Wednesday, December 9, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on rainforest. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality rainforest paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in rainforest, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your rainforest paper at affordable prices!

The rain forest trips took root in March 11 when Zeeland Christian teacher Carla Zastrow and Zeeland Middle School teachers Jim Cronk and Jan Propst attended a rain forest workshop. From the information they learned, they developed a curriculum to be used in the both public and Christian schools.

A group of middle school students, 6 from Zeeland public and 1 from Zeeland Christian, went on that first trip to the Explorama Lodge near Iquitos, Peru, in the Amazon River Basin in 1.

Now the program has expanded. This summer students, primarily seventh and eighth grade, from Zeeland Public, Zeeland Christian, Holland Public, Holland Christian, Black River Charter School and West Ottawa will be traveling to Peru to study the rain forest.

One group will make the trip from June 0-8 while the other one will go from July 5-Aug. 1.

Write your rainforest research paper

For the first five years the local students went to Peru, but last year they went to Costa Rica where they studied both rain forests and seashore ecology. Another trip to Costa Rica is planned for next year. Organizers plans to alternate between Costa Rica and Peru in the future.

Students are looking forward to studying the plant and wildlife in Peru.

Im going to find out about different cultures and to see the animals, said Andrea Cherry, 1.

Im going to see there to see all the different types of plants and animals, said Leslie Glupker, 1.

Jeff Geerlings, 1, decided he wanted to go after his sister, Jennifer, went to the rain forest two years ago.

She came back excited, thats why I want to go, he said. I want to go see what the people are like down there and to see the animals.

More than half of all the plants and animals reside in rain forests. Scientists believe that many medicines can be found from plants and animals. And the rain forest affects the worlds climate.

Plant life is very important as far as medicinal purposes, said Zeeland Creekside Middle School science teacher Mark Reinardy, who will be making his sixth trip to the rain forest this summer. The rain forest is considered the most biodiverse place on Earth.

At one time, rain forests covered 1 percent of the Earths land mass. Now its more like 8 percent, Reinardy said. About 1 percent has been lost in the last seven years.

Please note that this sample paper on rainforest is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on rainforest, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on rainforest will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Employee Attitude/Organizational Behavior

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Employee Attitude/Organizational Behavior. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Employee Attitude/Organizational Behavior paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Employee Attitude/Organizational Behavior, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Employee Attitude/Organizational Behavior paper at affordable prices!


A happy worker makes for a good worker you say? Well, United Airlines had somewhat of an "all for one" employee attitude in July 14. They announced the purchase of their own company for which they work for $5 billion through ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan). So now, in the case of United Airlines, there obviously is a soar in employee productivity and spirits. Stocks have risen 10% due to this buyout (almost three times higher than the airline industry average gain). Every company or small business owner desires a positive employee attitude within his or her organization for high productivity and quality. United Airlines achieved this because the employees themselves took action, but for the majority, it is the management's first move. Taking the Apple from the tree The Idiot's Guide for Changing Employee Attitudes would say to pay the employee what O.J. paid his defense team. Take away the money part of a job then no one except an old volunteer worker for a Save the World Foundation or a simple dork is going to show favorable attitudes towards the job. Now let's get real…but I thought that we were! Money can hypnotize some employees to become a more productive worker, but not all employees. (And even the ones that are motivated at the first glimpse of dead presidents will soon want…. you guessed it, more money in order to drag their lazy ass up the next step). What about Bill Gate's techno wizards at Microsoft? What sum of money short of Bill's own bank account is going to motivate these 0-year-old Gulfstream owners to change their snobbish attitudes? On a more practical basis, what about those employees who value intrinsic rewards over the monetary type? Not all employees will be weaned with the flash of cash. So we all must consider the fact that human beings will be consistent towards the general sense of satisfaction, but what sort of things lead to this satisfaction? What kind of satisfaction are we looking for? More so, what is going to satisfy an employee? Most of the research in the study of OB (Organizational Behavior) are concerned with job satisfaction, job involvement and organizational commitment. (Robbins, 17) The second two attitudes, job involvement and organizational commitment, are more or less the results of job satisfaction. An employee who has a high level of job satisfaction tends to bear attitudes, which are favorable to the organization. When a prospective employee goes to that interview, there are going to be friends of that prospect who will give the most simple advice of "Sell yourself! This is your chance to prove yourself to that important company!" Little do those simpleton friends know that this is also the chance for the company to lay a sales pitch on the prospect too! Managers are concerned with the efficient operation and profit margin of the company more so than an employees job satisfaction. (Robbins, 17) To managers, an employee's job satisfaction is just an insurance that the employee will be productive and not skip work, and of course, to get the best man for the job. So of course, when a manager giving the interview favors a prospect, only the job's favorable side will tend to be revealed. The prospect is told of a wonderland where the corporate ladder is actually a stepping stool. There is no mention of the negative sides, to which the manager does a David Copperfield on. The applicant now has expectations about this job that has to be met by the job or there will be a lot of dissatisfied employees. Balancing the positives with the negatives is important so that the employee will not be disappointed and become a problem that could've been avoided from the beginning. (Robbins, 17) Mirror, mirror on the wall…. Successful leaders have vision, communicate well, make effective decisions, and motivate their followers. Employees are more likely to respond to a leader who is likable and credible. A leader who would want to change attitudes must have a very unbiased one. The management's attitude is going to give employees a very visual idea of how his or her job at the organization is going to generally be, and once an image is set in people's mind it is difficult to change. From the start, the management must be thought of as fair and consistent. The organization's workforce must see the manager as a "better" person than they are, a person with integrity, a person who employees won't feel prideful towards when taking orders from. So even if the leader of an organization is a couch potato at home, he or she must show otherwise in front if the employees; strong leadership qualities must be clear and visible. Lend me your ear, no not you Hollyfield. Many people can talk and talk till they have spoken the extent of their vocabulary, but few individuals have true listening skills. Listening to an employees reason for a certain attitude or behavior is the data gathering part of this science if you will. In order to listen, a manager must be able to put aside his shotgun and really pay attention to the praises and complaints of an employee. He or she must also be able to retain that information. There must be good eye contact so that a speaker will feel that the listener has interest in the material presented. Visual confirmations of the main points of the material must be shown; head nods, facial expressions, etc. This allows you to respond without interrupting the speech of the speaker. Then, when it is the appropriate time, the listener must be able to ask viable questions from the retained information. This helps the speaker feel that the listener is not rushing the conversation, and instead, the listener will appear more interested in solving the conflict. (Van Mechelen, 17) One small step for mankind There are a variety of attitudes, and a variety of commitment levels to attitudes. Try changing a Japanese manager's attitude. Ever seen it done before? Yeah, I saw it in a certain number of movies like" Mr. Baseball" or "Gung Ho". These Japanese attitudes in these movies are fictional, but there are attitudes out there that come from beliefs that are as strong as, if not stronger than, the ones from Hollywood. It should be a good manager's job to be able to decide whether a certain attitude will be easily changed or not. Once this is established, the balancing of techniques and timeliness must be applied. Attitudes cannot be changed drastically nor quickly. There is a reason why people have attitudes; it is a part of them. To change a person takes patience and lots and lots of skills, especially in a boss/employee relationship where it is more formal. Sometimes, all it takes is a warning in simple words to change an unfavorable attitude. This is most effective when it is an attitude which developed from shallow beliefs such as hitting that snooze button one too many times and getting to work ten minutes late almost everyday. The shallow belief here is that getting that ten extra minutes of sleep will make the body feel more refreshed and make it easier to get up to go to work on time or some other. Immediate action to an attitude is also important. Employees will go to extents of "testing" their boss. See what they could get away with. If they feel that their employer will not take action in the near future, then it is safe to assume that there will be some overflowing wastepaper baskets under a lot of desks. A manager must let an employee know right away when there is an unfavorable attitude. It is also imperative that the problem be stated clearly within the interests of the organization's policy or rules. (Robbins, 17) The employee must feel that the manager is taking action for the sake of the organization rather than a show of power. But here again is a situation that requires balance. This is explained more simply by giving the example of most people who cower at the sight of that motorcop who pulls them over and has a sense of power. Most people will not choose to demonstrate resistance when the cop comes up to the driver's side window with his dark sunglasses. The cop knows this and does things like wear extra dark sunglasses and show ice-cold personality. Although this is not an ideal way to get an employee to play ball, a manager still must give an impression to the employee of a balance between a cop, a mentor, and a friend. A Scooby Snack Again, attitudes do not change overnight and require constant monitoring. There will be some resulting steps that are noticeable to the manager. Although these steps may not be the desired end state attitude, they still have to be commended either verbally or with action. Expectancy theory (Vroom) argues that an employee will be motivated to exert higher levels of effort when he or she believes that that effort will lead to a good performance appraisal. Along those lines, a manager would do well if he or she gives the employee a few acknowledgements when appropriate while the employee is in the process of changing an attitude. Involvement in the organization is also a determinant in an employee's attitude. An employee who doesn't feel like part of the "team" will try just to meet the minimum levels of performance, while one who feels like he or she is an integral part will try to go over that standard. So management must consider each worker as equal importance to the organization. Conclusion Of course, every situation is different when it comes to attitudes. The techniques discussed are some recommendations and are situational. Management will find many cases and each case is somewhat unique. Can attitudes be changed? Yes, at least sometimes. What's most difficult is sculpting a person's attitude to fit a certain specific need. Anyone can go up to a person with a good attitude and change it into a bad one. That's easy. Yet, sometimes, that's what may be needed for an organization. I'll close with an example of this from my own personal experience. I recently had two employees working for me, but these two were husband and wife. Even though I may like the husband employee working for me, I may not like the wife employee to work for me. This was exactly the case. I hated that girl for professional and personal reasons, but couldn't really fire her for two reasons. First, if she leaves, then he leaves. Second, she really liked the type of work she was doing for my business, and it is this second reason that I changed. Of course, if an employee likes the work that they are doing then it is an advantage to the organization, but I felt that I had to make her believe that she really didn't like working at my store so that she leaves on her own terms. This way, I get rid of her without loosing the husband employee. To make a long story short, I don't believe a small business should hire a married couple due to problems which can arise from personal feelings (If just one of the two employees find a disagreeable situation, then the other will be enticed to follow. Now, there is double the problem.), but in the beginning, I had no choice since she wanted to tag along. Her husband was the prime choice for my store due to his extensive knowledge and experience in this field, and for the amount of pay that he was willing to take, I wasn't willing to give up that opportunity. So lesson well learned.

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Please note that this sample paper on Employee Attitude/Organizational Behavior is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Employee Attitude/Organizational Behavior, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on Employee Attitude/Organizational Behavior will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, December 7, 2020

Heroin and It's Effects

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Heroin and It's Effects. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Heroin and It's Effects paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Heroin and It's Effects, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Heroin and It's Effects paper at affordable prices!

Heroin and the Long Term Effects

Heroin addiction is a disease, which may end in death for some that suffer from this disease. This addiction is an illness of the mind, body and soul. All of these aspects effect the addict as a whole. This addiction actually dehumanizes the person afflicted with the disease (Heroin-Effects).

This horrendous disease shows in many different forms. The first way it does is through putting the mind into a cycle of obsession (heroin-effects). Once the mind takes its first fix of heroin, addicts can no longer view the world as they did before. Before the addict has even finished the first dose of heroin, he/she is already thinking of the next dose (Heroin-Effects). This cycle increases until the person is willing to do anything for the drug, stealing from their families and loved ones, etc. But yet, they are so concentrated on what they need, they see nothing wrong with what they are doing. As the addiction progresses, they no longer even try to hide it. They start leaving evidence all over. Many of them want help and want to kick the addiction but it's just too hard.

Heroin can be put in the system of a person in many different ways smoking, snorting, and intravenously (Heroin-Effects). IV drug use can lead to more than just an addiction. It can lead to HIV and Hepatitis C by sharing needles with someone who is affected. When injected, there is a feeling of pleasure. Heroin makes the person feel no pain. Taken orally, effects are felt more gradually (Pritchard). When heroin is taken, the user feels euphoric and extremely good (Pritchard). He feels a "rush" of pleasure.

Custom Essays on Heroin and It's Effects

This is why it is highly addictive; but when the person comes down off the drug, he can feel drowsy and suffer from nausea (Pritchard). Some symptoms of the short-term effects of heroin use are restlessness, sweating, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth and increased urination.

Tolerance of the drug means that over time and with regular use, a user needs more and more of a drug to get the same effect (Pritchard). Tolerance also increases the risk of dangerous or fatal overdose (Pritchard). If an addict stops doing the drug for a period of time and then starts again, taking the same amount they were use to taking could result in an overdose because his/her tolerance level has decreased for that drug.

I once knew a young man who was addicted to heroin. It is an awful thing to watch the symptoms the addict has to endure. This young man wanted so much to quit, but he was already too far into this horrible disease. He tried many different ways to drop his addiction. He tried rehabilitation, doctors and therapy and nothing seemed to work.

Heroin addiction is an unintentional suicide for many. Death is a strong word, but in the case of heroin effects it is the final destination (heroin-effects). Aside from this addiction, this young man was a very loving person. He was always one to lend a helping hand. I grew to love and adore this man with all my heart. On June , 001, I not only lost a dear friend; I lost my oldest brother to this horrible disease.

Works Cited Page

Spencer Recovery Center. Heroin-Effects.


Pritchard, William. Let's Talk About Why People Take Drugs. http//

Please note that this sample paper on Heroin and It's Effects is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Heroin and It's Effects, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on Heroin and It's Effects will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, December 4, 2020

My path

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on my path. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality my path paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in my path, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your my path paper at affordable prices!

By Phoenix

A Night In The Rain There he stood, in amazement, gazing at, what a few moments ago, had been his ticket to freedom. Then flash, in the blink of an eye, the world was turned upside down. When I finally got myself together I was laying about 0 feet from the wreckage. I stood up and in front of me lay tons of graceful carnage strung across the field like a satin sheet after a restless night. Fire was everywhere illuminating the night with its delicate destruction. I could see through its glow about four or five train cars flung off of the tracks in such a matter that to the unknowing it would have looked like they had been placed for a special scene. Yet this was not the case for the victims of its random wrath. Scraps of tin and other metals of various makes had been coated to the surrounding forest. The night had been long and full of happiness. The concierge party had been attended by all of the of the most refined and had been an event of memorable proportions; however, compared next to the scene of silence with which I was now being forced to open up to it was just a ripple in an infinite pond. The sounds of the night had even been silenced. Not a chirp, a howl, nor any voices of and recognizable strength emanated for the attending darkness. I sat there in amazement for what seemed to be an eternity gazing at the beautiful bloodshed. Then out of the depth, darkness and despair that had so totally consumed me, there was the sound of a lone being. A howl that seemed to illuminate my soul with the hope of continuation. I turned and looked only to see a scene that I had only imagined lived in the fairy tales, and movies of our imagination. A lone white wolf perched on a cliff with only the stars behind him and the fire behind me shining upon his gracefulness. Then in an instant the flashback of it all slapped me. I dont really understand what totally happened. All that I could pull up into my conscientiousness was a few sparks and then nothing. My only guess at that moment was that something had either been placed on or had fallen onto the tracks and derailed us. But as I stood there and watched the earth burn with agony, I found it terrible hard to imagine that something as small as that could cause something that will cause so much pain, misery, and hatred.

Please note that this sample paper on my path is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on my path, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on my path will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Postmodernism and television

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on postmodernism and television. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality postmodernism and television paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in postmodernism and television, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your postmodernism and television paper at affordable prices!



Critically examine the implications of the postmodern era on television viewing for its audiences.

Postmodernism can be defined as having two meanings, firstly as a type of society (coming after the modern). Driven by the new age (information), encompassing the entire world diversifying through many sub-groups and sub-cultures. Secondly it can be used as a way of knowing the world, by its nature allows society to question the "truth" and the very perception of "reality". At its core is the belief that there are no standards by which to judge multi-cultural societies, art, fashion etc, or even core beliefs or values. The postmodernist view on knowledge is a relativist ideology; the rejection of universal standards of judgement, by this is meant that everyone can determine the standards that are envisaged. Nothing else compares to the cultural phenomenon that is television, arguably the 'Post-modern' medium of the 0th Centaury and beyond. The explosion of which lead to men like, Foucault, Baudrillard, Jameson and others giving us words like; hyper-reality, consumerism, simulation and many others. These concepts were born out of a desire to gain an understanding of the new 'discourse', others formed from the very concept itself. Television is a global industry directly mimicking the socio-economic process of postmodernization, the multi-faceted channels offer the viewer the opportunity to participate in the 'new world' or not depending on the channel their watching at the time. Society today lives in a media saturated world, dominated by its own vastness and complexity. To investigate its many forms (books, radio, television, press, video etc) would be impossible to do in one short essay. Their technologies are constantly improving speed and deliveries are equalled by the great diversification among each genre. They have become commodities in their own right, entwining themselves in the social cultural web. Postmodern theorist Jean Baudrillard (18) suggested that we live in a media-dominated world, this world is at one remove from reality, i.e. a world of 'hyperreality'. He argues that the massive increases in the 'signs' and images that became to dominate the media vehicles after World War Two resulted in the differences between objects and their meanings disappearing. This reality has become a 'simulation' self-perpetuating itself independently allowing for the conceptual hype by advertisers for whatever gain they see fit. Much of this can be seen on everyday television, the blurring of real life with the perceived 'reality', take the everyday soap opera (Coronation Street, Eastenders etc) many would argue that perception is not to difficult to distinguish. But is doesn't stop people from stopping an actor in the street, to abuse them over how they are treating a fictional character. Many would argue that these types of programming represent a more traditional anti postmodernistic view.

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Infact they act as a catalyst for the debate in the real world, enabling for the dissection of social and cultural problems. He even went on to suggest that the 11 Gulf War did not take place, logic dictates that it did, but what he means is that it was media driven event. They 'Hyped' the whole thing 'Codified' pre-selected material for the Western audience, fuelling the xenophobic attitude that was prevailing, or was it? Television more than any other medium allows us to experience vastly different perspectives and motivations in a simultaneous environment. This medium is a vehicle for 'sigh-codes' some blatant others hidden as secondary messages. Take for example 'Car Adverts' at a surface level merely selling a car, as you go deeper they are suggesting that the car is a sexy, fun, romantic, status enhancing product; that you the consumer should not be missing out on. And lastly that their product is the 'complete package' infact its been 'Hyped' making you want, desire and more importantly remember, the advertisers have attached 'Values' that were not originally there.

We can come to accept that television has changed our perception; this medium has by its own perversion manipulated our vision of the world, and of the society that we live in. No longer do we have to read books, or travel to foreign lands, you can go there at a touch of a button. How this effect the 'Real' is open to argument, John Fiske (11) argues,

"In one hour's television viewing, one of us is likely to experience more images than a member on a non-industrial society would in a lifetime. The quantitative difference is so great as to become categorical […] we live in a postmodern period when there is no difference between the image and the other orders of experience".

Baudrillard certainly was not a Marxist; he suggested that this theory weighed heavily on production at the expense of consumption. He considered consumption in terms greater than simply those of an economic and materialistic ideology; the hidden agenda became apparent subtle nuances carefully selected, filtered in to the mind. Fredric Jameson (11) described postmodernism as 'the cultural logic of late capitalism', the very ideology acting as a framework to enable the modern consumer driven society to hang from. Certainly after the war the United States and then Europe became focused on the machine that was to become 'Consumerism' and television was the perfect tool. Jameson in his book 'Postmodernism' (11) writing in a neo-Marxist style used the ideas and values of the avant-garde and modernism, to codify consumerism. The attributes of one became the strengths of the other; the great icons of the modern age became nothing more than pawns to be manipulated, and hawked by the advertisers necessity to find the perfect angle or pitch. The object of which was not to sell the 'product' but to sell the idea, enable the viewer to dream, imagine and desire.

Television by its own evolution has transformed from a single concept into a multitude of diverse sub-groups, certainly in the post 160's era new and exciting influences were as work in the 'Electronic Village'.


Though at no time until the late 170's early 180's did television and the information bulb really flower, with the explosion of computing and microelectronics television became the new 'buzz' word.

Almost at once open markets became available on a global level, and established cores of control weakened allowing commercialisation and decentralization. The 'Technological Age', new and exciting forms of communication accelerated this fragmentation, allowing new forms of discourse to be viewed. These new 'Kids' on the block were challenging television, i.e. Satellite, Cable and by the 10's saw the evolution of the Digital age and Interactive Television. These new commercially driven companies capitalised on this given freedom, no longer was television going to be used as a mechanism for social control. All of a sudden the world became a much smaller place, consequently all this competition lead to volatility which some argued resulted in 'Disorganised Capitalism'. Strongly debated by all the perception is a relative one, the format (Television) is highly adaptable, emotional, economically driven vehicle, that doesn't seem to be slowing down.

From the initial conception television has slowly and deliberately become the cornerstone of modern culture, something that was not lost on companies and advertisers. Commercials are commonplace, and almost get more attention than the programmes themselves; these segments of 'Life' are the key for consumerism. However with the diversification of TV, whole sub-groups have emerged right across the social cultural spectrum, television has become a targeted commodity, specific in its goal and determined in its path. Nowadays viewers are not faced with just a few channels, but hundreds covering every conceivable topic, like postmodernism in general the problem of 'difference' had become a perceived attitude. This diversity inside the new world enabled the viewer to interact by choice, something not available in the beginning.

The postmodernistic viewer is free to explore, question and ultimately except nothing or everything, which is seen, heard or offered. This position opens up the question; 'What type of person is the Postmodernistic Viewer?' Some would argue that all this choice results in a viewer 'decentred' in rational, who is only capable of a few short bursts of concentration at any given time, channel hopping the world unconcerned with the perception of time and place and the very content of programmes. This 'cherry-picking' results in a veneer of information only useful for quiz shows, or a few pints at the local.

Of course the alternative is just as postmodernistic, and arguably just as fallible as the first. This viewer is more informed, aware of the choices and costs, comfortable in those decisions, happily watching television in numerous environments and situations. And of being aware of the emotional and intellectual stimulus, evident in each given context. Instead of television controlling the environmental situation, the viewer has amalgamated the technology into their social and cultural existence.


Were both types converge is not in ideology, but in the fact that TV, is still central in both environments. It might not be actually broadcasting, instead they could be watching a pre-recorded tape (VCR) or playing a video game, but more importantly central to both types is the necessity of the television in providing the required entertainment.

So were does this leave the viewer of the postmodernistic age, on the one hand it would seem a 'vegetable' to the alter of TV. Or a more rounded individual able to articulate on different levels about numerous subjects. This is indeed the age of television and more widely communications in general, with the explosion of this cultural icon from rigidity to great diversity. When taken alongside the postmodernistic euphoria that has become the new 'Enlightenment' period only goes to give society an understanding about the newage.

Multi-conceptual as television is it nearly falls flat on its face, offering so much can dilute what it has to offer, by this is meant that society undertakes to accept this 'discourse', but should not ultimately allow to become its slave, its arguable who really is the dominant species. Though it's the very facet of television that betrays life, the viewer can sit and plan their very existence on a daily, weekly and in some cases monthly bases.

Television has evolved alongside society this can be seen in many areas of the diversity that TV has to offer. Programmes have become more than just a 'timeslot' they have become an economic necessity, society can gorge its self on the 'table' of adverts that are laid at the viewers feet. These jewels of the modern culture are historical 'Rubik's cubes' offering in one sense a path to an answer, but in reality they only offer another problem, one of a blurred perception. History and culture are reunited in such a way as to enable the masses to readily accept a 'freeze dried' package of life.

Please note that this sample paper on postmodernism and television is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on postmodernism and television, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on postmodernism and television will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Snow White: Donald Barthelme

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Snow White: Donald Barthelme. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Snow White: Donald Barthelme paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Snow White: Donald Barthelme, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Snow White: Donald Barthelme paper at affordable prices!

What does every woman really want? Stability, companionship, love and adoration. Unfortunately for Snow White, the seven dwarfs fail to provide her with any of these needs. Not only do they lack these qualities, but also they persist in abusing Snow White. Men surround Snow White and instead of nurturing the one woman caretaker in their presence, they take advantage of her, use her, and brainwash her into believing her identity and existence must be defined by the dwarves.

The dwarves have essentially taken Snow White hostage. They have led her to believe that without them, she is can not sustain on her own. In a way, she needs them to use her. Their use and abuse of Snow White enables her to define who she is and what her role is in this world. When Snow White asks herself but who am I to love early in the book her admittance is that she does in fact love the dwarves in a way, but it wasnt enough. The passage goes on to say still, she was slightly ashamed (18). Snow White is ashamed because I think she knows she is in an unhealthy relationship and this is why she is embarrassed. One might ask, how can she not know this? But the dwarves have captivated her and it is her natural instinct to worship and love them-like a hostage falling in love with her captor, a bizarre phenomenon that really occurs.

Snow White is dissatisfied because what she wants most out of life and out of a man she thinks she has, except she does not want to admit that the dwarves, the abusive bastards, are the providers to her girlish desires. These girlish desires are extracted from Snow Whites innate ideology about the way things should be. The way things should be is that a young girl meets a charming prince and falls madly in love with him, only to marry, have children and live a long and happy life. This is the trite ideal that is embedded into girls minds at a young age. Ironically, this ideology transpires from the very fairy tales that the original Snow White comes from. It is no wonder that Barthleme emphasizes the absurdity of this genre of writing, and more importantly this stale ideology, in his own parody of sorts with Snow White.

Please note that this sample paper on Snow White: Donald Barthelme is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Snow White: Donald Barthelme, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Snow White: Donald Barthelme will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, November 30, 2020

How effective are the first two chapters of Great expectations as the opening of a novel?

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on How effective are the first two chapters of Great expectations as the opening of a novel?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality How effective are the first two chapters of Great expectations as the opening of a novel? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in How effective are the first two chapters of Great expectations as the opening of a novel?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your How effective are the first two chapters of Great expectations as the opening of a novel? paper at affordable prices!

How effective are the first two chapters of Great expectations as the opening of a novel?

At the beginning of a novel a reader needs to find out where and who the main character is and what they are doing there.

You would expect to find description of their surroundings and then what is going to happen in the story.

Great expectations does all of these in the first two chapters it firstly tells you Who the main character is and then it goes on to explain were pip is by describing his father's tombstone,

I gave Pirrip as my fathers name on authority of his tombstone.

Next it goes on to say how he lives with his sister who has married a blacksmith Mrs Joe Gargery, who married the blacksmith, his sister is not known as her name but by her husbands.

He next describes what he thinks his farther looked like by his tombstone, The shape of the letters on my fathers tombstone, gave me an odd idea that he was a square, stout, dark man, with curly black hair.

He also describes his mother, Also Georgia wife of the above, I drew a childish conclusion that my mother was freckled and sickly.

He also mentions his five brothers who had died early in their lives.

Then it describes where the graveyard is and where pips house is Ours is the marsh country, down by the river.

He starts the story with a convict threatening him, instantly grabbing the attention of the reader. Hold your noise, cried a terrible voice.

He goes on from this to describe what the convict looks like, a fearful man, all in coarse grey, with a great iron on his leg. He says how he looks very worn and tattered, smothered in mud, and lamed by stones, and cut by flints, and stung by nettles, and torn by briars, who limped, and shivered.

He sees the convict is hungry, the convict turns Pip upside-down to empty his pockets, he finds some bread and eats it but he is still hungry and he still has a chain on his leg after escaping the hulks.

So he tells pip to go home and to find him some more food and a file. You get me a file, and you get me wittles, you bring em both to me, or ill have your heart and liver out.

The convict also mentions another more violent convict that has escaped with him. There is a young man hid with me, in comparison with which I am an angel.

In chapter two we see that Pip was brought up by his sister with violence. She established a reputation with herself and the neighbours, because she had brought me up 'by hand'.

He goes on to describe Joe Gargary, Joe was a fair man, with curls of flaxen hair on each side of his smooth face, and with eyes of such a very undecided blue that they seemed to have some how got mixed with their own whites.

He describes Joe as a sort of Hercules in strength, and also in weakness. Meaning he was strong but good natured.

Joe warns Pip that Mrs Joe has went looking for him with tickler (a cane), Mrs Joe has been out a dozen times, looking for you Pip, and she's out now making it a bakers dozen, and what is worse, she's got tickler with her.

Pip hid behind the door hoping not to be found but Mrs Joe found him and 'tickled' him.

At tea Pip tries to sneak some bread and butter out down his trouser leg for the convict. I knew Mrs Joe's housekeeping to be of the strictest kind, and that my larcenous researches might find nothing available in the safe.

But Joe thinks Pip has eaten his bread very fast, I say you know! Muttered Joe, shaking his head at me in very serious remonstrance. Pip old chap you'll do yourself a mischief , it'll stick somewhere, you cant have chewed it pip.

For eating the bread fast Mrs Joe gave Pip tar water. Soon a gun was fired Ah' said Joe 'there's another convict off.

When Pip goes up to bed he thinks about the convict and his friend out in the cold. He also thinks he will end up in the hulks for stealing the file and the food. if I slept at all that night, it was only to imagine myself drifting down the river on a strong spring tide, to the hulks.

When Pip went down the stairs he imagined the floor boards calling after him and trying to wake up Mrs Joe. Every crack in every board, calling after me, 'stop thief!' and 'get up Mrs Joe'.

Pip finds a large savoury pork pie, some bread, rind of cheese, half a jar of mincemeat, a meat bone and a bottle of brandy, and finally gets a file and leaves the house.

Much later in the story the convict returns and pays to make Pip a gentleman, but he does not tell Pip it was him until later, and so Pip thinks Miss Havisham has paid for him to become a gentleman to go to London and marry her daughter Estella because they played as children.

I think this is a good start to a novel because it grabs the readers attention by putting it in the first person so it seems like the story has happened and makes the reader feel sorry for Pip.

It also uses action to get the readers attention with the convict threatening pip and then turning him upside-down to empty his pockets .

He uses comical language but he is also being serious an example of this is She almost always wore a coarse apron, why is she did it at all she should not have taken it off, everyday of her life.

Please note that this sample paper on How effective are the first two chapters of Great expectations as the opening of a novel? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on How effective are the first two chapters of Great expectations as the opening of a novel?, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on How effective are the first two chapters of Great expectations as the opening of a novel? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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