Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Philosophy on Classroom Discipline

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Philosophy on Classroom Discipline. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Philosophy on Classroom Discipline paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Philosophy on Classroom Discipline, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Philosophy on Classroom Discipline paper at affordable prices!

My Philosophy on Classroom Discipline

My philosophy regarding the best way to manage a classroom is through a model of ownership and preventative discipline. In order to accomplish this, the teacher needs to set the tone for the class during the first two weeks of school and never veer from it. During this time, the students will be made aware of my classroom rules as well as what I expect out of each of them on a daily basis. This will create an open atmosphere in which all members of the classroom are aware of their rights and responsibilities.

When a child is given the responsibility to make his own decisions, he may not be ready to do it in an appropriate manner. A young adult (age 15-18), on the other hand, is much more willing and able to accept responsibility for himself. In other words, a young child generally needs more structure and guidance whereas a young adult yearns for the opportunity to be treated as an adult.

It is very important for my classroom to be a place where individuals are comfortable expressing themselves verbally. I will make it clear to my students that the quality of their learning experience rests primarily on their shoulders. They will be responsible for reading the material, studying it, and synthesizing it regularly.

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My goal is to make my students want to do the work so that they can be involved in class discussions. I have no problem with trying to actively involve a student who is not participating. If he is not prepared, I will not make a big deal about it. That only serves to embarrass him. If this happens regularly, I will speak with the individual alone after class.

The ideal classroom would involve a teacher who sits back and allows the class to teach and discipline it. This is not really the case. I, as the teacher, will try to manipulate class discussion in the same way that I persuade them to insist upon a mutual respect rule. Discipline will come in a similarly understated way. I believe wholeheartedly in the simple stare or proximity approaches. These do not interrupt the momentum of discussion. As far as ownership is concerned, discipline comes in the form of its removal. As I give the class responsibility, I am similarly able to take it away.. My students should consider it a privilege as well as a responsibility to be treated as adults. As such, it is something that can be taken away if it is abused.

I feel that the classroom rules need to be fair and enforced uniformly. In my class there will only be a few simple rules, including being respectful to me and all others in the class, being prepared and on time to class every day, and not cheating. There will be no favorites in my class in terms of obeying the rules. The rules will be enforced promptly, consistently, and equitably from day one. Students will be made aware of the consequences of misbehavior.

My goal in doing this is to earn the respect of my students and let them know that I am teaching because of my love of learning and not in order to hold grudges against particular students. In addition, during these first two weeks I will also explain and demonstrate common classroom procedures such as turning in homework and passing out papers. This will alleviate much wasted time in the classroom and will again reinforce to the students what I expect of them in the classroom.

In addition to laying out the groundwork for classroom expectations during the first part of the school year, as a teacher I must follow up by practicing what I preach on a daily basis. While there are many ways to do this I plan to begin by basing my management philosophy around five core goals.

1. I will come to school everyday prepared to teach every student in all of my classes.

. I will start class on time everyday and show a genuine enthusiasm for teaching.

. In my classroom, I will not tolerate any students picking on or belittling any other students.

4. I will not argue with students in front of the class.

5. I will discipline all students fairly with an emphasis on identifying and solving the problem.

These statements will shape my behavior as well as provide a positive frame of mind to begin each day with.

When discipline problems arise, and they inevitably will, it's important to intervene quickly so as not to allow behavior and classroom rules to go unchecked. Students need to be reminded that behavior problems are a self-control skill. With that, they need to be taught to observe their own behavior and choose appropriate behavior patterns to put them back on the path to success.

If punishments are to be levied, they must be reasonable. The infraction committed should be taken into account and an appropriate corrective measure implemented. Student's should be guided and supported as they attempt to improve their behavior. I would follow through with the misbehaving students to develop a behavioral modification contract. Follow through with the parents will also increase the effectiveness of the directives and agreements made between the student and school officials.

In closing, I understand that in order to have a positive learning environment you first need to have a well run classroom. This type of classroom provides an atmosphere, which is safe for self-expression and the unencumbered sharing of ideas. It also provides a structure in which everyone understands both his or her rights and responsibilities. By implementing the above philosophy it is my sincere intent to have a smooth entry into the world of classroom teaching.

Please note that this sample paper on Philosophy on Classroom Discipline is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Philosophy on Classroom Discipline, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on Philosophy on Classroom Discipline will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, November 16, 2020

How is the women right achieved in Australia.

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on How is the women right achieved in Australia.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality How is the women right achieved in Australia. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in How is the women right achieved in Australia., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your How is the women right achieved in Australia. paper at affordable prices!


There is a long history associated with discrimination between the two sexes. And the thought of women are weaker than men has grown deeply in mind that can be hardly removed. However, as the society grow up, and being amid of modernism, women started to stand out and claimed for the equal rights as men. In Australian history, women successfully achieve equality in work places and political positions. However, that was a tough expedition rather a smooth way to go. Australian women, as the women in others countries, were suffering sexual discrimination from men. They were treated unfairly in family as well as in the society. They had less opportunity in working and were paid less having the same amount of work done. They did not have the right to vote and made political decisions. In this essay, the ways of Australian women achieving the equality are going to be analyzed in the areas of work places, gender discrimination and right of vote. In other words, this is a summary of how Australian women struggling for the right to be treated equally.

In the past, many societies as well as Australia, were dominant by men who were thought to be more commanding and prominent, and women who were believed to be weaker and incapable, were mostly seen as the second one following the men. Moreover, women were not usually the one have the right to speak wherever at home or in the publics. In whole, women were said to be discriminated based on sexually difference. This is so-called gender discrimination that when a particular person or group are treated unfairly by another one. In Australia, equal right for women has been being fought for a few decades and in the period during the campaign, the Australian society was reformed and several legislation were passed in order to protect the women right.

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Women in work places

Ever since the white settlement in Australia, women were sent to fulfill the needs of men. Women were exploited for their sex and cheap labour. Governor Macquarie was under orders of British Government to keep the female convicts separated. However, a report of the Select Committee on Transportation written in 1800 had indicated that women were received rather as prostitutes than as servants. The women fulfilled the male¡¦s needs, but women were still not considered as wives or servants for the free settlers and administrators (Jan, 175, P.4).

In 181, the British Government began offer the females assisted route to Australia. These young women of good health and character, were sent aiming to keep house, to bear and to raise children. In spite of this, in migrating to Australia, these women saw higher possibility of employment prospects as a result of disproportionate ratio of men and women in England that many women had left single and unemployed. However, not all of the women were married. Those who were not married, were expected to enter domestic service. However, a large portion of those women chose instead to work in factories in which, salaries were cut down but less restricting. Since, women were regarded having innate responsibilities to be either a mother and wife, or domestic servant, women had less chance to be employed when seeking jobs. Women were said to be ¡¥protected, in addition, women were banned from working long hours by so-called ¡¥protective¡¦ legislation. At that time, women received no security of employment and no minimum wages. In other words, home and family were defined as the prime responsibility of women. ¡¥She must not compete with men but should rather subjugate herself to them¡¦ written by Jan (175, P.7) can clearly show how women were discriminated in the late nineteenth century. Thus, shifting to equal pay and minimum wages for women was regarded by the male society as a threat to family life (Jan, 175).

However, changes have been undergoing during the period from 175. According to the research of the Department of the Parliamentary Library (000), women have possessed higher proportion in the labour market then since 175. Proportion of women labours has increased from 41.1 per cent to 56.1 per cent for married women and from 4.0 per cent to 54.8 per cent for women generally. In addition, nearly twice the women were employed than in 175. Why was the situation changed, was because of serious of social movements which were the results of the furious fight of women.

Gender discrimination

Gender or sexual discrimination occurs when a person is treated unequally by another person because of their sex or gender. Although gender discrimination could occur in both sexes, women are usually the victims of gender discrimination. Sexual discrimination often occurs in various areas like sports, work places or policies. In the 180s, gender discrimination was a serious problem in the Australian society. Within that time, women only possessed a small portion in the labour market and women were treated unfairly that receiving less than men for the same amount of work done. Moreover, women were stereotyped in the workforce as weaker and incapable of performing ¡¥high-ranking¡¦ jobs. However, during the period of the last few decades, women have been fighting for equal rights both in the workforce and society.

In 150, the Union of Australian Women was set up, which was the first organization representing women in Australia. The institution of the union was to mainly fight for the right for women to work, equal pay, sexual equality (Union of Australian Women, 001, internet).

According to the history of International Women¡¦s Day, as experiencing the women¡¦s liberation group in United States and Britain, some Australian women went together and the first women liberation group was formed in Sydney at the end of 16. The first public meeting of women was then held in early 170 which set the movement off. Since then, similar events were taking place in Adelaide and Melbourne. In 17, the first marches for the International Women Day was taken place in Sydney. The march was carried out for the demand of several rights for women including equal pay, right to work, equal opportunity to work and education. This resulted some 0 percent of women workers, such as the teachers in NSW in 15 and the meat workers in 16, had won equal pay for equal work, though, not all the women were paid equally with their work. In December of 17, the ¡§equal pay system¡¨ was phased in by the Whitlam government for all women workers, however, the long-term effects still left a gap between male and female rates and a new equal pay demand still needs to be made (International Women¡¦s Day, internet).

Later in 184, the Government legislated the Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act which has made sex discrimination unlawful. The legislation has defined what behaviours constituted sex discrimination and sexual harassment and placed an obligation upon organizations to prohibit behaviours of discrimination. In 186, there was another event again fought for the women right, the Affirmative Action. Although the Affirmative Action was not started by Australian, the action had significant influences to the history of Australian women in fighting for their right. In which, women right for equal opportunity for work and education were reformed.

However, the campaign for equality is still undergoing. In the year of 18, the Commonwealth Government committed to ensuring that men and women receive equal remuneration for work of equal value without discrimination based on sex. On the 16th of February in the same year, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission¡¦s Equal Pay Handbook was launched aiming to assist employers in understanding to pay equally between men and women and to meet obligations under anti-discrimination legislation.

Right to Vote

On the other hand, women have been achieving equality as well as in the area of suffrage. In 180s, there was no women were members of parliament and had no vote in the majority of colonies. Along the way before women gained the right to vote, Australia¡¦s Federation movement progressed through at least three clear stages and Australian women entered the movement in the third stage when the Woman¡¦s Christian Temperance Union has branches in all colonies and had separate suffrage Leagues excepting Tasmania. At that time, women¡¦s literary and political discussion groups could be found in Tasmania, New South Wales, and Western Australia (Helen, 16).

However, the idea of ¡§vote for women¡¨ had been discussed since 1860s in South Australia. In 1861, women owning properties and paid council rates had had right to vote in Municipal Council election, but were not permitted to stand as candidates. In 1876, the University of Adelaide was founded and gave access to women of studies and the educated women became a supportive argument of the campaign later in the Suffrage League. Few years after, Sir Edward Stirling who is a doctor and parliamentarian introduced the first parliamentary measure supporting womens suffrage in 1885. Although the resolution was adopted, there were no further actions took place. In 1888, the Women¡¦s Suffrage League was formed in which social and economical difficulties many women faced were concerned and the campaign was set off earnestly. It campaigned for equal treatment to women by law and greater legal protection for young women. In 1885, the society achieved legal reforms raising the age of consent girls to 16. In the time between 1886 to 18, there were six Women¡¦s Suffrage Bill introduced, however, none of the Bills were succeeded. Until 184, the Constitution Amendment Bill (to change the Constitution to allow women to vote) is introduced and passed by Parliament. Since then, women have gained the vote and had the first vote in the legislative Council election in 186. However, the women¡¦s suffrage was lost again after the Federation in 101 until after the Australian citizenship referendum in 167 (Parliament of South Australia, 001, internet).


The success of the women¡¦s suffrage not merely gave the women rights to vote, but also representing a great leap forward the equality of two sexes. In conclusion, Australian women have been fighting for equality, equity and fairness along the history ever since the institution of the Parliament. As the role of women has been undergoing changes from domestic places shifting to the communities, nowadays, there are women participating ¡§high-ranking¡¨ jobs and having the same power as men do which is something unachievable in the past.



Helen, I. 16, A Women Constitution?, Hale & Iremonger Pty Limited, Sydney NSW

Judi Moylan, MP. 18, Maintaining Our Commitment to Women, Commonwealth of Australia, Australia

Jan, M. 175, The Other Half Women in Australian Society, Penguin Books Ltd, Australia

Micheal, P. and Xin, M. 15, Trends In The Australian Gender Wage Differential Over The 180s, Catherine Baird, Australia


Affirmative Action Review,

http//womenshistory.about.com/library/etext/gov/bl_gov_aa_0.htm, 0//0, What you need to know about

International Women¡¦s Day,

http//www.isis.aust.com/iwd/stevens/70s80s_.htm, //0

Challenging Sexism,

http//www.education.tas.gov.au/equitystandards/discrimination/support/sexism.htm, /8/0, Department of Education Tasmania

Women and Politics in South Australia,

http//www.parliament.sa.gov.au/history/html/women.shtm, 001, Parliament of South Australia

Please note that this sample paper on How is the women right achieved in Australia. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on How is the women right achieved in Australia., we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on How is the women right achieved in Australia. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, November 13, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Diana. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Diana paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Diana, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Diana paper at affordable prices!

After Princess Diana's death in 17, many people around the world are missing her. The ways that can be seen Diana is only on the Photographs or media things like video or books. As seeing though her photographs, people can see her life and feeling. Many pictures of Diana show quite many different emotions about her like powerful, healthy woman or a delight person. In this photograph, it shows what she really is. It emphasis Diana's smiling and focus on the happiness they have together.

This photograph which taken after her separation with Prince Charles, it represents with purpose that she can stand up and enjoy her time. She lives a humdrum life. She is happier after her separation as shown an expression on her face. She loves to have some time with her kids. She wants to be a nice mother to her kids although she already divorces with her husband.

There are no flowers around her and she doesn't have a beautiful hat, clothes or a crown, which indicates she is in the royal family and she is a princess. She is wearing normal clothes like the other people, which give her more freedom. As she riding a waterslide, she crouches down and put her right hand on the wood and the other hand put on her leg. She doesn't have a graceful appearance or figure and also it's not the majestic posture of princess. It makes her very comfortable and natural like an ordinary woman.

She is in relaxing pose. The pose that she posed is very natural, exciting and happy. She looks very comfortable with her kids. There is lots of laughing on her face. Her arm gesture is relaxing as putting on her leg and wood. They are holding on the waterslide like they are depending on something in the life. On the other side, it looks like a great adventure. It looks like they are going to a new life with an excitement.

Write your Diana research paper

They are in the one of the amusement park and having fun as they riding a waterslide. There is no one except her two sons. It means she doesn't want to be someone else's own master or meddle in her family time. She wants a place which is unrestrained by people.

This photograph is going forward. She is a little bit toward to the left but her kids are on the opposite side so that make balance of the photo. Even though their movements are stopped in the photograph, this photo that riding a dugout with her sons looks so lifelike. It is hard to see the tone or light on this photo because it is a black and white photograph. But it must be very bright by using the natural sunlight.

Eye contact is really important in any photograph because it can give an atmosphere of each photograph. However, she didn't make an eye contact with photographer. Actually, in most of her pictures, she doesn't look at camera at all. It means she was indifferent to other people's saying and she was free from intervention. Also in most of her photographs, she is always smiling but it doesn't mean she is always happy. She tries to be happy and she didn't show people her worries, fears, uneasiness or cares. She veiled these things on her mind.

In this photograph, she also didn't focus on camera again. They're looking away. They might look at other photographer or other people. It didn't taken whole body, but taken a picture of Diana and her sons from the waist up. It's side on and mid-shot. It also can be represented that there are something to hide or something not showing to people about them.

Finally, this photograph shows how Diana happy as being with her kids. Her laughing in this photograph is an expression of her happiness.

Please note that this sample paper on Diana is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Diana, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on Diana will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Which character in A Raisin in the Sun do you most/least admire? Why?

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Which character in A Raisin in the Sun do you most/least admire? Why?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Which character in A Raisin in the Sun do you most/least admire? Why? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Which character in A Raisin in the Sun do you most/least admire? Why?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Which character in A Raisin in the Sun do you most/least admire? Why? paper at affordable prices!

Mrs. Younger "Mama" hands down is the character I most admire for three reasons.

First, at a time were African-Americans were look upon as lower class citizens, Mrs. Younger a strong black mother in a house hold consisting of three other adults always stayed level headed, had a wonderful way of finding good in bad situations, and helping everyone else understand that there is always two sides to every story.

Second, with little to no education and limited resources as a widowed mother, Mrs. Younger always carried herself with the highest level of respect and class. She showed a lot of pride and was a grandmother who wanted to make sure that her grandson had the best and what every it took for that to happen, mama was willing to do that for her family. Mrs. Younger was not a selfish person but want everyone to kno that it does not matter what peole think about you as long as you know you are trying really hard.

Last, at a time when it would have been easier to be upset with "Walter Lee" because of the insurance check, she turned that into the perfect opportunity to let him become the man of the house, as his father once was, which holds more value than any level of education one could receive in high school or college.

Cheap Custom Essays on Which character in A Raisin in the Sun do you most/least admire? Why?

In closing, the reason for African-American families and society of larger being so much closer during the time of this movie, was a direct reflections of strong women such as Mrs. Younger that had the foresight to understand their role in the family. That place usually was in the home with the children, but when her wisdom was needed, African-American females of that time period understood what the word homemaker really meant. Understanding, myself is the first step, I must take before I can walk with my family in unity.

Please note that this sample paper on Which character in A Raisin in the Sun do you most/least admire? Why? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Which character in A Raisin in the Sun do you most/least admire? Why?, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Which character in A Raisin in the Sun do you most/least admire? Why? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde paper at affordable prices!

While reading the book Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde I noticed that there are quite some

controversial issues in this novel. Here you have a man who has a problem that only he

and two of his friends knows about. However, his friends did not find out for sure about

the speculations they were having until it was too late. Once Utterson and Lanyon found

Buy Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde term paper

out about Jekyll it was too late because Jekyll was already addicted to his experiment.

As if it was a drug, Dr. Jekyll would continuously drink a potion that turned him

into the evil Mr. Hyde. The experiment started out as a hopeful experiment that maybe if

he found a way to alter a good ego to a bad one, he could do it in reverse. It seems as if

Jekyll had the right intentions, but his experiment got out of control. At one point in the

book when the altered ego was brought up to the doctor he turned pale in color. " I have

been learning something of young Hyde." " The large handsome face of Dr. Jekyll became

pale to the very lips, and a blackness came about his eyes." ( pg.1) Here I can see that

this was the first time Jekyll had been confronted about his private friend. By his reaction I

could tell that he was frightened that someone knew about the infamous Hyde.

When Hyde was confronted by the lawyer on his way into the little house his first

question was " how did you know me?" Mr. Utterson replied " we have common friends."

"Common friends!"…" Who are they?" Mr. Hyde was flushed with anger and surprised

when Utterson replied- Jekyll. Therefore when Utterson brought up the issue of Hyde at

the dinner party, the doctor must have been questioning whether or not there was any

suspicion going on about what he was doing.

There was a point in a conversation about Hyde when Jekyll tried to assure

Utterson that he was okay and Hyde was truly just an associate whom he knew very well.

"…I tell you one thing the moment I choose, I can be rid of Mr. Hyde." (pg1) Here

Jekyll does the same thing that a drug addict would do if confronted about his addiction-

assure that he could stop at any time. However, just like most addicts he had no idea how

far he had gone with his experiment and still believed that he was still in control.

As the story progressed and more information was revealed about Mr. Hyde,

Jekyll's addiction grew stronger and his friend's concerns could not stop him. There was a

point in the story when Hyde had committed a murder and Jekyll got really concerned

about what was happening to him. The police was looking for Hyde and the entire town

knew about this gruesome character. Jekyll felt that it was probably at his best interest if

he discontinued his experiment for a while. "…but Mr. Hyde had disappeared out of the

ken of the police as though he never existed." At this point Jekyll decided to try to go

back to living a normal life "…a new life began for Dr. Jekyll. He came out of his

seclusion, renewed relations with his friends, became once more their familiar guest and

entertainer;". (pg)

Just as an addict would go through a period of enlightenment, where they would

really try to get rid of their addiction and do good, is what Jekyll did. He resumed life as

though nothing happened and did extra as if to make up for time loss. However, this

would not last long because with every addiction there is a period of withdrawal and there

will come a time when the addict comes face to face with his addiction once more.

Jekyll came face to face with his problem once again and could not overcome it.

He has an argument with Lanyon and requested that he left him alone and never return to his house. Lanyon in total disarray rushes home and writes the doctor immediately, asking

what was the reason for his request. This was Jekyll's reply ; " I mean from henceforth to

lead a life of extreme seclusion; you must not be surprised, nor must you doubt my

friendship, if my door is often shut to even you. You must suffer me to go my own dark

way. I have brought on myself a punishment and a danger that I cannot name." Jekyll had

accepted that he had a problem and knew that even his friend could not help him. Thus he

returned to taking the potion.

As is the end of all drug addictions if they are not stopped, death is what finally

ended Jekyll's addiction and no matter how much his friend's wanted to help him, they

could not. When you have a loved one who has an addiction it is painful for you to see

them go through the addiction, but for some it is more painful to see them without the

drug. Jekyll requested of his friends numerous times, not to say or do anything. Being true

and loyal friends Lanyon and Utterson did as he requested. I don't believe that they would

have been strong enough to try to stop him, and when they did it was already too late.

" It is useless, and the time awfully fails me, to prolong this description; no one has

ever suffered such torments, let that suffice; and yet even to these, habit brought- no

alleviation- but a certain callousness of soul…my punishment might have gone on for

years, but for the last calamity which has now befallen, and which has finally severed me

from my own face and nature." Here Jekyll sees that he is at the end and there is no

turning back from his addiction. He knows that his experiment has gone too far and has

accepted that it may be the death of him, or it is better if he dies now. " Here, then, as I lay

down the pen, and proceed to seal up my confession I bring the life of that unhappy Henry

Jekyll to an end." (pg 54) His friends had no chance of trying to save him at this point and hopelessly he dies.

Please note that this sample paper on Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde, we are here to assist you. Your research paper on Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Pathological Gambling

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Pathological Gambling. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Pathological Gambling paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Pathological Gambling, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Pathological Gambling paper at affordable prices!

Pathological Gambling is a slow progressive disease that destroys the gambler's life, and everyone who he/she has a serious relationship with. Pathological Gambling is a serious problem in today's world of gambling. It is an easy disorder to diagnose due to the associated features of the disorder. Even though it is easy to diagnose, a Pathological Gambler is very hard to cure. Pathological Gambling is a very unhealthy mental disorder, which affects millions of people each year.

Are you preoccupied with the thought of gambling? Are you always trying to chase your losses? Have you ever lied to your family/friends about how much time you spend gambling or how much money you gamble? Do you only feel satisfied gambling with large amounts of money (http//www.addictionrecov.org/aboutgam.htm)? To most people, answering no to the previous questions is the norm, but individuals with a pathological gambling disorder would answer yes to many or all of the questions.

There are multiple ways to diagnose Pathological Gambling. Individuals with Pathological Gambling often continue to gamble even while making strong attempts to control, and or cut back, their gambling. When persons with the disorder attempt to cut back from gambling they often become irritable, and restless (http//allpsych.com/disorders/impulse_control/gambling.html). The same reasons alcoholics drink are sometimes the same reasons why Pathological Gamblers gamble; because they think it's a way of escaping from problems or it relieve feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, and depression (http//allpsych.com/disorders/impulse_control/gambling.html). When an individual has urgent needs to gamble to "chase" losses is another sign of Pathological Gambling. These are all signs of someone who desperately needs help. There are no winners in gambling, and a pathological gambler doesn't want to acknowledge that simple fact.

Custom Essays on Pathological Gambling

Curing the disorder is said to be impossible. Like alcoholism, the only answer is to practice abstinence from gambling (www.bjc.org). Pathological Gambling is helped by individual therapy, or group therapy. This is very similar to how Alcoholism is treated when an alcoholic goes to an AA meeting, a person with Pathological Gambling disorder would go to a GA meeting, Gamblers' Anonymous. GA groups are sprouting up in more places across the country due to gambling being allowed in many different areas and places then before, making it more accessible and more tempting then in the past when gambling was only allowed in places like Las Vegas and Atlantic City (http//www.update-software.com/abstracts/ab00151.htm). Now not only is there is OTB betting, but many casinos have been built on Indian reservations like Mohegan Sun in Connecticut. Neither is Pathological Gambling limited to adults anymore; many teens are gambling these days, partly from the ease of access with the Internet.

The signs of Pathological Gambling are very easily spotted and should be taken seriously, like alcoholism, it is a disease that can be treated. Counseling is very important to people with the disorder. Without help, Pathological Gambling can destroy an individual's life, family, friends, job, and in some cases has lead to suicide. By taking therapy seriously and working at it, individuals with Pathological Gambling can remove gambling from their life. Play your cards right, don't let the cards play you.

Please note that this sample paper on Pathological Gambling is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Pathological Gambling, we are here to assist you. Your essay on Pathological Gambling will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, November 9, 2020

Life is fashion

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on life is fashion. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality life is fashion paper right on time.

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Life is fashionLife is like the fashion¡±, which could associated with the six big ideas of biology that use to describe all living things. All living things are composed by cells as their base units, like the cloth is the base units of fashion. This base unit of fashion could be flax, silk, cotton or other materials those are similar to the nutrient transporting cells, immune cells, organ constructing cells those build up all living things. Also, a dress can be made up by one type of material like single cell organisms, or can be made up by several types of clothes like multiple cell organisms.

When we think about fashion, the first thing rise from our mind could be the diversity of it. There are many species. Conventionally, western people wear dress and three-piece suit with tie; Chinese like cheong-sam for extruding the slender shape of ladies; Japanese wears kimono with wooden shoes which cater for their quick and short steps; overcoat, boots, scarf, earmuff, mitten could be adaptive for Russia because the chill weather. This diversity comes from the different requirements of the people live in different locations, the different styles set up for the different cultures, and the adaptation to the weather or environment. It is similar to the cause of birds with different shape of beak because they have to adapted to different kinds of food.

Change with time is a very complicated topic that studies how did life changed from prokaryotic cells to eukaryotic cells, from fish to mammal, from ape to human. Fashion also carries out this concept change with time. The primitive people use bark or lager leaves as clothes to cover the significant parts of their bodies. Later they realized it is not enough to resist to the cold weather and discovered the material flax to make warmer clothes. But the coarse character of flax made the consumer uncomfortable with it, so Chinese noticed silk might be much pleasant than flax for wearing. Heretofore, we have hundreds of materials which all are comfortable we can choose from for sewing. Even the new styles or cuttings of clothes have been developed yearly from the excellent designers or companies are the evolution of fashion. Same as lives, the organisms with better adaptive genetic material could survive from the competition and produce lots of offspring; therefore, the favored traits of lives could be continued and kept adapted to the environment which caused evolution.

All living thing affect or are affected by its surroundings or environment. For example, human always think they eat more foods during winter than summer. That's because they get more heat energy from the sun in summer that supply enough energy for them to carry out chemical reactions in the body. Fashion also interact with its surrounding. People choose gloomy color thick overcoat for a snowy day; a colorful vest with skirt for a sunny day. Fashion also affects each other among themselves the western suits were brought to china that affected the old-fashioned Chinese long gown during the beginning of 0th century. Time by time, Chinese men like wear western suits or improvers instead of long gown.

Every year there are thousands and thousands new designs of fashion created by the designers. The unfavorable designs might be thrown into the garbage. Only the popular and favorable one could widely sale over the world and past from a series to the next series. Anyways, most concepts of fashion have been maintained; the clothing I wear today may be similar to the styles the youth like 0 years ago We are both wears Liev's, Converse shoes and Likie cap. The same thing happens to life in biology and is reflected by the idea of continuity. My life was given by my parents and I was inherited the similar traits from them. For example, I inherited the characteristic short and strong muscular legs from my mother those made me unpleasant but I still have to accept. One day I will also pass these traits to my next generation even thought they must not satisfied of them.

Structure and function are always link together because the different structures of living things caused by the adaptation to the different functions. For example, parasite forms organisms always lack of appendages for locomotion and digestive system because they are unusable for them while they are suck on the body of host and absorb the digested food from victims. On the other hand, the arthropods have joined appendages which fit for their animated locomotion. Different structures of clothing also provide different functions for consumers. The knee socks suited for short skirt; socks best assorted with shorts. Another example would be a tightly fit noblest dress contrast to a flabby long pajamas.

Homeostasis is the ability or tendency of a living thing or a cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes. As its importance, If a plant doesn't have this ability, it may die when you fail to water it on occasion. When I associated this with fashion, I would think about the market of products. If the market requirement, which is the environment, has been changed, the style of the clothing has to be changed to maintain the sale of products.

Every living thing undergoes these six big ideas of life, but only the high level organisms like human can develop the high technology to study and try to control these ideas. Fashion is like life, it contains many different levels, and only the rich people can afford the exorbitant and costly clothing. Anyways, life is still a more complicated subject than fashion. It's unlike life which require creation. Life is already there yet and needs remorseless observation and investigation.

Please note that this sample paper on life is fashion is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on life is fashion, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on life is fashion will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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