walter Raleigh's flamboyant manner, critics often think of him as a private person. Many biographic have attempted to solve the ruddle of his personality and its enduring fascination(Agnes. 147).

Sir Walter Raleigh followed the Elizabethan courtly convention of privately circulations his poetry. Much of his verse was lost until four fragments of "The Ocean to Cynthia" were found in Lord Salisbury's library at Hatfield in 1870. This led scholars to believe that this had been a long epic poem in twenty-two parts, thought some scholars have doubted the existence of this work. "The Ocean to Cynthia" was addressed to Queen Elizabeth and reflects his standing in her favor at the time. Poetry was Sir Raleigh's method in a attempt to appease the queen after her discovery of his secret marriage. This poem was also an expression of frustration and anger at his imprisonment for having married Elizabeth Throckmorton(Poetry Criticism. 00).

Sir Walter Raleigh is best remembered for the following works of poetry"

"The Ocean to Cynthia" probably publish in 15.

"The Works of Sir Walter Raleigh" in eight volumes consisted of essays, letters, and poetry that was not published until 18.

"The Poems of Sir Walter Raleigh," published in 1.

Other major include an essay published in 151, entitled, "A report of the Truth of the Fight About the Iles of Scored, this Last Summer," Betwixt the Revenge, One of her Majesties Ships, And an Armada of the King of Spain." he published a travel essay in 156, entitled, "the Discovery of the Large, Rich, and Beautiful Empire of Guiana." Also in 156, he wrote another essay entitled "a Relation of Cadiz Action." This was not published until 168. In 160, he wrote an essay he called "Of A War with Spain and Our Protecting the Netherlands." during the years 160-1605, he wrote, "Sir Walter Raleigh's introduction to his Somme to Posterity." this was first published in 16.

THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, one of his major works, was written while imprisoned in the Tower of London and completed in 1614. In 1615, he wrote an assay entitled, "The Prerogative of Parliaments in England." This essay was first published in 1700. "Sir Walter Raleigh's Sceptic" was an essay published in 1651. "Three Discoveries of Sir Walter Raleigh" was published in 170.

Much of Sir Walter Raleigh's work was written while he was in prison. Since much of his work was not published until years after his death it is quite possible that much of his writings have been lost and may never be found(Poetry Criticism. 00).

During Sir Walter Raleigh's thirteen year imprisonment in the Tower of London he wrote the first volume of "History of the World." It gave an account of the world's history, as he knew it, up to 10 B.C. this book was primarily, written for Prince Henry, son of King James. Prince Henry had become close friends with Sir Raleigh and had tried to talk his father into giving Sir Raleigh his Freedom(Compton's Encyclopedia. )

Raleigh's interest in religion, politics, geography and philosophy are all reflected in this great book. He was speculative in his wisdom and tried tp learn all he could from all he met(Agnes. 08). 1. Lathan, Agnes M. C., "Sir Walter Raleigh," British Writers, Mc Millan, Canada, Inc. 17.

. "Many Sided Raleigh and His Vision," Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia, 158

. Poetry Criticism. Farmington Hills, MI. Gale Group, Inc. 001

4. Reference Guide to English Literature, nd Edition. St. James Press. Chicago, IL. 11

5. "Sir Walter Raleigh as Poet and Philosopher," Essays on Shakespear and Other Elizabethans. Yale University Press. 148

6. Barnes and Noble

7. http//

Please note that this sample paper on SIR WALTER RALEIGH is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on SIR WALTER RALEIGH, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on SIR WALTER RALEIGH will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Ann Petrey's 'Doby's Gon,'

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Ann Petrey's 'Doby's Gon,'. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Ann Petrey's 'Doby's Gon,' paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Ann Petrey's 'Doby's Gon,', therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Ann Petrey's 'Doby's Gon,' paper at affordable prices!

Creating an imaginary friend.

Until the last sentence of Ann Petrey's 'Doby's Gone,' I am not sure what the real reason is for Sue to create Doby. In the beginning of the story, the author tells us 'because Sue had no one else to play with' (46), but having no one to play with just does not seem enough for me. A couple of questions come into my mind; does she have a good relationship with her parents? Is having an imaginary playmate normal for children of Sue's age, or are we meant to think that Sue might be seriously disturbed mentally?

On the first day of school Sue does not seem to be happy about her mom going there with Doby and her. However, on the way to school Sue seemes to have a nice conversation with her mom. Later, 'she decided that it was good that her mother came. It was better that way. The street would have looked awfully long and awfully big if she and Doby had been by themselves' (47). Still the author points out how good the relationship there is between Doby and Sue, 'she held on to Doby's hand a little more tightly' (47). Sue is searching for support and protection from Doby as well as just being good friends.

Miss Whittier is a teacher of the first grade, and also she is Sue's teacher as well. She noticed that Sue takes some extra crayons for someone, 'but she did not say anything, she just smiled' (48). By Miss Whittier's reaction, I assume that she knows that Sue has someone imaginary which is normal for kids. She knew Sue would over come her loneliness sometime later by spending more time with the other kids in school. Teachers see through a lot of children the same age Sue was. When kids come to school for the first time they do not know what to expect. The teachers, on the other hand, know what to expect; there are some children who are different from others, not being mature enough and having imaginary friends. Every year the first grade's teachers are supposed to teach the kids to start to observe the world with different eyes and to grow out their imaginary friends. Miss Whittier sees that Sue is a child who has not been around other kids of her age, though Sue is very sociable girl, 'Sue did not go out for recess. She stayed in and helped Miss Whittier drew on the blackboard with colored chalk-yellow and green and red and purple and brown. Miss Whittier drew the flowers and Sue colored them' (48). The girl who is eager to help, and do different stuff which is the first proof of her not being seriously disturbed mentally. She was a normal kid.

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All day long Sue played just with Doby, she does not make any friends, she does not know how. The only person Sue has played with since she was two years old was Doby and he is always there for her. She runs away home from the kids who did not accept her being black, 'my mother says you are a little nigger girl, the boy with red hair said. And then they began to shout 'Her legs are black. Her legs are black.' (4); but also they discriminate against her because she does not know how to start accepting them, and they do not know how to accept Sue either. I do not think Sue will get some real friends if she does not let Doby go. To be accepted by others, people have to accept them first. 'The only way to have a friend is to be one' (Emerson). Going to school is the first time when Sue sees real kids and it is obvious that she would not know how to get closer to them. There is no way Doby can help her with getting new friends, and there is no way to get real friend unless someone starts talking to Sue first.

On the second day of school, several kids are waiting for Sue outside to pick on her. That time is the time when she is left with the kids on her own, without Doby, and it is the first time when she realizes that Doby is not real. Still she could not realize what really was happening to her and where Doby goes, 'she did not feel victorious, she could not feel anything except an aching sense of loss. She stood there panting, wondering about Doby. And then, 'Doby,' she said softly. Then louder, 'Doby! Doby! Where are you?' (440). Sue has not realized that by losing her only friend Doby, she is growing out of being a little girl who would enjoy just playing with an imaginary friend; into a girl who needed to have some real friends. Friends who will be next to her when she needs them, who will be able to try to protect her from any danger on the way. That day she got new friends, 'come on, let's walk home together'- Daisy Bell said matter-of-factly. 'Alright,' Sue said' (440). Having new friends will help Sue to see the world around her better, especially when they are real.

Since Sue is two years old she does not have anyone to play with, she is a very lonely girl. Her parents let her have an imaginary friend, Doby, because they do not have enough time to spend with their daughter, 'The Johnson family reluctantly accepted Doby as a member of the family' (46). Her parents know he is going to leave one day or another. Having an imaginary friend is not abnormal when kids are little. Doby stays with Sue for a long time, until Sue starts going to school.

Please note that this sample paper on Ann Petrey's 'Doby's Gon,' is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Ann Petrey's 'Doby's Gon,', we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Ann Petrey's 'Doby's Gon,' will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, March 5, 2021

Server consolidation

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Server consolidation. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Server consolidation paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Server consolidation, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Server consolidation paper at affordable prices!

As part of any server consolidation project and its related TCO calculations, it is imperative that the management framework of the server environment is also taken into account to add logical relevance to the cost calculations. It is commonly understood and accepted that most of the cost benefit from consolidations comes from reductions in on-going operational costs. As such, it is our belief that a general understanding of the management framework needs to be clearly established, as part of any consolidation project.

The move from a fully distributed server environment to a fully consolidated or a hybrid solution, reduces the need for a distributed systems management organizations. In theory, a single management organization would suffice, however, in practice a dual organization strategically placed, is a more functionally effective and safer approach. Issues such as additional costs for shift work, efficiency loss due to out-of-hours workload, and cost of communication lines can be minimized with a dual organization approach while at the same time gaining the benefit of a resilient and redundant fallback organization in the event of a failure in the other.

These Systems Management Organizations (SMO) should be responsible to provide a management framework that proactively and reactively notifies system engineers of failures, capacity issues, traffic issues, virus attacks and other transient events, as well as the operational services required to ensure efficient day-to-day server operations from a redundant centralized environment.

Use of a quasi-centralized SMO to manage global server environment has the potential to provide a number of other benefits

Cheap Custom Essays on Server consolidation

• Efficient Communications Integration of systems management and will increase the facilitation of communications, escalations, and enhance sharing of information, resulting in better, more efficient service to end-users

• Reduced Staffing Levels Leveraging shared resources, including management, administration, and operations staff.

• Centralization Using Best Practice Processes to improve standardization of processes and documentation

• Leverage centralized facilities and infrastructure

• Tighter service integration

• Global leverage Utilizing shared knowledge and experiences from global operations.

• Cost reductions and improved services

There are multiple options as how the SMO can be constructed. In the event that the employed operational model will be a consolidated hosted model, i.e. consolidation of the server environment to a few strategically placed hosting facilities, there are two options;

• Placing an SMO within a hosting facility

• Constructing an SMO external to a hosting facility

Prior to describing the construction and service components of the SMO, it is important that we looks at the common denominator of both the options shown above, namely the hosting facility. Presumably the hosting facility will be outsourced, however, even if the facility will be constructed and owned by client, the proceeding section can still serve as a basis of understanding of what a hosting facility should entail.

Please note that this sample paper on Server consolidation is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Server consolidation, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Server consolidation will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Water Pollution

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Water Pollution. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Water Pollution paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Water Pollution, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Water Pollution paper at affordable prices custom writing service!

No matter where we live, we all know that there are always children playing near their homes. And some of these tract homes have creeks running through them. These are small tributaries leading to larger ones, and eventually leading to rivers or the ocean. Suppose one day we are taking a walk through our neighborhood and we spot children playing near a creek with flowing water, it seems relaxing because it is a warm day. Suddenly, at a far distance we spot a large orange sign that says, "Danger Contaminated Water". There are many ways that can contaminate our water, such as bad cross connections to water main, street and gutter runoff, and sewer over flows. No matter how our water gets contaminated we ask ourselves, what does that mean? Where did it come from? And why? When we see "Danger Contaminated Water" we should assume the worst.

Spraying pesticide with a garden hose seems like a harmless practice, and usually it is. But if the City's water supply is interrupted while we are spraying, the pesticide could be drawn back up the hose and into our home drinking water.

The water supply can be interrupted during a water main break or when a water main is shut off for repair. How does the contamination occur?

Write my Essay on Water Pollution

1) The water main is shut off for a repair.

) Water flows out a break or crack in the water main into the soil.


) The water in the household lines drains into the water main, which is at a lower elevation

4) The water draining out of the household line creates a siphon effect.

5) The pesticide in the sprayer, or other contaminant, is siphoned through the hose and into the household water lines.

6) The pesticide can even get into the water main system, which services other houses.

The direct link between a contaminant, such as the pesticide, and our drinking water is called a cross connection. I have used the pesticide sprayer as my example, because most cross connections are created by hoses on our property. To eliminate or control cross connections, just follow these practices.

1) Never place the end of a hose where it can create a vacuum and remove contaminants into our drinking water, this includes swimming pools, fish tanks, laundry tubs, and dark room sinks.

) Leave at least one-inch gaps between the end of the hose and a source of contamination, to eliminate the link between the two (air gap fittings can be purchased for sanitary sewer standpipes.)

) Attach a hose connection vacuum breaker to threaded taps.

Our lakes and rivers are becoming desolate due to water with excess fertilizer running into the fresh water and raw sewage going untreated and straight into the surrounding water. Rivers, lakes, streams, and oceans are some of the most beautiful features of our planet. However, we do not always keep our water as clean as we should.


Polluted runoff is created unknowingly by individual's everyday. If contaminants are kept out of the streets, and gutter, much of the ocean and beach pollution can be prevented. Once washed or blown into gutters or storm drains, pollutants are carried through flood control channels to the ocean. Because water from flood control outlets is not treated before reaching the ocean, these pollutants enter the surf at the recreational beaches used by millions each year. Here are some helpful tips to prevent watershed pollution.

1) Remember that what is in our gutter today can be in the streams and oceans tomorrow.

) Report polluting activities

) Call your elected officials and support for strong clean water requirements.

4) Look for and use alternatives to pesticides and other toxic products.

City of San Diego has a large problem with beach closures due to pollutants entering the beaches. The San Diego Bay and the north part of San Diego County are fed by a series of rivers that are short by California's standards the San Luis Rey, San Diego, Santa Margarita, and Sweetwater Rivers. These rivers and the streams that feed into them make up the arteries in our regions watershed. What flows into and through them ends up on local beaches, bays and wetlands.

San Diego County had by far the largest number of polluted beach closings statewide with a total of 6 closings, plus 1 "extended" and permanent closing. (Water Pollution Pg. 1) High levels of microbial pathogens (disease causing microorganisms) from human and animal wastes are the primary causes of beach closings. These wastes enter coastal waters from municipal sewage treatment

Holguin 4

Plants, combined sewer overflows, sewer overflows, urban storm water systems and a polluted runoff from land. A wide majority related most San Diego beach closings related to "polluted runoff". With the rising population of San Diego sewage is hard to process, which also causes more runoff. An average of million gallons of raw sewage are diverted into the river and ocean waters everyday. Warning signs are now permanently posted from the south end of Seacoast Drive in Imperial Beach south to the border.

Swimmers can contract illnesses from several pathogens that may be found in polluted waters. Viruses are believed to be the major cause of swimming associated diseases worldwide. Gastroenritis can also be caused by bacteria, and is a common term for a variety of diseases that can have one or all of the following symptoms diarrhea, stomachache, vomiting, and nausea, infection caused by E-coli. Other microbial pathogens found at varying concentrations in recreational water include amoeba and protozoa, which can cause giardiasis, skin rashes, and "pink eye" conditions. AIDS and many other diseases are not carried by enteric pathogens (those that live in the human intestine) in contaminated water. There was one incident at the Saratoga State Park Beach in California, that many swimmers were complaining of nausea and stomach cramps. Paramedics on the scene advised the lifeguards to shut the beach off until further water analysis was performed. Water officials came on site and took various samples of the water. Test results came back positive for fecal coliform, which are human feces. 150 swimmers were affected. After further investigation, it was found that there was a break in an underground sewer line that led into the ocean. The city of Saratoga was sued for millions of dollars. I guess the only advise I have to give when

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thinking about going to the beach, is that to look out for a runoff channel that leads into the beach, stay away from them.

Another way a source can contaminate our water, is by raw sewage overflows. Or treatment plant overflows. Many sewer lines are constructed next to streams to take advantage of the continuous, gradual slopes of stream valleys. Blockages, inadequate carrying capacities, leaking sewer pipes, and power outages at pumping stations often lead to sewage overflows into nearby streams. There are three types of sewer systems

1) They carry storm runoff from streets, parking lots, and roofs through pipes and ditches, and eventually into streams.

) Sanitary sewers carry raw sewage from homes and businesses to wastewater treatment facilities.

) Combined sewers carry a combination of raw sewage and storm water runoff

This picture of a sanitary sewage overflow illustrates a common problem concerning sewage overflows that occur in urban areas (photo #1). Sanitary sewer overflows occur when sewer pipes clog or pumping stations break down (photo #). As shown in photo #1, raw sewage overflows from manholes and leaking pipes into nearby streams rather than backing up into homes and businesses. Sewer pipes clog when something obstructs the normal flow; the leading cause of blockages is grease buildup, which comes from our homes. We ourselves are the culprits of blockages. We simply throw our bacon grease or whatever we use down the kitchen sink. The grease clings to the walls of the pipe and eventually and totally constricts

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the flow. Then all the flow ends up coming out of the manhole. A simple solution to this is for us to use an old coffee can to put the used grease in.

Combined sewer overflows occur during storms when there is more storm water flowing than the pipes leading to a treatment plant can handle. The excess runoff flushes human and industrial wastes, oil, toxic metals, pesticides, and litter into streams.

Water departments have tools and machinery to omit this problem to occur; sometimes it is unavoidable. Sometimes it is not our faults. There are vandals that open up these manhole lids and throw trash and debris down the manhole, which in turn causes a blockage. Water workers have found trees, clothes, tools, and even hoods to vehicles. Water workers never

know what they will find.

We all need to know our whereabouts when our children or us are playing; we need to keep a special eye on places that may carry water contaminants. We need to do our own part in contributing to keep our waters clean. We also need to inform our neighbors if we see anyone dumping anything into our gutters, whether it be hosing down pesticides or draining the coolant from their car engine, we can all make a difference. Also our state authorities need to get involved and enforce the issue of water contamination.

California Water Environment Association, November 1, 00

Officials find link between Village sewer and beach, November 14, 00

Sewage Overflows, November 14, 00

State Water Resources Control Board, November 1, 00

The effects of urbanization on water quality Sewage Overflows, November 14, 00

Water Pollution, November 14, 00

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Monday, March 1, 2021

Respiration and Circulation Research (tobacco)

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Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Respiration and Circulation Research (tobacco), therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Respiration and Circulation Research (tobacco) paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

There are over 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke. 4 of these chemicals are carcinogenic (cancer causing). Tar is present in tobacco and is very dangerous; it can stain teeth, fingernails and lung tissue and contains benzo pyrene which triggers tumour development. Another chemical that is present is carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is fatal in large doses and binds to haemoglobin which decreases the level of oxygen attached to haemoglobin and therefore the heart has to work harder to get oxygen to other parts of the body. Nitrogen oxide is in tobacco smoke and damages the lungs. It also causes emphysema. Hydrogen cyanide stops the cilia working properly and therefore the poisonous chemicals in tobacco stay in the lungs. Ammonia is another chemical found in tobacco and also damages the lungs. Tobacco also contains metals and radioactive compounds that are carcinogenic.

Smoking tobacco causes irritation of the trachea and larynx. It causes reduced lung function as the bronchi and bronchioles become swollen and narrower and excess mucus in the passages. Smoking also prevent the lungs to cough out and clear poisonous substances which results in lung damage and irritation. Tobacco smoke can also cause raised blood pressure and heart rate. It also causes tightening of the blood vessels in the skin which causes a drop in skin temperature. Smoking prevents blood from carrying oxygen and produces a stickier blood more prone to clotting. In addition it damages the lining of the arteries and there is an increased risk of stroke and heart attack due to blockages of the blood supply.

The physical effects of smoking include dizziness, nausea, watery eyes and appetite, taste and smell are weakened. The smoker may also experience shortness of breather, persistent coughs, reduced fitness, yellow stains on fingers and teeth. They may also experience more colds and flu then non-smokers and find it harder to recover from illnesses. Smoking can also cause impotence in men and women can become less fertile. People who smoke tend to have facial wrinkles appearing much earlier and in general look older than non-smokers.

People with asthma have extra sensitive or hyper responsive airways. The airways react by narrowing or obstructing when they become irritated. This makes it difficult for the air to move in and out. Smoking doesn't cause asthma but smoke irritates the airways and causes them to narrow and increase the risk of having an attack.

Help with essay on Respiration and Circulation Research (tobacco)Emphysema is a lung disease that reduces the ability of the lungs to expel air. Damage occurs to the bronchioles and since the lungs loose their elasticity they become less able to contract which

prevents the alveoli deflating and therefore the next breathe is taken with extra air in the lungs and the extra air takes up space that the fresh air could take up and deprives the body of the oxygen required. Cigarette smoking is the main cause of emphysema as tobacco causes the lungs to produce defensive cells but these cells destroy proteins which enable the lungs to expand and contract.

Lung cancer is abnormal cells in normal lung tissue. Tobacco contains carcinogenic chemicals which destroy normal tissue in many organs including the lungs resulting in cancer. Not only does tobacco cause lung cancer but can also cause mouth, throat, bladder, colon, rectum, pancreas and cervix cancer.

The government of Australia tries to discourage the use of tobacco and have established a national tobacco campaign. Quit is the name of the campaign and they use television commercials, radio advertising posters etc. to put off tobacco smokers from smoking it. (see picture below). The West Australian government has also established several other programs to discourage smokers and made laws to prevent people smoking in public areas such as restaurants, shopping centers, and gaming venues. They have also implemented mandatory health warning on cigarette packets and have put a tax on cigarettes which makes them more expensive. In third world countries the government hasn't implemented any of these things and that's why tobacco companies direct their advertising there.

Tobacco companies in Australia aren't allowed to advertise directly. However they advertise indirectly by making movies and television programs with people smoking.

In Australia approximately 0% of men and 7% of women are regular smokers. Over the past twenty years, Australians attitude towards smoking has changed, quite dramatically. In that time, smoking has moved from a socially acceptable practice, to being quite strongly objected to by most people.

The medical profession is generally against smoking. They council and advise smokers and discourage smokers by displaying posters around their practices. The Australian Medical Association also advertise to discourage smokers.

A main cause of smoking in teenagers is caused by peer pressure. Teenagers that start smoking are more unlikely to quit than older people that smoke.

Please note that this sample paper on Respiration and Circulation Research (tobacco) is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Respiration and Circulation Research (tobacco), we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Respiration and Circulation Research (tobacco) will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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