Wednesday, January 13, 2021

What are the contrasts in character and behaviour between MacBeth and Lady MacBeth?

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on What are the contrasts in character and behaviour between MacBeth and Lady MacBeth?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality What are the contrasts in character and behaviour between MacBeth and Lady MacBeth? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in What are the contrasts in character and behaviour between MacBeth and Lady MacBeth?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your What are the contrasts in character and behaviour between MacBeth and Lady MacBeth? paper at affordable prices!

What are the contrasts in character and behaviour between MacBeth and Lady MacBeth?

MacBeth is a play written by William Shakespeare, which traces the downfall of MacBeth due to his ambition. MacBeth, the main character, is a nobleman, the Thane of Glamis, as well as a Scottish general in King Duncans army. Later he becomes the Thane of Cawdor and eventually King of Scotland. To achieve this he resorts to violent measures, and murders his way to the throne with the help of his persuasive wife, Lady MacBeth. Lady MacBeth is a woman who cleverly takes advantage of her husbands love for her to persuade him to kill in order to be crowned king of Scotland. Despite this she finds that she cannot cope with the guilt, which eventually leads to her suicide and later, MacBeth dies in battle. Although MacBeth and Lady MacBeth love each other, they grow further and further apart as the play goes on.

Before the murder I realise that MacBeth is very highly thought of in

Scotland for his prowess in battle as he receives many compliments from a sergeant Brave MacBeth,

Order Custom Essay on What are the contrasts in character and behaviour between MacBeth and Lady MacBeth?

and even from King Duncan

Valiant cousin

However Shakespeare then uses the supernatural to tempt MacBeth, who is indecisive earlier in the play, and whose prophecies at this point, when he meets up with three witches whom he had already met

suggest that he will become Thane of Cawdor and later, king of Scotland. MacBeth is

now encouraged to contemplate kingship, although he does not to take any action due

the fact that he has a conscience. However he is beginning to believe it is possible,

because of the prophecies coming true, when he becomes Thane of Cawdor.

And, for an earnest of a greater honour,

He bade me from him, call thee Thame of Cawdor. When Duncan states that Malcolm shall be the next king of Scotland, MacBeth’s ambition is sparked and the idea of killing Duncan is shown by the dark imagery in his soliloquy.

Stars, hide your fires

However, although MacBeth likes the idea he still cannot bring himself to commit murder. This is in total contrast to his wife, who is used by Shakespeare to push her husband. As soon as she receives the letter telling her of the witches prophecies she says decisively,

Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be

What thou art promised.

She shares his ambition and is single minded in her efforts to make MacBeth King In order to do this more effectively she even calls on evil spirits to remove any traces of kindness and generosity from her;

Unsex me here And fill me from the crown to the toe top

full of direst cruelty.

Lady MacBeth plans the murder in detail and will not allow MacBeth to even think of failure. In contrast, MacBeth is indecisive, shown by his weighing up the pros and cons, and eventually saying,

We will proceed no further in this business.

However MacBeth, is accused of not being manly by his wife, and is persuaded to go ahead with the murder showing that his wife is stronger willed. I feel that MacBeths uncertainty about whether to go forward with the plan to murder king Duncan is because he looks ahead towards the consequences, If the assassination could trammel up the consequence,

whereas Lady MacBeth looks no further than the murder.

I see the second act as the turning point in the play as in this act MacBeth finally kills King Duncan and gains the confidence which enables him to repeat the deed later on. Just before MacBeth is to murder Duncan, the supernatural is again used by Shakespeare in the shape of a dagger, to highlight MacBeths guilt and weakness and to show that he still has a conscience.

Is this a dagger which I see before me , The handle toward my hand? Come let me clutch thee.

Because MacBeth still has a conscience during the murder of Duncan he panics and forgets to smear the guards with blood and leave the fatal daggers with them. Even after talking to his wife he still cannot bring himself to return to the scene of the crime and relies on his wife to go back. Although Lady MacBeth, is stronger- willed than MacBeth, she is not as strong as she believes herself to be. I can see this when she has a very anxious conversation with her husband.

Did you not speak, When, Now, As I descended, Ay, Hark

Shakespeare uses a staccato effect to show their guilt and how worried they are.

Directly after the murder of Duncan MacBeth panics and is so shocked that he needs his wife, Lady MacBeth, to tell him what to do. The difference between them is clear in their attitude towards the blood on MacBeths hands after he has killed Duncan. MacBeths imaginative nature is clear in the imagery he uses.

Will all great Neptunes oceans wash this blood

Clean from my hand

However in total contrast to MacBeth, his wife consoles him when she tells him,

A little water clears us of this deed.

I can see that she is practical and can deal with present problems but does not look ahead, which is ironic when I think of the sleepwalking scene.

When King Duncan is discovered to be dead MacBeth is unsure how to react and so becomes over-zealous, killing the guards. Suspicion starts to spread because of MacBeths irrational behaviour. However to distract people and to shift the attention which is on MacBeth, Lady MacBeth faints. It is clear that Lady MacBeth is more practical and clear-sighted and that MacBeth depends on her.

After MacBeth and his wife are crowned King and Queen at Scone, MacBeth becomes more dominant and distant. I am surprised to find that he no longer involves his wife in any of his plans. This next plan is to dispose of Banquo and his son as the witches have prophesied that the descendants of Banquo will be crowned kings of Scotland. Lady MacBeth has not been told of his plans.

Be innocent of the knowledge dearest chuck.

However it is the manner in which MacBeth attempts to kill Banquo and his son which is more important. MacBeth poisons the minds of three murderers and gives them instructions about when and where to kill Banquo and Fleance. This is unbelievably different to when he and his wife were planing the murder of Duncan and shows just how much confidence he has gained. This time he has planned the whole thing himself, but hired others to do the deed. Hence he has become independent of Lady MacBeth.

Despite MacBeths planning of Banquos murder on his own, Lady MacBeth is still the stronger mentally, evident when she tries to calm her husband during a banquet, during which he sees his second vision; Banquos ghost, another symbol of his guilt.

Thou canst not say I did it never shake

Thy gory locks at me.

However Lady MacBeth quickly takes the initiative, saying that MacBeth is ill. She later taunts him for being unmanned, which shows her mental superiority and that she is much more quick-thinking than he is. At this point MacBeth tells his wife that he is at the point of no return and the start of his downfall.

I am in blood

Steepd in so far that, should I wade no more,

Returning were as tedious as go oer

At the beginning of Act Four MacBeth significantly makes a conscious decision to visit the witches, showing me that he is now choosing evil.

I will to-morrow,

And betimes I will, to the weird sisters.

The witches are playing with MacBeth, although he does not realise this!

None of woman born shall harm MacBeth

This seems to guarantee MacBeths position as King of Scotland, as does the next apparition

MacBeth shall never vanquishd be, until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come against him.

However the only apparition which worries MacBeth is

beware MacDuff

He now no longer attempts to hide his evil but embarks on a reign of tyranny, for example ordering MacDuffs family killed. MacBeth has become a tyrant totally steeped in evil, considering himself invulnerable.

In contrast Lady MacBeth is now very vulnerable which is contrary to how she behaved earlier in the play. She seems to have gone insane as a result of her guilt which is also exposed, but in a different way to that of MacBeth as she sleepwalks. She constantly washes her hands which refers back to the time when her hands were covered in blood. Although then, she told MacBeth that a little water clears us of this deed she now shows that this is not so.

All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this hand.

By this, I think she means that she can never be forgiven for the sins which she committed earlier. However, the most noticeable form of her guilt is when she sleepwalks and mutters words which have the potential to incriminate her husband.

The thane of Fife had a wife

She is obviously suffering mental anguish and eventually commits suicide. MacBeth has also changed, but in contrast to his wife he has grown colder and more callous. When he hears of Lady MacBeths death he shows no grief, merely saying

She should have died hereafter.

Unlike Lady MacBeth he feels no remorse which is in contrast to the MacBeth earlier on in the play. He realises that life has become mechanical, evident in the repetition of ;

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,

Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,

To the last syllable of recorded time;

However MacBeth senses the end and his death due to the fact that Malcolm, and the English army are approaching to overthrow him. At this point MacBeth must be anxious and starting to feel his kingdom slip away due to the news of the desertions from his army and realises that the witches were playing with him . However MacBeth still decides to fight to the death and die like a brave soldier. In a sense MacBeth too is contemplating suicide because, although he knows his castle could withstand a siege, he goes out to fight and is killed by MacDuff.

I find the differences between MacBeth and his wife interesting, especially the way their roles are reversed as the play goes on. At the end of the play I see that MacBeth and his wife are viewed alike in death despite their obvious differences of character and behaviour earlier on in the play.

this dead butcher and his fiend-like queen.

Please note that this sample paper on What are the contrasts in character and behaviour between MacBeth and Lady MacBeth? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on What are the contrasts in character and behaviour between MacBeth and Lady MacBeth?, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on What are the contrasts in character and behaviour between MacBeth and Lady MacBeth? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Reasons for Allied Victory

If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Reasons for Allied Victory. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Reasons for Allied Victory paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Reasons for Allied Victory, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Reasons for Allied Victory paper at affordable prices with cheap writing service!

In 114 the First World War began. What was thought to be a short, quick show of power turned into a four year campaign as the countries of the Triple Entente fought to prevent the Central Powers from taking over mainland Europe. By 117 it seems the war would go on forever, dragging out, with both side appearing equal in fighting power and a trench line stretching from the Swiss Alps to the North Sea. Why is it then that eventually the members of the Triple Entente won the war? Why did Germany declare armistice? The following essay will attempt to answer these questions as well as providing evidence to support the claims made.

When Russia pulled out of the war after a revolution in 117 the war on the Western front took a turn for the worse for the Allies. With the removal of a threat form the East Germany was free to send troops to the Western Front strengthening its hold in the captured areas of France, Belgium and surrounding areas. While this appeared, on the surface, to be a good turn for the German army it was really the beginning of a bitter struggle that eventually led to the defeat of her armies, for although more man-power was able to be dedicated to the battle line the British still maintained naval superiority and the blockade upon German ports and colonies was causing major disruption to supplies, especially food, which greatly lowered the moral of the civilians and the soldiers and caused a general ill-feeling towards the government and the war. This drop in morale and the effect of Allied propaganda can be directly linked to the outbreak of several strikes and rebellions as is shown in the excerpt from 114-18 the World at War, by C, OBrien and A. Merritt; It is almost always the women, whether form lower or better classes, who show their dissatisfaction with the war in bitter scolding and outbreaks of violence. This is understandable however, as it is the women who are expected to cook and cater for hungry families and find themselves unable to do so... Mutinies among disgruntled soldiers also had a part as they lacked supplies of food, clothing, blankets and other necessities to keep them healthy and able to fight the war. This coupled with the unrelenting offensives and counter-offensives made by both sides severely injured the support for the war leading to a much more submissive population and in turn a much more submissive and malleable government.

However it was not just the lack of supplies and Allied propaganda that led to the Germans declaring the armistice and the Allies winning the war. Much of the credit, if it can be called such, lies at the feet of the United States of America. For while they were neutral until the very end of the war they lent great amounts of money to the Allied governments as well as gave aid in the form of supplies, technologies and eventually man-power as well as not giving any help to the Central powers. After the sinking of the passenger liner Lusitania, which carried over one hundred American passengers, when Germany once again began unrestricted submarine war-fare the United States declared War on Germany and its allies and sent one million soldiers to join the battle on the Western Front. A very significant number of men. This announcement of the United States taking active involvement in the war on behalf of the Allies further lowered the German peoples morale as by this time the German soldiers and people were getting very tired of the war and battle-weary and the influx of new, fresh, eager troops made victory seems even further away as is stated in War and Peace Reasons for Allied Victory' The decisive factor, however, was the American intervention. A million fresh troops on the western front gave the Allies overwhelming superiority in manpower...

These two factors were coupled with several smaller ones, one of which being the failure of the 118 Spring offensive launched by Germany in an attempt to break the stalemate, this led to a huge decrease in manpower and again in the morale of the Civilians as again is shown in Reasons for Allied Victory'The failure of this offensive accelerated the decline in the morale of the armed forces and civilians of the Central Powers...

Order College Papers on Reasons for Allied Victory

Another factor was the uniting of the command of the Allied armed forces under General Foch. With a united command there was less bickering and more cohesion to the Allied army, making offensives more effective, with less losses, more often. This was also a deciding factor in the Allied resistance to the spring offensive.

But it is unlikely the Central Powers would have offered armistice if not for the Fourteen points of United States President Woodrow Wilson. The Fourteen Points as they came to be known offered Germany an honourable way out of the war with little in the way of punishment or repatriation. Seeing an almost hopeless situation in the continuing of the military campaign and the easy way out offered by Wilsons Fourteen Points, the Central Powers declared armistice on the basis that the settlement be Wilsonian based heavily on the Fourteen Points and likely to be fair and just to all.

It was for these reasons that the Allies won the war. While no one single cause can be named the above points explain in some detail how the armistice and Allied victory came about, much through the lowered morale of the Central Powers, and why Germany agreed upon the armistice in the first place.

Please note that this sample paper on Reasons for Allied Victory is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Reasons for Allied Victory, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on Reasons for Allied Victory will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, January 11, 2021

Fuck You Cunts

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Fuck You Cunts. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Fuck You Cunts paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Fuck You Cunts, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Fuck You Cunts paper at affordable prices!

Abortion Has Been One Of This Countrys Most Controversial Topic On Hand

Abortion has been one of this countrys most controversial topic on

hand. But if one sees the constitutional infringement to women by the

restriction of abortion, the torment to the unwanted child and the anguish

society has to sustain,then this topic would not be so debatable. Too many

people do not see the cause and effect of not being able to have abortions.

All human beings are given some inalienable right guaranteed by the

Constitution. One of those privilege is the right to pursue happiness. A

baby can sometimes disrupt a womans pursuit of happiness. Even if she

decides to give it up for adoption, she still has the burden of carrying

the fetus for nine months. Having the option to perform an abortion can

solve that obstacle. Taking away this right would be invading on a womans

constitutional liberty.

The unwanted child also suffers. Most of the time the mother of the

unwanted child is very young and inexperienced or too poor to take care of

the child. The child is usually malnourished, has no medical care, and

gets very little attention or love. The foster care system isnt any

better. Only a small percentage of the children are adopted by suitable

parents. But the rest remain in the foster care system, where there is

little or no personal care. In both cases, the child has a poor education

because of the lack of attention and discipline. He grows up to be

unproductive individual or a menace to society. Many get involved in drugs

and crimes. These individuals are also very violent, lacking morality due

small amount of care they received themselves. In the long run, not only

does the child suffer but also society, who has to tolerate his violent

behavior and crimes.

An abortion can be seen as putting the child out of misery while he

doesnt have the ability to reason or fear.

In short, abortion allows a woman to retain her constitutional rights,

it relieves a would be suffering child out of his distress and it

establishes a safer and more peaceful society. On these grounds, abortion

should be kept legal, and even encouraged to specific individuals, for

benefits to all of us.

Please note that this sample paper on Fuck You Cunts is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Fuck You Cunts, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Fuck You Cunts will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

The Automated Labor Distribution System and other innovations by HayCo Consulting and Bar-Net Systems

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Automated Labor Distribution System and other innovations by HayCo Consulting and Bar-Net Systems. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Automated Labor Distribution System and other innovations by HayCo Consulting and Bar-Net Systems paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Automated Labor Distribution System and other innovations by HayCo Consulting and Bar-Net Systems, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Automated Labor Distribution System and other innovations by HayCo Consulting and Bar-Net Systems paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

The experts at HayCo Consulting have developed and implemented an automated time collection and processing system for the Lubbock Police Department. The system is currently being marketed as the HayCo Automated Labor Distribution System. ALDS includes a custom touch screen overtime/comptime reporting application and a four-tiered supervisor and administrator client/server interface program. Employee identification options for the input terminal include barcode, magnetic stripe or proximity badge systems. The system has been in place for two years, tracking time and attendance for approximately 440 employees, and has resulted in the elimination of one full time clerical position. Additional interfaces to common municipal enterprise systems (e.g. J.D. Edwards) are currently in production.

Additionally, they have designed and market Bar-Net POS - a touch-screen point of sale system, utilizing relational database technology, specifically designed for the bar and nightclub industry. Bar-Net POS provides all standard POS functionality and reporting and additionally provides closed-loop inventory tracking and sales vs. usage comparisons for all liquor and draft beer products. They are currently installing a five-station Bar-Net POS™ system with complete alcohol control system, including a custom touch-screen waitress interface program, integrated credit card processing program and an 80.11b wireless LAN, for a new restaurant in Lubbock's Depot District.

For clients not utilizing automated product control, they developed a custom program to support the Bar-Net Inventory Service. The program uses an electronic scale, barcode reader and laptop computer to generate ending distilled spirit inventory and usage reports based on a detailed input/output analysis and a database of bottle and product weights. The program has been used in the execution of business analysis consulting contracts with resulting reports being provided to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission and the State Comptroller of Texas.

Other projects which are currently in progress include Accurack, an automated billiard ball tracking and sales reporting device and KegChecker, a device to measure the contents of a partially used draft beer keg through a sequence of timed, pressure and CO flow measurements. Accurack was developed through a joint effort between Bar-Net Systems and Texas Tech University Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering departments.

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Please note that this sample paper on The Automated Labor Distribution System and other innovations by HayCo Consulting and Bar-Net Systems is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Automated Labor Distribution System and other innovations by HayCo Consulting and Bar-Net Systems, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on The Automated Labor Distribution System and other innovations by HayCo Consulting and Bar-Net Systems will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Chapter 13 chemistry

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on chapter 13 chemistry. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality chapter 13 chemistry paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in chapter 13 chemistry, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your chapter 13 chemistry paper at affordable prices!

Chapter 1- States of Matter


Kinetic Molecular Theory

· Model to describe properties of gases

Buy chapter 13 chemistry term paper

· Kinetic=move

· Theory describes behavior in terms of particles in motion

· Model makes assumptions about size, motion, and energy of gas particles

Particle size

· Gases consist of small particles that are separated from one another by empty space

· Because gas particles are far apart, there are no significant attractive or repulsive forces among them

Particle Motion

· Gas particles are in constant random motion collide with other particles or with the walls of their container

· Have elastic collisions-no kinetic energy is lost

· Kinetic energy can be transferred between colliding particles, but the total kinetic energy of the particles don't change

Particle energy

· factors determine the kinetic energy of a particle

· Mass, velocity KE=1/mv

· In a sample of a dingle gas all particles have the same mass but all particles do not have the same velocity

· Because of this particles do not have the same kinetic energy

· Kinetic energy and temperature are related

· Temperature- a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles of matter

· At a given temperature, all gases have the same average kinetic energy

Explaining the behavior of Gases

Low Density

· Theory states- great deal of space exists between gas particles

· The rest are fewer chlorine molecules than gold atoms in the same volume Cl=solid Au=gold

Diffusion & Effusion

Theory states-no force of attraction between gas particles

· Gas particles can move easily past each other

· The space into which a gas flows is already occupied by another gas

· This random motion causes gases to mix until they are evenly distributed

· Diffusion- Movement of one material through another

· Move from high concentration to low concentration

· The rate of diffusion depends on the mass of the particles

· For lighter particles to have the same average kinetic energy as heavier particles, they must have a greater velocity (KE=1/mv

· Effusion is process related to diffusion

· Graham's Law of Effusion- States that the rate of effusion for a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of the molar mass (GFM)

· This law applies to rates of diffusion

· Using this law you can setup a proportion to compare the diffusion rates for gases


Gas pressure

· Pressure-defined as force per unit area

· Gas particles exert pressure when they collide with the walls of their container

Atmospheric pressure

· Because the particles in air move in every direction, they exert pressure in all directions

Measuring Air pressure

· Barometer-instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure

· Height of the Hg in the tube is determined by forces

· Gravity pushing down on Hg; Humidity/temperature causes air pressure to change

· An increase in air pressure causes Hg to rise, a decrease it falls

· Monometer-instrument used to measure gas pressure in a closed container

· Flask in connected to a U-tube containing Hg

· Before the gas is released Hg is at the same height in arms

· After the gas is released the height in the arms are no longer equal

· If gas pressure atmospheric pressure the liquid on the left decreases and the liquid on the left increases Pgas=Patm+Phg

· If gas pressure atmospheric pressure the liquid on left increases and liquid on right decreases Pgas=Patm-PHg

Units of Pressure

Pascal (Pa)-Si unit of pressure 1Pa=1N/M

Other units mmHg, torr, atmosphere (atm), psi, kilopascal (kPal)

1.00atm=760 torr=101. kPa=14.7 psi (at 0 C)

Dalton's Law of Partial Pressure

· Law states that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the pressures of all the gases in the mixture

· Partial pressure depends on Number of moles of gas, size of the container, temperature of mixture

· It doesn't depend on the identity of the gas Patm= p1 + p + p….

· When gases are made in a lab they are made over water, so the gas is saturated with water

· Pgas=Ptotal-Pwater

· Water pressure will be given to you Practice problems on pg 4-6

· Water pressure will be given to you.

Forces of attraction

· Intramolecular force-Force within atoms, ions, molecules (bonding)

· Ex dispersion, H-bonds

· Intermolecular force-force between atoms, ions, or molecules

· Ex dispersion, H-bonds

Dispersion force

· Weak forces that result from temporary shift of electrons in the electron cloud

· Occurs when non polar molecules are in close contact or collide

· Electrons in the cloud repel each other causing the electrons to have a higher density in one region of each cloud

· Forms temporary dipole; When the dipoles are close together a weak dispersion force exists; Occurs in identical non polar molecules

Dipole-Dipole forces

· Attractions between oppositely charged regions of polar molecules

· Contain permanent dipoles

· Neighboring polar molecules orient themselves so that charged regions line up.

· Forces are usually stronger than dispersion forces

· Pg 4-5 pictures of bonds

Hydrogen bonds

· A dipole-dipole attraction that occurs between molecules containing a hydrogen atom bonded to a small electronegative atom with at least one lone electron pair

· Hydrogen must be bonded to Fluorine, Oxygen, Nitrogen

· H has a positive charge, O has a negative charge so that one molecule is attracted to the O in another molecule


Kinetic Molecular Model

· Have a constant motion

· No foxed position so they take the shape of a container

· Force of attraction is greater than in gases so liquids have a fixed volume

Density & Compression

· At 5C and 1atm, liquids are closer than gases because of their greater intermolecular forces holding them together

· Like gases, liquids can be compressed, but only by a small volume because the molecules are relatively close together


· Ability to flow

· Liquids can diffuse through other liquids but at a slower rate than gases because of intermolecular forces

· Liquids are less fluid than gases


· Is the measure of the resistance of a liquid to flow

· The attractive force slows their movement

· Viscosity is determined by the type of intermolecular forces, shape of the particle, and temperature

· Warm-faster flow, cooler- slow flow larger/longer-slow small/short-fast

Surface tension

· Particles in the middle of a liquid can be attracted to particles all around them

· Particles at the surface have no attractive force from above to balance the attraction for below; so there is a greater force pulling down on particles at the surface

· Surface tension- energy required to increase the surface area of a liquid by a given amount

· Generally the stronger the attraction between particles the greater the surface tension

· Water has a high surface tension because it can form multiple hydrogen bonds

· Surfactants- compound that lower the surface tension of water (break hydrogen bonds)

Capillary action

· A narrow container; surface of water forms a meniscus forces cause this

· Cohesion- force of attraction between identical molecules

· Adhesion- force of attraction between different molecules

· The adhesive force between the water and glass is greater than the cohesive force between the water; so water rises along the inner walls of the cylinder

Kinetic molecular theory

· Are in constant motion

· Have a strong attractive force between particles, this limits the motion, causing more order

· Because this solids have a definite shape and volume are much less fluid

Density of solids

· Particles are packed closely together so they are more dense

· Because most solids sink, except water has fewer particles in given volume

Crystalline solids

· Solid where atoms, ions, or molecules are arranged in a orderly, geometric shape

· Unit cell- smallest arrangement of connected points that can be repeated in 1 direction to form a lattice

· Shape of a crystal is determined by the type of unit cell

· 7 different crystals on pg 401

· Crystalline solids can be classified into 5 groups based on the type of particles they contain

· Pg 40 table 1-4

· Amorphous solids- particles are not arranged in a regular repeating pattern

· Forms when the motion material cools too quickly and the crystals don't have time to form

Phase changes


· Solids well absorb heat energy and break the bonds that are holding them together

· Temperature does not change as the solid is melting

· Amount of energy needed depends on the strength of that bond

· Melting point- temperature at which the liquid phase and solid phase of a given substance can coexist

Vaporization liquidÞgas

· Once all ice melts the addition of energy increases the kinetic energy of the liquid and the temperature increases

· Evaporation- when vaporization occurs only at the surface of a liquid

· Liquid molecules must absorb energy, break forces of attraction, and enter gas phase ex sweat

· In a closed container water collects above that liquid and exerts pressure on the surface of the liquid called vapor pressure

· Boiling point- temperature at which vapor pressure of a liquid equals the external or atmospheric pressure

Sublimation solidÞgas

· Ex solid iodine, solid carbon dioxide, mothballs, air freshener

· Absorb energy

Condensation gasÞliquid

· Loses energy, velocity decreases when molecules collide they are more likely to form bonds or increase the force of attraction, and changes to the liquid phase

· Reverse vaporization

Deposition gasÞsolid

· Reverse of sublimation energy is released ex frost & snow

Freezing liquidÞsolid

· Energy is lost, velocity decreases bonds form and hold the molecules in a fixed position

· Reverse of melting

· Freezing point- temperature at which a liquid is converted in to a solid

· Is equal to the melting point

Phase diagrams

· Graph of pressure vs. temperature that shown in which phase a substance exists

· Under different conditions of temperature and pressure

· curves separate the regions from one another solid, liquid gas

· On the curve phases of matter exist

· Triple point-temperature at which 6 phase changes can occur and phases of matter can exist

· Critical point- indicates the critical temperature and pressure above which a substance cannot exist as a liquid

Please note that this sample paper on chapter 13 chemistry is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on chapter 13 chemistry, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on chapter 13 chemistry will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, December 31, 2020

My Lesson

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on My Lesson. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality My Lesson paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in My Lesson, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your My Lesson paper at affordable prices!

As a child, I was always independent. I never wanted help from my parents tobuy anything for me or my brothers to help me in a fight. My father thouhgt that was good but he always told me dont be scared to ask for help. One day I was going to school, it seemed like a regular day. Its was very cold, and the sun was barely peaking over the horizon /the mist made it hard to see. I was not the best of friends with the people in the neighborhood because I did not go to thier school or just talk to them for that matter. No matter how long I lived there, they look at my family as an outsider.

We reallly did not cross paths, but this morning they seem interested in me as I sat on the side walk floor just outside my house waiting for the city bus to come by.

My older brothers and cousins were well-known in the neighborhood as people that nobody mess with. This was one of the main reasons that I got into confrontationswith people. Everybody in the nieghborhood wanted to test am I as tough as the rest of my brothers. I was paid a visited by one of the guys that was looking at me from across the street. By the way he was coming towards me and the looks on his friends faces I already knew something was about to happen. Not wanting to look like Im scared or intimadated by him I just look at him with disgust and said What.

I didnt even hear what he was saying to me after that, my heart was pounding and my hands was starting to swet as I was divising a plan for various scenarios. Should I hit him and run or would everbody laugh at me? Should I just try to fight them all and most likely get beat up real badly but save the respect of my brothers and the boys that I socialized with. These were all the things going threw my mind as I bald my fist as tight as I can. I look up and saw the school bus coming around the corner and it was like a breath of fresh air. I finally start listening to him but could only catch his last words as he walked away. Ima catch you after school and we will see whats up then.

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At school I couldnt think of anything but what was going to happen after school let out. All I had to do was tell my brothers what had happen and it would have been over but again me being to independent got in the way of thinking rationally. It got colder as the day progress and the weather changed to resembel the way I felt. The sky became pitch black and It started to rain as I made my way back home.

I tried hard to get my mind off it but the closer it got to 0pm the more I worried I herd a knock on the door around four Oclock. Prepared for what ever is on the other side I swung the door open as fast as I can. Letting out a Sigh of relief when I saw the familer face of my three brothers. At five oclock most of kids went out to the JFK elementry school to play basketball and to meet up with friends. I regularly attended the session over there so I knew they would be there waiting for me. As the time came I got dress putting on my shorts and shoes as slow as I can.

Leaving the house I look back at my brothers thinking this is the last chance to say something but I just start my way to the basketball court. That day I recieved the beating of my life, it didnt last long and I hurt two of them more then I got hurt but all I was thinking of was my dad was right. If I wasnt afraid to ask for help I wouldnt have got my self into this perdicament.

Please note that this sample paper on My Lesson is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on My Lesson, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on My Lesson will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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The Crude Reality of Life

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Crude Reality of Life. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Crude Reality of Life paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Crude Reality of Life, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Crude Reality of Life paper at affordable prices custom writing service!

Throughout history, the rejection of new ideas has been the rule and not the exception. It seems to be that the nature of mankind is to be suspicious of new things. Most often, a new idea is perceived as crazy, as unreal, as needless, and in some extreme cases, as heresy. This was the case in the XVI century, when Nicolas Copernicus, before his death, published his book The Revolution of Heavenly Orbs, in which he claimed that the solar system was a heliocentric system instead of geocentric system. This new idea was contrary to the belief of those days. His ideas were not supported by the catholic church and were viewed as heresy, therefore, banning the circulation of the book. One hundred years later, in the XVII century, Galileo Galilei published his book Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, in which he sided with the Copernican model of the solar system. His views were seen once again as a threat to society, and soon after, he was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life. Plato, on the Allegory of the Cave, compares the world that we live in, to a dark cave, and the people of the world, to the characters inside the cave. In making a comparison between the world and the cave, and the people as the figures in the cave, I find that the world is divided into three kinds of people. The first kind of people are the illiterate or unenlightened. The second kind of people are the somewhat educated, and the third kind of people are the educated or the enlightened ones of the world.

The first kind of people, the illiterate, are those who are at the bottom of the spectrum in terms of knowledge. This people believe that what they see is reality, when in fact is the shadow of true reality. As in the characters of the cave, the shadow makers are the opinion maker, or the people that wants us to look at the world the way we want it to be seen. An opinion maker can be any one. For example, a priest telling his congregation how God wants them to live, a news broadcast network reporting their views of the world, the local newspaper exposing what the people want to see. At this level a person thinks in terms of vague impressions. A person uncritically accepts everything that enters his mind, whatever the source might be gossip, hearsay, opinions, media. At this level, a person is unable to distinguish between reality and illusion, between the genuine and the pseudo, between the legitimate and the phony. This is the unexamined life at its worst. An uncritical jumble of clich' and illusion.

The second kind of people are the somewhat educated. This group of people are the ordinary people of the world. At this level, a person has a strong conviction for what he sees, but not with absolute certainty. A person at this level has a better perception of reality, he perceives concrete facts; he relies in his senses. He can tell the difference between facts and fantasy (images and reflections). But the fact that a person can actually see the object and not just shadows does not mean he knows all there is to know about a subject. Even though this group is more advanced than the uneducated group still at this level a persons' opinion relate solely to a particular thing. He uses words that imply general meaning, but he does not bother to inquire into this general meanings. A person simply takes some meaning for granted as if nothing else existed.

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Finally, the third kind of people are the educated or enlightened, the erudites of the world. This is the group of the Copernicus, the Galileo's, the Einstein's, the Plato's , the Socrates of the world. They have been liberated from the chains of ignorance. This is perhaps the smallest of the three groups of people. Few are the ones that reach this pinnacle of life. But before they reached this level, they had to go through a great deal of pain. The path leading to the outside of the cave is steep, rocky and painful because all things that were believe to be truth and real are becoming unclear. As the person is escorted from the bottom of the cave to the outer surface a person is also experiencing the shift from the darkness of the cave to the brightness of the sunlight outside the cave. It is hard to see things in a different way from that which one had been conditioned to know. It is difficult to accept and understand new things in life. The life of an individual changes as he discovers that his old beliefs were only an illusion "He [the person] would need, then, to grow accustomed before he could see things in the upper world" (Plato). This is a period of perseverance, but once the truth is known, a person cannot go back to previous beliefs.

It is possible to live at the level of imagining or at the level of perception and be satisfied with one's lifestyle, after all, that is all a person knows or is willing to know. However, the real challenge is to step outside one's comfort zone. As in the Allegory of the cave, when the prisoner is set free and taken to the light the change was painful in the beginning, but afterwards it was rewarding. Once a person liberates himself from the chains of ignorance reaching the level of understanding, it is impossible to go back to the two lower stages. The lifestyle outside the cave is full and rewarding. A person that has reached this level has evolved from a simple and superficial uneducated individual to a fully developed and intelligent human being. The ability to learn is within everyone's reach.

Please note that this sample paper on The Crude Reality of Life is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Crude Reality of Life, we are here to assist you. Your essay on The Crude Reality of Life will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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