Monday, March 1, 2021

"If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens." ------------------------------

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on "If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens." ------------------------------. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality "If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens." ------------------------------ paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in "If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens." ------------------------------, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your "If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens." ------------------------------ paper at affordable prices custom writing service!

To maintain a society in well-being is a hard and essential target to any government. And when governing a nation, the leader always meets the dilemma between overall and individual benefit. I think a nation should put its own overall success on the first place, but also should not lookdown the well-being of individual citizens.

A nation is a union of all people, but not some people. It is firstly must protect the public benefit. Only a nation defend the majority benefit, can it be cold a democracy nation. And only it can effectively protect public benefit, will people support it. If a nation looks down the overall success, it is doomed the nations end day is coming soon. Retrospect the history, no thrived country didnt put its own overall successfully. Take the Tang Dynasty in China for instance. At the beginning of Tang, the King built new water construction, widened river width, and drew many disciplines to help people. The science, technology and art in Tang Dynasty all developed greatly. And it bring China into a thriving time. But at the end the Tang Dynasty, the leader didnt care the public trouble, only thought about living in richness and lavish. Soon, the Tang Dynasty was overthrow.

Of cause, we speak of putting overall success before the individual well-being doesnt mean any government should neglect individual, or even use it as excuse for his failure in protecting individual benefit. After all, any nation is composed by every individual. Only most individuals benefit has been gained, only could call it the overall benefit has won. And any individual disaffection must has its reason, which is very probably will be the source that will grow the overall rejection power. So any government should also often detect and research the reason of individuals dissatisfaction.

It is really not easy for a government to balance the individual and the majority benefit. But these two aspects are not absolutely opposite. The group is composed by every individual, and the group represent all individual also.

Buy custom "If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens." ------------------------------ term paper

Please note that this sample paper on "If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens." ------------------------------ is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on "If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens." ------------------------------, we are here to assist you. Your essay on "If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens." ------------------------------ will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, February 25, 2021

Discuss Incidents of Anger and Violence in ¡®Of Mice and Men.'

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Discuss Incidents of Anger and Violence in ¡®Of Mice and Men.'. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Discuss Incidents of Anger and Violence in ¡®Of Mice and Men.' paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Discuss Incidents of Anger and Violence in ¡®Of Mice and Men.', therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Discuss Incidents of Anger and Violence in ¡®Of Mice and Men.' paper at affordable prices!

The novelOf Mice and Men by John Steinbeck contains many scenarios which show either anger or unnecessary violence.

In Chapter One, the reader is immediately introduced to a scene where anger is demonstrated. George and Lennie are traveling on the bus on their way to a new job. The bus driver tricks them into getting off early, saying their destination is only down the road, when in fact, the bus driver is just to lazy to drop them off at the gate. This annoys George and frustrates him, as he saysWe could of just as well rode clear to the ranch if that bastard bus driver knew what he was talkin' about. Stienbeck uses a colloquial style with swear words and slang to add realism to the characters and the situation. In his rage he shouts at Lennie, and the fact that he had been asking George the same question over and over again just added to his anger.

Later on in the novel, when they are setting up camp, Lennie irritates George again over what they are eating. George is cooking ¡®enough beans for four men' when Lennie saysI like ¡®em with ketchup. This sets George off and he saysWell, we ain't got any¡­Whatever we ain't got that's what you want. It is as if George is implying Lennie does it on purpose. George then goes on to describe how his life would be without Lennie, and that he could do what all the other ranch workers do. He was responsible for his well-being, so it is almost as if George is somewhat of a father figure to Lennie. The reader also finds out that Lennie loses all the jobs him and George get togetherYou can't keep a job and you lose me ever' job I get. One cannot blame George for getting mad at Lennie all of the time. He has taken on such a huge responsibility, and it is deeply effecting his life, and not for the better either.

George continues to explain what happened at the last place they worked at in WeedJus' wanted to feel that girl's dress- jus' wanted to pet it like a mouse¡­. Well, how the hell did she know you jus' wanted to feel her dress? She jerks back and you hold on like it was a mouse. Lennie had obviously gotten them both into a lot of trouble, as the reader finds out they had to hide in a ditch all day so they could escape the mob chasing them.

From these few examples of anger in Chapter One, it can be seen that George is looking after Lennie as one would look after a young boy. The reader realizes that when George is angry, he almost immediately calms down after he has been yelling at Lennie, and then makes peace with him. It is almost like the relationship between a father and a son. George unleashes his anger, but then apologizes to him.

At the start of Chapter Two, another sign of anger appears from George and his new boss. Lennie and George had just arrived at the ranch in the afternoon, and are greeted by an old man named Candy. Candy straight away fills them in of what the boss thinks of them being lateHe was as sore as hell when you wasn't here to go out this morning. He later goes on showing them their new beds in the bunkhouse, and George is unhappy to find a can of bug repellent above his bed on a shelf. Candy tries to cover up saying that the previous worker was very hygienic, and the can was there in case it needed to be used.

The first bit of violence we read about is again when Candy is showing George and Lennie around. Candy tells the story of one Christmas when the boss gave them a gallon of whisky, how the stable buck and a worker got into a fight They let the nigger come in that night. Little skinner the name of Smitty took after the nigger¡­The guys wouldn't let him use his feet, so the nigger got him. The ¡®nigger,' who had no use of his legs, beat up Smitty really bad, but only because he was not allowed to use his legs. This is evidence of unnecessary violence.

In the same chapter George experiences more anger when Lennie spoke to the boss, even though he was instructed not to by George So you wasn't going to say a word. You were gonna keep your big flapper shut and leave me do the talkin'. Damn near lost our job. However, discipline of this kind is necessary in order to teach Lennie not to do it again.

Another incident where rage is shown is when Curley comes into the bunkhouse looking for his wife. He rudely asks George if he had seen her around, and they both speak to each other in some what of a rude and violent ¡Ìmanner. When Curley leaves, George saysYa know, Lennie, I'm scared I'm gonna tangle with that bastard myself. I hate his guts. He is understandably very angry after the way in which Curley had spoken to him.

In Chapter Three, Candy returns with his dog from a game of horse-shoes, when Carlson comes in and makes a scene about the smell of his pet. Carlson had coped with the smell of the dog for a long time, but finally an argument breaks out over whether the dog should be shot, and eventually Candy says to Carlson that he can shoot it. This once again portrays needless violence, but this time, it an innocent dog that suffers.

At the end of Chapter Three the reader sees the first proper sign of violence when Curley and Lennie get into a fight. Curley lives in a world of fighting. He is an amateur boxer, and feels he has something to prove as he is small. It starts when Carlson and Candy start teasing Curley about being a coward. In embarrassment and anger, Curley looks around the room for a way to let out his rage. His gazes at Lennie, only to see him ¡®still smiling with delight at the memory of the ranch.' Curly thinks Lennie is laughing at him, so attacks him. Lennie does nothing to defend himself, he just cries for George's help. After a few punches, Slim tries to break up the fight, but is stopped by George who yellsGet ¡®im Lennie! With George's encouragement, Lennie reaches out, grabs Curley's hand and crushes it until Curly is reduced to tears. Lennie reveals an unintentional violence. He does not even think to fight back when Curley attacks him, but when he does, it is with immense and uncontrollable force. George has to slap him several times to make him let go. This scene demonstrates the tension in the bunkhouse, and just how physically strong Lennie is. This is a very violent incident as Curly gets badly hurt.

In Chapter Four, Lennie is left behind as all the others go into town. As he wonders about, he comes across Crooks. They sit down and talk, and Crooks begins to tease Lennie by sayingJus' s'pose he [George] don't come back. What'll you do then? It is almost as if Crooks is taking out his hatred of white people out on Lennie, because white people usually have it easier than him, but this is not the case with Lennie.

Later on in the chapter, Curley's wife goes to where Crooks and Candy are. She begins to annoy them and when Crooks tries to throw her out of his room and threatens her by saying he will go to the boss about her, she fights back withListen, nigger¡­You know what I can do to you if you open your trap? This makes Crooks realize where his place is, and it shows the influence a white women can have. Black people and women were treated differently in American society as they were considered to be less superior.

At the start of Chapter Five, Lennie sits before his dead puppy. He worries aloud that his puppy ¡®got killed,' as he thinks George will not let him tend to the rabbits. His mood swings from remorse to anger and then fear. He tries hiding the puppy in the hay, but then he just hurls it away. This is just like the reaction of a child and it shows how mentally challenged he is.

Further on, Curley's wife comes in the barn and starts speaking to Lennie. He tries to avoid her as George had told him to, but she convinces him otherwise. As they talk she begins revealing herself to Lennie. Moving closer, she tells Lennie more about herself and her past, whilst Lennie moves closer explaining how he likes the feel of rabbits and other soft things. She lets Lennie stroke her hair, but as he becomes rough, she begins to panic, which in turn causes Lennie to panic. He covers her face in the attempt to shut her up, but he kills here. He attempts to bury her body in the hay as he did with the dog as he realizes he has ¡®done a bad thing.' Then he grabs his dead puppy and goes to where George instructed him ¨C the bush ¨C a place he could go if he got into trouble. The death of Curley's wife causes a great disturbance. George knows that it was Lennie and tries to reassure himself that they may be nice to him and lock him up. Candy tells him that Curley will organize a lynch party. This is an important part of the novel as it has a lot to do with violence. The reader knows Lennie did not mean to kill Curley's wife, yet all Curley and Carlson want to do is kill. They are both violent, bloodthirsty people.

Finally in Chapter Six, the death of Lennie by George takes place. George thinks back to the idea that Candy was disappointed when he did not kill his own dog, and so he kills Lennie out of love in the most painless way. Steinbeck has skillfully woven a number of parallel events into the story. Candy and his dog provide a parallel to George and Lennie. It is the threat of violence to be used against Lennie that causes George to take the final step of killing his friend.

Curley on the other hand, wanted to ¡®shoot ¡®im in the guts,' a kind of revenge for Lennie killing his wife.

Steinbeck evokes the readers most profound sympathy by the use of a simple plot, common language and an easy natural setting. The themes of anger and violence play a very important part in the novel,Of Mice and Men. The act of violence is how many problems are solved, and anger is never far away from each character. Everyone is affected, and this is why they are two major themes.

Please note that this sample paper on Discuss Incidents of Anger and Violence in ¡®Of Mice and Men.' is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Discuss Incidents of Anger and Violence in ¡®Of Mice and Men.', we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Discuss Incidents of Anger and Violence in ¡®Of Mice and Men.' will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Topics for a descriptive essay

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Wednesday, February 24, 2021


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Ambition. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Ambition paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Ambition, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Ambition paper at affordable prices!

Ambition. The Webster's Dictionary defines it as an eager or strong desire to achieve something such as fame or power. In other words, it is a goal that one wants to accomplish. It takes ambition to live a life with meaning. Ambitions can come in different sizes, and different levels of importance and different levels of difficulty. However, ambitions share a similar property they require work to achieve. The question is how much will one do before one he or she gives up.

Ambitions change throughout your life. I remember when I was 6 years old; it was to become an astronaut. My environment and interests shaped my ambition. I was really into things like planets and outer space. Being young, I didn't realize the magnitude of the work it took to become one, and the risks that follow the career. As time passed by, I acquired more knowledge on the career of the astronaut. Fear of death in space by lack of oxygen and extreme physical requirements eventually destroyed my ambition, and caused me to search for a new goal. One reason why the dream to become an astronaut was so easily broken was because I didn't have a strong enough desire to become one. Why would there be so little astronauts if it was so easy to become one? It isn't. It is very difficult and some people are just not born to become one.

It takes much perseverance to accomplish a goal. I believe that perseverance decays when the ambition drags on for too long when the desire to accomplish it is weak. A catalyst that speeds up this process of giving up is fear of something. It can be the fear of consequences or the fear of death. My uncle's best friend discovered that he had a terminal disease. The doctors said it would take a lot of perseverance, confidence and time to have a chance of recovering. At first, he was very confident in himself and believed that he can do it. He went to every appointment and did everything the doctor told him to. As time went by, his will started to diminish. He would still go to the appointments, however, he didn't listen to the doctor's recommendations of what to avoid eating. After a while, he started to accept his fate and not combat his fear of death. Today, he is lying in an emergency room, and accepting death.

I haven't experienced anything comparable to my uncle's friend but as I stated earlier, ambitions come in different sizes. One that comes to my mind immediately is my ambition to become a famous beta tester of a computer game I play. To do so, I must increase my character's ability and level and search for rare items. To achieve this, I must take things step by step and search for each item. The searching required is random. It all depends on luck. I find myself hard to keep my goals that lead to the achievement of my ambition because I'm unlucky.

Write your Ambition research paper

My ambition in life now is to go to school and eventually become an orthodontist. This career not only interests me, but I believe that this life ambition is attainable. To do so, I'm willing to spend much more of my life in university. I will do things that I never thought I would do in my life, such as examining the mouth of a real corpse. With this ambition, I can live my life naturally and meaningfully because everything I do now is ultimately going to lead to the accomplishment of my ambition.

Please note that this sample paper on Ambition is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Ambition, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on Ambition will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, February 22, 2021


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Hawaii. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Hawaii paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Hawaii, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Hawaii paper at affordable prices!



My essay is about the 50th state of the USA, about Hawaii. When people hear about Hawaii, they imagine it as a very exotic place. But its quite difficult to find someone who have visited these islands. Journey to Hawaii is long and boring. You have to fly to New York with over-landing in Helsinki, then fly to LA, where you have to stay over night. Next day is one more flight ahead, from LA to Honolulu, capital of Hawaii. After five hours of flying above ocean, captain of airplane says that youll be landing in few minutes. During landing, you can see Pearl Harbor on the left side. After landing you realize that you are in paradise. Airport doesnt have any windows, because of hot weather. After getting off the airplane, youll get flower necklace, typical for Hawaii.

Hawaii is completely different not only from Europe, but also from US main land. The 1,500 mile-long Hawaiian chain consists of 1 islands, reefs, and shoals. The eight largest, with which most people are familiar, are at the southeastern end. Island of Oahu is second smallest of the four major islands in geographical size. Hawaii has over one million inhabitants. Surprisingly, tree fourths of the states population lives on Oahu. Honolulu, Capital of Hawaii, is also located on this island. Most people live in Honolulu and Pearl City with famous Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor is one of the greatest attraction on Oahu. You can visit museum of Pearl Harbor and Arizona Memorial. Its possible to see ships, which were destroyed in Battle of Pearl Harbor on December 7th 141..

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Everybody, who goes to Hawaii, wants to visit Waikiki, one of the most famous beaches in the world. When I saw it, I couldnt understand why its so popular. Its quite small beach with plenty of people on it. Only advantage of Waikiki beach is hot water without waves. Temperature of water in summer is approximately 0 °C. Its also great place for surfers, because, there are about half an meter high waves 100 meter far away from shore.

Behind Waikiki beach you find Kalakaua avenue, one kilometer long street with many malls, shops, banks and fast foods. Its not only tourist center of Hawaii, but also center of night life with many bars, restaurants, pubs and discos. At 10 p.m., this street is as busy as Venceslav square at p.m. Rock Cafe and Planet Hollywood can be found there.

Ten to fifteen minutes of walking from Waikiki is Ala Moana Center, the largest open-air shopping center in the world with 180 stores and over 7.800 parking places. Downtown of Honolulu is about 1 mile away from Ala Moana. Its part of Honolulu with skyscrapers and china town.

But Hawaii is not only Waikiki and Honolulu. Its also part of nature. If you want to get familiar with it, you have to leave Honolulu. On the East of Oahu, there is Hanauma bay. Hanauma bay is an underwater park. You swim between hundreds of fishes. Sometimes you have even problems to take picture of your friend under water (with waterproof camera) , because between you and your friend are so many fishes that your friend couldnt be seen on the picture. On the other hand, you can visit real rain forest on the same island. It rains there every 15 minutes, so its little uncomfortable hiking, but the wild nature is very exciting.

Lets move to the Big Island, sometimes also called Hawaii. Its the biggest island with the largest active volcano in the world. One half of this island looks like Moon landscape, second half of this island is mostly covered by rain forests with many waterfalls. Some of them are more than 50 meter high. More interesting is, of course, part with volcanoes. You can see there something you wont see anywhere else in the world - roads covered by real lava. Yes, its true. You are driving and suddenly there is end of the road. But not common end as you know it from other countries. There is two meter high layer of lava over the road.

Speaking of volcanoes, I know interesting story about it. Weve visited small museum on the side of the greatest crater ( km in diameter). There were some seismographs placed in this museums. Above them there was notation like this „How do we recognize that volcano eruption is coming? There are many very light earthquakes, which people cannot feel, before volcano eruption is coming". I looked at the seismograph and realized that there were many small earthquakes this year. After minute of watching seismograph I realized that its moving quite fast. Those small earthquakes had to be couple of hours old, not couple of months as I supposed. I told it to my friends and I added that eruption is may be coming. They told me that Im totally dumb. This happened on Saturday. On Sunday, we took airplane back to Honolulu. When I bought newspaper next day, I saw an article with title like this „The biggest volcano eruption in past 10 years came yesterday". I was really sad, because I didnt see the eruption.

I could write about tens of other topics related to Hawaii. I have enough memories to write light book. I think I mentioned the most important facts about Hawaii that people wished to know. I would tell you just one more information about Hawaii. If you think that Hawaiians have never seen snow, your wrong. The tallest peak, Mauna Kea, which is Located on the Big Island, is famous because its only place in Hawaii, where can be found snow.

Please note that this sample paper on Hawaii is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Hawaii, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Hawaii will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

A Vision of Death

If you order your cheap term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on A Vision of Death. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality A Vision of Death paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in A Vision of Death, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your A Vision of Death paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Identifying the conflict and the role it plays brings out the plot through the setting of a story. In A Rose for Emily the author uses that method, but he did it a little differently. William Faulkner did not start the story A Rose for Emily like an average story starts off. William Faulkner took a different approach in the structure of A Rose for Emily by using the plot to foreshadow the rest of story. In A Rose for Emily the setting can be identified by the social and man-made aspects, the conflict, and the plot.

To begin, the primary setting happened socially through the people in the town. The town is a symbol by foreshadowing the rest of Emilys life. In the introduction, the town talked about Emilys funeral and ended with how she lived her life before she died. Also, the town played a big role socially because it was small and everyone knew everyones business. After Emilys father died her life gradually went downhill. She used to be slender and pretty, but she changed to a fat, unattractive woman. The town pitied Emily because the changes she went through were not expected of her. From then on they saw her as Poor Emily . That was basically how Emily became a subject to their attention.

Next, the man-made setting was the house Emily stayed in. You can say that the house was also like a character too. It showed the changes Emily went through by changing physical. When her father was alive the house was well kept and in good shape on the outside and in the inside. When her father died, the house started to change its looks. The leather started cracking, there was an okward smell, and things started to tarnish, and the house started to detearate. The town people complained especially about the smell coming from the house. The judge ordered to have the house cleaned, but they thought that might insult her by saying she smells bad. So, they broke in her house through the cellar door and sprinkled lime there and in all of the outbuildings.

In addition, the primary conflicts are 1) Man vs. Man, ) Man vs. Self, and ) Man vs. Society. The first conflict was between Emily and Homer. It was established when Homer finished his contracting job and left to go back home. Homer came back to visit Emily and told her he was gay, but she did not care. All she wanted was Homer to not leave her again. Nothing else was said except, "That was the last we saw of Homer Barron" by the town. The second conflict was established between Emily and herself. Emily had to face some moral issues with herself. She knew that murder was not right. "She knew what she did was wrong; that is why her own life was wrecked. She had broken all the laws of her tradition, her background, and of God." She did that all to have endless love. The third conflict was between Emily and the town. It was established after her father died. When Emily's father died, she denied it for three days while his corpse remain in the house. She finally broke down and cried accepting the fact that her father was dead and ever since that she had never been the same and became the talk of the town.

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In contrast, the plot was revealed at the end of "A Rose for Emily" unlike other stories. The town thought that was the last they would see of Homer Barron. Actually, that was true for a while, but it was not until years later his corpse was discovered in Emily's house next to a long strand of iron-gray hair in her bed. It all happened when Homer came back to visit Emily. She did not want Homer to go back because she loved him so she poisoned him with arsenic so that she could be with him forever. After Emily's funeral the town went to her house to see the inside. Her house was furnished with bridal things in it. In the commentary Faulkner says that all Emily wanted to do was to find a loving husband to be loved and start a family with.

Furthermore, the significance of the title, "A Rose for Emily", is about the hardships about Emily life like she had no reason for living. In the commentary, Faulkner said, "Emily was a poor tragic human being struggling with her own heart, others, and her environment for the simple things in which all human beings want. The way I interpreted "A Rose for Emily" was that Emily had a resentful life because all the things that happened to her was negative. For example, how her father did not want Emily to leave home because he wanted a housekeeper, how the man she loved was gay, and how she had to put up with the noisy people in her town was all a part of her reasonless life. If I was Emily I would be angry to because she never experienced any true happiness before she died. I am thinking that that turned her a little insane because she did not have any friends because Faulkner said, "After her father's death she went out very little, after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her (18). She had no social life at all except with the cook, but he would just cook, clean and leave. Also, the significance of the rose in "A Rose for Emily" was how people cherish something and put in their book for just for the memory. That rose told her story. I also interpreted the rose as something someone put on your grave to offer his or her condolences saying that they understand what happened whether it was for the better or the worse.

Please note that this sample paper on A Vision of Death is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on A Vision of Death, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college papers on A Vision of Death will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Describing Appearance: imaginary character

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Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Describing Appearance: imaginary character, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Describing Appearance: imaginary character paper at affordable prices!

I will never forget the moment when I met Thorin son of Dart first time. I was having a night ride along the forest rout full of mystic shadows when suddenly I encountered the person who was going to become the only friend for me during long years of war and despair that flooded soon the peaceful lands of Middle Terrain.

Although Thorin was the first dwarf I have ever seen in my life I must admit that even at that age I have already been full of disgust and prejudice to this race. The fact that I treated them as being callous, loutish and sullen was mostly due to my relatives' influence as it was the only opinion that all of us shared to the same extend. Nevertheless it did not take much time for me to reject all these prejudices. Close communication on long journeys to unknown and strange countries and a hand of help in the minutes of defeat brought it home to me that I could hardly find such a good friend even among hobbits.

Consequently it became impossible for me to imagine myself apart from that stocky figure with a long dark beard after long evenings spent together near a campfire or fighting alongside on the battlefields. I realized that the glittering flame in his dark brown eyes meant nothing except strong feeling of honor, dignity and self-respect. Thorin showed no arrogance being a hereditary blacksmith but his horny covered with burns hands were the clear evidence that he was trying hard to become the best one. I would always remember his harsh voice that never called for mercy and his funny attempts to sound polite chatting with females.

Finally, having become as good friends as a dwarf and a hobbit could be, it did happen that we had lost each other on the full of troubles roads of war although I have no doubt that we would be searching each other as long as the feeling of friendship and fellowship breathe in our souls.

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