Monday, February 15, 2021

Annie John

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Annie John. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Annie John paper right on time.

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Annie John; A Troubled Young Girl

Jamaica Kincaid tells the story of a young girl named Annie John, whom I believe to be very a troubled child from the moment we are introduced to her. At the innocent age of ten, we see Annie John as she attends funerals of people that she does not even know out of her simple curiosity for death (or so she says). Unlike other children her age, Annie chooses to attend these mournful gatherings instead of engaging in the everyday childlike play of her peers. If this isn't bad enough, Annie also admits to us (the audience) that she lies to her mother concerning her whereabouts when asked where it is that she has been. From this point forward we learn that the narrator cannot be trusted.

One of the most interesting relationships that we see in Annie John is that between Annie and her mother. The relationship unfolds as more of a love story or a deep passion, rather than "typical" mother- daughter relationship. We find Annie staring at her mother, absorbing every last inch of her, admiring her beauty, enthralled by her behavior, gazing at her lips; all of which are more descriptive as Annie being "in love" with her mom or even what some might describe as a psycho-obsessed lover's passion. When Annie's mom attempts to cut the umbilical cord and encourage Annie to become an independent young lady, Annie turns on her and comes to develop a strong distaste for her mother (an ex-lover gone mad?).

Annie sways so much in her feelings and emotions, that the audience is unable to follow her thought process clearly, and the use of a definitive becomes distressing (the lifelong devotion to Gwen that turns to lifelong devotion to the Red Girl in an instant, for example). It seems that Annie is engaged in a hurtful cycle that will continue if she does not come to terms with her maturation and her "failing" relationship with her mother. I find Annie's behavior towards her mother, as well as to Gwen, the Red Girl, and several other young children to be extremely passionate and obsessive, to a point where I might question her mental state as a child. Annie also displays characteristics that I find to be of a homosexual tendency in that she describes certain females so passionately and so much in depth, that as a reader I cannot help but question her relationship with them or what exactly it is that she wants it to be. At different points I distrust her behavior, motives, and actions, not only because I fail to agree with the character that she is but also because she tells us of her constant lying tendencies.

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Similar to Tee in Crick Crack, Monkey, I believe that Annie John is another young girl that is very unsure about her role in the world. She says and does things as a result of how she wants people to react to her. She wants to be everyone's favorite, and wants to do whatever will get her more praise. Annie, like Tee, also leaves her homeland in search of something more, as she is never content with what she has, but instead is always longing for the "greener side of the pasture." I can only hope that this voyage will allow her to come to terms with the person she is and have a more concrete understanding of herself.

Please note that this sample paper on Annie John is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Annie John, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Annie John will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Sunday, February 14, 2021

Drawing on contemporary geographical examples, critically analyse the extent to which people should care for distant others.

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Drawing on contemporary geographical examples, critically analyse the extent to which people should care for distant others.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Drawing on contemporary geographical examples, critically analyse the extent to which people should care for distant others. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Drawing on contemporary geographical examples, critically analyse the extent to which people should care for distant others., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Drawing on contemporary geographical examples, critically analyse the extent to which people should care for distant others. paper at affordable prices!

David Smith asks the question in his article written in the progress of human geography 'How far should we care?' When this question is first put to anyone they are immediately taken aback. They begin to think who they care for, and how much; where does the caring stop. The first question to ask is what is the meaning of care? '…caring for others as well as caring about them the focus here is on beneficence as doing good or showing active kindness, rather than on benevolence as merely the desire to do good or charitable feeling'

The meaning of 'caring' is defined differently by each individual; it is how we as a person look at things. It is quite clear to me that we would care for our close and loved ones first over others, Marilyn Friedman supports this in her article 'The Practice of partiality' by saying 'Hardly any moral philosopher these days would deny that we are each entitled to favour our loved ones.' This can be down to instinct, whereby like animals we will always look after members of our pack or group above others. Historically caring for others outside your particular gang or tribe would be extremely negative, 'those posing a threat were repulsed.' This action took place very early on in the development of the planet whereby tribes would be competing over land and there was a distinctive lack of communication existing. Communities would work together with everyone helping each other and everyone knowing what the other was doing. This is an excellent example of the early signs of the communitarians, where the focus of the community was not on the individual but as a unit, 'personal identity reinforced an exclusive sense of localized 'we' rather than an autonomous 'I' 'one of us' could be interpreted as 'part of us'.'

In the modern world this situation was to be developed, as people moved to live in different countries there became an amalgamation of different race and nationality living together. The United States of America was, and still is a prime example; historically the Native Americans occupied the Island, then after colonization people from Europe and the rest of the world moved in. This meant that cities like New York would become a mixed racial and cultural society. 'The American city with its patchwork of immigrant ghettos, became the archetype of a new urban form.' This arrangement of people into groups of same origin is visible in New York today, with China town, little Italy Greenwich Village and so on. New York is not the only example of a city split by social segregation, by today the majority of countries have something similar in the towns and the countries. In the past this may have caused some problems socially as members from the different groups came to blows with newcomers to the area.

The act of caring for others can also cause unease in communities. There has been a recent increase in Asylum Seekers entering the United Kingdom through the ports. This has meant that the government has been forced to set up a contingency plan. Through this some are housed and gain United Kingdom citizenship and others are sent home. Local authorities have been encouraged to accept groups of immigrants to house in their area, as a result of this civil unrest within the communities has been visible. In a more recent incident on a housing estate in Wrexham this summer, a fight broke out between the locals and the immigrants; petrol bombs and objects where thrown at each other over a continuous two-night battle. Police were unable to prevent the civil unrest and the immigrants were forced to be re located. In this incidence the active kindness of caring for others who may have had huge problems in their country, was not welcomed. Peter Singer makes a valued opinion on the assistance to others, ' It is not beyond the capacities of richer nations to give enough assistance to reduce any further suffering to very small proportions.'

This article was written at the time of the Bengal food crisis in 171. What Peter Singer did was to look at the extent we could and should care for the people starving in Bengal. He discusses the issue of the moral importance to help others. He looks at how particular groups of individuals in particular spaces and situations can be seen as inappropriate or appropriate, what he is saying is that the whole way of life and our thoughts on matters like these needs to change. The affluent society should begin to think about others in the world and not only themselves. The article follows the lines of 'If it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening…we ought, morally to do it.' Peter Singer uses the example of a child drowning in a park, and what he says is that if a person walked past the fact that the child is a stranger won't prevent him from jumping in to save him. This also applies to a child abroad that we don't know, 'the fact that the person is physically near to us…. does not show that we ought to help him rather than another who happens to be further away.' But what is clear here is the fact that the person in the park could be the only hope the child has of being saved whereby the people starving in Bengal has the whole world watching over them. When looking at the situation like this the act of caring becomes a more complex format, we begin to think about charitable forces of caring. If every individual gave ten pounds a year to a starving child in the world then a dramatic difference would be made. Because of this individual decision whether to give or not to give the question of how far should we care remains.

Over the last few decades with the development of the media and technology, the world does not seem as big as it used to. It is now classed as a 'global village'. Through watching the television and reading the newspapers we learn about activities and tragedies immediately as they happen. The most recent example is the Iraq war, never before has there been such a detailed account of what was actually going on. There were channels dedicated to 4hr frontline action; it is with programmes like this that spark off concern by people the other side of the world. It is true to say that 'we cannot discriminate against someone merely because he is far away from us'. But there is a psychological issue here which can be looked at, because if we didn't hear anything about what was going on in wars around the world then it is quite easy to forget about them and do nothing to help. Another view to look at is whether we are helping for the right reasons, take Iraq as an example are we really helping for the freedom of the people of Iraq; or are we just looking after the oil fields of the future.

The tragedies of September 11th in the USA is a prime example of media working to its limits, live images of the planes crashing and the towers falling where beamed to our screens; peoples feelings and emotions where brought to our front room. As a result of this people in the United Kingdom were also in mourning, gathering in churches and outside the American Embassy in London. On a personal note I think this is a complete extreme point to follow, in fact I would go as far as saying by doing this all the sadness and scale of the tragedy is lost and it becomes a façade.

On the other hand the media can bring hope to some of the countries and people that are genuinely suffering in the world. It is through the development of media that people are able to feel they 'belong to a community, to be recognized, to share, to care and to be cared for' (Markovic, 101) Over the last decade or so aid agencies have been set up to provide and care for others less fortunate than us. Organisations like Children in Need, Operation Christmas Child and Comic Relief have been set up to provide for others. By showing documentaries on people starving and dying in different places around the world in one night alone the general public of the UK donate millions of pounds worth to make someone's life slightly better. Therefore we can look at the media as being an excellent resource to making the world aware of what actually goes on elsewhere and not only in your own back yard.

Throughout this essay we have looked at the whole aspect of caring at home and abroad. What is clear to me that we now care far more about people in other countries than we would have done fifty years ago. This is partially because we are now more aware of what is going on in the world more than ever before. But on the other hand we will always care for our family and neighbours above anyone else, this is because of our natural instinct.

Therefore to conclude on this matter it is clear to me that it is up to the individual whether he or she wants to care for distant others. Some people feel they need to and others are quite happy going on with their lives without thinking of others. This is quite simply the society that we all live in.


Becker, L.C 1 Places of pluralism. Ethics 10, 707-1

Doyal, L and Gough, I. 11 A theory of human need. London Macmillan.

Mendus, S 1 Different vices, still lives problems in the ethics of care. Journal of Applied Philosophy 10, 17-7

Sibley, D. 15 Geographies of exclusion society and difference in the west, London; Routledge

Smith, David M. 18 How far should we care? On the spatial scope of beneficence. Progress in human geography , 1 15-8

Sibley, P. 17 Famine, affluence and morality. Philosophy and Public Affairs 1, -4

Please note that this sample paper on Drawing on contemporary geographical examples, critically analyse the extent to which people should care for distant others. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Drawing on contemporary geographical examples, critically analyse the extent to which people should care for distant others., we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Drawing on contemporary geographical examples, critically analyse the extent to which people should care for distant others. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, February 11, 2021

Starbucks In the Community

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Starbucks In the Community. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Starbucks In the Community paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Starbucks In the Community, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Starbucks In the Community paper at affordable prices!

Starbucks is the number-one specialty coffee retailer in the United States of America. Starbucks was founded in 171. The first store was opened in Seattle, Washington at Pike Place Market. Starbucks currently has 5,888 stores. They continue to grow and are opening new stores one right after the other. Florida currently has 110 stores with hopes to have over 600 by the year 005. One of the things Starbucks prides in is the awards it has received for ethics and social responsibilities. Starbucks is very big on giving back to the community and conservation.

Part of the Starbucks mission statement is to Contribute positively to our communities and our environment. Partners (employees) take that mission personally, putting in many hours of volunteer time for their local neighborhoods and non-profit groups. From AIDS walks to tutoring kids to serving meals for the homeless, Starbucks partners prove that they care.

Each Starbucks store chooses a charity to receive its leftover pastries and past-date coffee. Many stores donate coffee to charitable events each month. One of these events in neighborhoods is called "Green Sweep". "Green Sweep" is trash pickups in different communities and other efforts that go along with that. Starbucks partners also invite people of the community to join in. Another popular charity is the All Books for Children book drive (ABC).

Starbucks corporate contributions focus on literacy and education, AIDS outreach, environmental awareness, and the arts. Cash and product donations are made to non-profit organizations that partners serve as volunteers or board members.

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Starbucks has created "Green Teams". Green Teams continuously review ways to reduce, reuse, recycle, and rethink environmental practices in their stores and roasting plants. Individual stores or partners receive the "Green Bean Award", which is an award that recognizes superior performance in these efforts. One example is, instead of throwing away the coffee grounds Starbucks gives them away to customers to use in their garden. The grounds help with the amount of acidity in the ground, making their gardens very healthy.

In 16, the Starbucks Foundation was created by Howard Schultz. The Foundation's mission is to create hope, discovery, and opportunity in the communities where we live and work. It focuses on literacy for children and families. More than one hundred literacy grants were awarded in The Foundation's first year. A very special feature of this program is the participation of Starbucks partners. The partners can sponsor grant applications to help local literacy groups.

Starbucks has joined with Guatemalan non-profit groups in a pilot program to evaluate working conditions in a coffee-producing region of Guatemala. There are four coffee growing regions that Starbucks gets their coffee from. They are Guatemala, Indonesia, Ethiopia, and Kenya. If the program is successful the other three regions will become part of the program. The long-term goal of this and other programs is to improve the circumstances of the people who cultivate, harvest, and process coffee beans. Starbucks is very committed to these origins. Buying coffee from these origins promotes conservation, organic farming, and economic stability. These are all very important issues that affect the people and the places that produce Starbucks coffee.

Starbucks is the largest direct corporate contributor to CARE, the international development and relief organization. The efforts are focused on literacy in the four coffee-growing regions of Indonesia, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Guatemala, with special contributions in response to natural disasters. For example, Hurricane Mitch. Starbucks contributed, in response, to Hurricane Mitch. As of December 00, Starbucks has contributed more than 1.4 million dollars to CARE.

A little more on conservation, Starbucks has partnered with Conservation International (CI) to support and enhance coffee production. This all begins with small farms in Chiapas, Mexico. The special interests are preserving traditional shade coffee farms in areas of high biodiversity and promoting ecologically sound practices in key tropical ecosystems.

In some coffee-origin countries, Starbucks pays a premium above the purchase price of coffee to fund local education and health projects which benefit coffee workers. These donations are jointly managed by Starbucks and by the local coffee partners---growers, millers, and exporters.

Starbucks tries to make a difference to the people and places that produce coffee, the countries and the families. The way they do business is very ethical. While giving to communities "here" and "there", they encourage conservation in the areas where their coffee is grown. These and other ideas have increased Starbucks profits by more than 50%. . About the Company. Timeline. (00)

Miazzi, Patrice. Manager of Starbucks Coffee location #8514. Personal Interview. April 10, 00

Ferrell, O.C., Hirt, Geoffrey (000) Business A Changing World Third Edition Irwin McGraw-Hill Copyright 000

Starbucks Coffee Company (00)Commitment To Origins

Starbucks Coffee Company Copyright 00

Starbucks Coffee Company (00)The Starbucks Foundation

Starbucks Coffee Company Copyright 00

Please note that this sample paper on Starbucks In the Community is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Starbucks In the Community, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on Starbucks In the Community will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Executive reprt

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on executive reprt. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality executive reprt paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in executive reprt, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your executive reprt paper at affordable prices!

I surveyed one hundred people to see which car manufacturers people prefer. I surveyed friends, family, and even strangers to conduct this survey. I find this survey fascinating because I want to find out what people really like about these car manufacturers. Surveying can help in numerous of ways. One, you can predict what the majority of the people prefer. Two, what is it about these cars these countries produce that they like. Finally, what age groups, rank, gender, and race these people prefer.

Working at a restaurant really helped me find most of the people to conduct this survey, most of which are fellow employees of mines. I interviewed as many people as I could at work and then I went to my family members. Sure enough, family members and employees are more cooperative than strangers. I gathered some of my information on the internet using chat sites. People in the chat rooms are too protective of their identity. They always reply with why or for what reason am I asking. If it sounds reasonable, then they will give me the info I need. If they find something suspicious then they ignore me or rudely brush me away.

As you have noticed, most of the people I surveyed are Asians and there are other races as well, but very few. I conclude my opinion that most of the people surveyed are teenagers and young adults. This group preferred the "faster" cars such as corvettes and vipers, which most are Hispanics and Caucasian, and trucks. The younger group of Asians prefer more luxurious German cars, especially females, while some males prefer faster cars. Younger age groups like faster car for racing. Older people prefer luxurious or classier cars.

My final findings shows that most people prefer Japanese cars. To my surprise, Japanese cars out numbered German cars. It seems that Japanese cars are more reliable than other imported and American cars. According to rank, Japan, German, American, Great Britain, and then Korean. I only found one car for Korean cars and three for Great Britain, a very small quantity according to the other three countries.

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Please note that this sample paper on executive reprt is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on executive reprt, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on executive reprt will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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The "Hidden Curriculum" of Anyon's Title

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The "Hidden Curriculum" of Anyon's Title. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The "Hidden Curriculum" of Anyon's Title paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The "Hidden Curriculum" of Anyon's Title, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The "Hidden Curriculum" of Anyon's Title paper at affordable prices!

The "Hidden Curriculum" of Anyon's title analyzes class issues in schools focusing almost exclusively on teacher practices. I think by the term, "hidden curriculum", she's referring to the teachers' expectations and judgments that are based on behavioral traits that are a part of each student's home life and brought to the classroom. The home environment has a big role in a child's education and if it isn't supportive of the school environment, the student will not be as successful in school as the child whose home environment is.

The curriculum is taught based on social, cultural, and political purposes. The teachers have different methods of teaching depending on the social class of the school. For example, the working class kid's teacher tells them to copy what she says without ever teaching them anything. Teaching that way will never develop the student's minds and they grow up to be blue collared working class citizens. Also, in the working class schools, the teacher needs to feel she has control over everything. In the middle class schools, teachers are more willing to let kids think for themselves than the working class schools. In the middle class schools, one must follow directions and students get to workout problems on their own. The teacher also involves the students in more class activities and makes sure you understand the lecture. It also calls for neatness and order but not as severely as the working class schools. There's also the affluent professional school. This school involved the kids with everything, the kids are continually asked to express and apply ideas. Work involved individual thought and expressiveness, as well as explanations. In this school, the teacher gives out homework that gives opportunities for the students to get involved with other people in their home environment. The students are also more advanced in what they're learning. The different kinds of schools showed different teaching methods. The social classes have an effect on the way things are taught.

Culture has changed over the years. People used to be stricter years ago than they are now. Maybe, if culture were still the same as years before, the teachers would feel as they had no choice but to teach better than they are today. The political economy also serves a purpose. The economy doesn't really want to put more money is schools that are in poorer communities. They rather put the money in the schools that already have a higher education of learning and where the teachers are better educated. I think they do this because students in a working class school will only be blue collared working class citizens, while students in the affluent professional school will most likely become corporate lawyers or engineers. Clearly, teachers who understand their students "language" and identified with their social, political, and cultural background are able to communicate with their students better and help them at least to stay in school.

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Please note that this sample paper on The "Hidden Curriculum" of Anyon's Title is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The "Hidden Curriculum" of Anyon's Title, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on The "Hidden Curriculum" of Anyon's Title will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, February 8, 2021

Looking for Alibrandi

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Looking for Alibrandi. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Looking for Alibrandi paper right on time.

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"Change is a process that presents both challenges and opportunities"

Do you agree? How have the composers of the texts that you have studied addressed this idea??

In your answer you should refer to your prescribed text, ONE item from the stimulus booklet Changing, and at least TWO related texts of your own choosing.

It is true that change is a process that presents both challenges and opportunities. Life is always accompanied by challenges and opportunities. Overcoming challenges and grabbing opportunities determines a state of change. Change is a constant feature of modern life and without it life would be very dull. Change is becoming or making other or different, difference from previous state. It is to alter, to adapt, to be different or to transform. Most changes require catalysts that set in motion a range of changes. These changes can take place instantly or gradually. The effects can be positive or negative. Some people may not always welcome change or cope with it very well, others do. In looking for Alibrandi, Melina Marchetta clearly demonstrates the concept of change and change in perspective. A variety of events happen throughout the novel through a number of characters, which influences their lives and change their perspectives. Through these events Melina shows that change is triggered by certain events and experiences. Josie and other characters such as Nonna and Michael Andretti experience attitudinal, cultural and relationship changes. Texts including the autobiography "Still Me" by Christopher Reeve, "The Door" by Miroslav Holub and the film "Chocolat" all have themes and underlying meanings relating to change.

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In Looking for Alibrandi, of all the characters in the novel, Josie changed the most. Because Marchetta used first person narrator, the responders were able to become the protagonist and experience the same journey as Josie did.

Josie experiences cultural change through the roller coaster rides which she examine her own attitudes towards her family, her cultural heritage and herself. At first Josie assumes her social acceptance is determined by her culture and identity. She despises the fact that she's from an Italian background and she believes that she's set apart from the Anglo Saxon Australians "I'll run one day…not as an Australian, not as an Italian and not as in between. I'll run to be emancipated". One of the major contributor towards Josie's change was the death of John Barton that had a huge influence on Josie because of the closeness of their relationship. John's suicide made Josephine realise that her own culture and her family is not so bad and that others have it much worse than her. At the beginning of the novel Josie presents her life as misunderstood and dissatisfied but later came to understand that she has so much to live "he had to die to die to achieve his. The beauty is that I'm living to achieve mine" Eventually she decides that her culture makes up who she is and that she can not break free of it "you can't hate what you're part of…it'll be a part of me till the day I die". Josie learns to accept her cultural up bringing which is demonstrated in different perspective she has towards "tomato day" 'a tradition that I will probably never let go of'. The poem titled "The Door" by Miroslav Holub, illustrates that change will ultimately happen to every person but the manner in when you accept change will be the way in which change will affect your life. The poet purposely writes in imperative mood to capture the audience attention with urgency to change themselves by being intellectually curious "Go open the door". This is a metaphor for opening one's mind and horizons. A closed door can be a symbol of a barrier that keeps things confined and limited. By opening the door we remove those barriers and are introduced to possibilities. The repetition of words "Go and open the door" makes the reader consider a range of possibilities as to what may lie behind that door. Images are used to remind the reader that there are no certainties when we open the door, just opportunities from the common and ordinary, "a tree", "a garden" to the fantastic and abstract, "magic city". All these possibilities can give us a chance to venture, discover the unknown, and give us a new and brighter perspective on life. The poet assures that sometimes one will open the door and see nothing but the "fog" meaning things that are unclear. One should have patience for that which is unclear will be revealed later. "It will clear". The poem encourages us to seek change, to persevere and to at least "open door" as there is still benefit in experiencing whatever we find, no matter how significant or momentous the finding is. In Josie's case, she opened the door and gave the opportunity to herself to change and accept her Italian culture as part of herself.

Relationship change is a major change that the novel deals with. Initially before Josie has ever met Michael, she resents him. She feels that he abandoned her mother while she was pregnant. When she meets him however she gets the impression that he's an intelligent and decent man. Josie's promise with her father 'you keep out of my life, I keep out of yours' changed as she confined in him after a physical incident with Carley, and was then threatened legal action. Unexpectedly he arrives and the problem resolved. As Josephine is walking alongside her father, she has a change in perspective. She has changed a great deal when she states, "For a few minutes I know how it felt walking alongside one's father". She likes the idea of having a father figure. Andretti is perhaps the quickest character to change perspectives from having a negative reaction towards Josie to adjusting his role as a father. A good demonstration of relationship change is in the film 'The Chocolat" directed by Lasse Hallstrom. The film begins with the unmarried mother, Vianne Rocher and her daughter Anouk, arriving in the small French town of Lansquenet. Vianne leases a disused pasticeria, which she transformed into a colourful chocolateria. Vianne intrigues the town with her chocolate recipes. Initially the townspeople misjudged Vianne. They all thought she was strong and mysterious under the influence of the major, Paul primarily because she's an unmarried mother. As they got to know her more they began to get along with her and changed their views of her. The audience is first introduced to Armante, a diabetic old woman who was at first bitter and twisted towards Vianne. After Armante tasted her chocolates, she became more cheerful and light hearted. The became closer as the movie progresses. Another character who underwent relationship change with Vienne is Paul who at first described them as "rootless, contaminating the tranquillity of the town" broke into Vianne's shop, vandalised it and then ate her liqueur filled chocolate and fell into a drunken sleep. She discovered him there, a transformed man, deeply apologetic for his conduct.

Attitudinal change is another issue that the novel deals with. This can be seen through Josie and Nonna. Initially Josie perceives her grandmother as an old woman who dictated both her mother's and her own life through culturally and socially acceptable parameters. At first they were like cats and dogs screaming at each other 'you are without respect Josie.' As the novel progresses her attitude changes towards Nonna. A contrast can be seen at the beginning of the novel when she said 'the granddaughter she supposedly loves' to her comment at the end of the novel when she said 'I was loved by two of the strongest women I would ever meet in my lifetime.'

This occurred when she discovered her grandmother's past life. Katia tries to explain to Josie what it was like for her living in Australia and why she had a relationship with Marcus Sandford. She discovered that nonna was in an arranged marriage to someone she didn't know and she fell pregnant with Marcus Sandford. Through this experience Josie learns that Katia wasn't who she thought she was 'she hadn't stuck to the rules…hadn't worried what other people thought.' After knowing this she was more compassionate and understanding towards Nonna. A broader illustration of attitudinal change is the autobiography "Still Me" by Christopher Reeve. It tells the story of a man once known as a superman who has been completely transformed by a misfortune in his life, is now a quadriplegic man. Before the accident, he was a man of ability and hope but after the accident he couldn't move at all, dependent on other's help. The circumstances surrounding his life have completely changed after the accident. He gradually went through unavoidable physical, emotion, and physiological changes. In relation to Alibrandi, Josie had the choice of her change. For instance, Josie could choose whether or not she wanted to accept her culture as part of her identity. In Jacob's case, he still has the choice of his future directions. On the other hand, Reeve had no choice about the choices he had to make. The choices were imposed upon him. The tone he describes his recollections upon the accident Is positive and sincere. The author presents himself as a rigorous optimist. He does not show any sign of doubt that 'one day I will be back on my feet'. His attitude to life has changed from being arrogant to being modest. He self realises the grace offered to him from God. He is thankful to God for allowing him to be alive.

All of these texts are ones that examine change and change in perspective. In the novel, characters change each other. In the supplementary material too, people change through contact with others. Change is a process that presents challenges and opportunities. It is a part of life that is inevitable. All change begins with a decision. The characters in Looking for Alibrandi face certain challenges and opportunities that eventually bring about change. The composers in the supplementary material too addressed this idea through certain events and experiences. The way one deals with challenges and taking up opportunities determines the changes in life.

Please note that this sample paper on Looking for Alibrandi is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Looking for Alibrandi, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Looking for Alibrandi will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, February 5, 2021


If you order your cheap essaysfrom our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on ROMAN ARCHITECTURE. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality ROMAN ARCHITECTURE paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in ROMAN ARCHITECTURE, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your ROMAN ARCHITECTURE paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

The ancient Romans are famous for many things. One thing is their adaptation and development of architecture. From the Etruscans and early tribes the Romans found most of their basic architectural skills. From the Greeks some components of Roman architecture were adapted. Which gives some early Roman architecture some characteristics of oriental architecture because of Greek contact with the Orient. The heart of Roman architecture was the Roman forum, which was really being constructed under the rule of Octavian (Augustus) Caesar. As time progressed the Roman architecture went into a stage of Greek like buildings. After this Roman architecture as we know it today was starting to take form.

Etruscan architecture was really the beginning of Roman architecture. For example in Etruscan tombs people would find many types of architectural traits found in many Roman buildings. Like the fact they had vaulted entrances. Some cities had an influence, such as the fortified city of Norba. After this Greece started to gain control in Italy that greatly affected the Roman architecture of this time but not as much as Etruscan does in the future. When the Greeks came in Rome was building their new buildings in the classic Greek vaulted construction with Doric style columns. The start of this was in 17 B.C., it started with the planing of the Temple to Fortuna Virilis. This was completed in approximately 100 B.C. Then shortly after the completion of the Tabularium built in the time of Sulla. In this period under the dictator Sulla, Hellenistic architecture flourished in Rome, with the buildings Lindos, Cos, the acropolis at Pergamon, Fortuna at Praeneste, the sanctuary of Hercules Victor at Tibur, and the temple of Jupiter Anxur at Terracina. Though all these buildings were noticeably Hellenistic, they retained the Romans own unique architectural style. Such as the cylindrical shape of Forum Boarium, this was an original shape for the Romans along with the roof.

Eventually the Hellenistic architecture was being pushed out by Romanization. When Rome gained leadership over Neighboring countries and was starting to unite the cities, in about 00 B.C. Rome started to gain its own unique architectural culture. When Rome was expanding they build grids of roads, and with this advance Rome had a much greater ability to build massive projects. Such as Octavian (Augustus) Caesars Forum, aqueducts, temples, jetties, safe ports, bridges, marsh drainage and the first truly planned cities. These cities were truly planned to certain specifications and were built and optimized for certain purposes.

After the Hellenistic period was nearing an end in Rome Octavian (Augustus) Caesar took control of Rome and started to start some major development programs. A tribute to the god of Mars called the Ultor for the death of Octavian (Augustus) Caesars father who was assassinated, was the first That later became the Forum of Augustus was to have the Ultor, an Other temple dedicated to Julius Caesar called the Cella, and a courtyard. The Forum of Augustus was built across from Julius Caesars Forum on a piece of land that measured one hectare. The Forum of Augustus was designed in a symmetrical style. Other achievements of Augustus were to build one of the earliest aqueducts at Minturnae was one of the first construction projects to use arcs. This structure was made completely of stones with a reticulated bond. Most would figure Caesar would have a great home because he was very absorbed in to architectural projects. On the Contrary Caesars home was a simple, it was almost small compared with other emperors homes. Its only features that were appealing were the location and the wall paintings. Of course when he became emperor it was enlarged but not by much. Under Caesars reign as emperor Agrippa built the first Pantheon in Caesars honor. The Pantheon as we know it, was a replacement of Caesars built century and a half later by Hadrian.

Cheap Custom Essays on ROMAN ARCHITECTURE

Aqueducts were one of Romes new devices described as indispensable in urban life.(Stierlin 48) The aqueducts were one of Romes many revolutionary devices. In these science, architecture and art were combined to bring the cities the water they need to survive.

Another revolution is the Roman network of roads. The Romans were the first civilization to make well-designed roads. Around the time of Augustus the major roads were constructed to keep the incredibly large empire linked so it would not fall. The Romans added a number of things to the basic idea of roads, such as archways, city streets, and arch bridges. This greatly increased the ability to build because of the way roads were laid out.

One of the most famous Roman projects is the Flavian Amphitheater in Rome. Commonly known as the Colosseum this massive stadium had seating for about 50,000 people, a feat that is amazing considering the tools used for construction. Construction started in 6 AD by Vespasian, and was finished in 80 AD when his son Titus inaugurated it. On the outside the building was made of travertine, a creamy colored carbonate material. (Michael Raczynski)On the inside it was made of tufa, and the ramping were made of concrete. The quality and advanced designs were easily viewed as superior because it has lasted so many years, through earthquakes and wars.

Please note that this sample paper on ROMAN ARCHITECTURE is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on ROMAN ARCHITECTURE, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on ROMAN ARCHITECTURE will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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